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Releases: mabseher/htd

htd 1.2.0

03 Jul 13:09
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Second official update of htd.

Changes since v1.1.0:

  • htd_io library for convenient parsing of graphs and printing decompositions
  • Performance improvements and code cleanup
  • htd is now compatible with OSX

htd 1.1.0

24 May 15:16
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First official update of htd.

Changes since v1.0.1:

  • Additional algorithm for vertex elimination orderings
    • htd::EnhancedMaximumCardinalitySearchOrderingAlgorithm (MCS-M)
  • Various classes for computing decompositions based on graph separators
  • Width-sensitive preprocessing of graphs and hypergraphs
  • Performance improvements

htd 1.1 (rc1-bugfix)

31 Mar 10:20
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htd 1.1 (rc1-bugfix) Pre-release

This is a bugfix release of htd 1.1-rc1.

Changes since v1.1-rc1:

  • Bugfixes

htd 1.1 (rc1)

06 Mar 14:00
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htd 1.1 (rc1) Pre-release

This is the first release candidate of htd 1.1.

Changes since v1.0.1:

  • Added possibility for the preprocessing of input graphs.

htd 1.0.1

17 Dec 09:51
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Official release of htd fixing some documentation and version issues.

Changes since v1.0.0:

  • Fixed version numbers
  • Documentation updates

htd 1.0.0

15 Dec 14:37
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This is the first official release version of htd 1.0.0.

Changes since v1.0.0 (beta1):

  • Performance improvements
  • Extended documentation
  • Code cleanup

htd 1.0.0 (beta1)

08 Nov 12:22
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This is the first beta version of htd 1.0.0.

Changes since v0.9.9:

  • Easy and more minimization of decomposition width
    • New class htd::WidthMinimizingTreeDecompositionAlgorithm for optimization using a single base algorithm
    • New class htd::CombinedWidthMinimizingTreeDecompositionAlgorithm for optimization using multiple base algorithms
  • Performance improvements

htd 0.9.9

21 Jul 11:45
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This version of htd is the first release officially supporting optimization of tree decompositions.

Changes since v0.9.5:

  • Optimization of tree decomposition
    • New class htd::TreeDecompositionOptimizationOperation for selection optimal root node
    • New class htd::IterativeImprovementTreeDecompositionAlgorithm for iterative optimization
  • Performance improvements
  • Reduced memory usage

First beta of htd

06 Jun 12:14
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First beta of htd Pre-release

This is the first beta version of htd.

This version of htd contains bugfixes, performance improvements as well as new and extended functionality. This beta release also contains the command-line frontend htd_main. Please note that htd_main is still far from being complete and that it currently only covers a small subset of the functionality of htd like computing tree and hypertree decompositions of input graphs.

Alpha version of htd

14 Apr 12:16
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Alpha version of htd Pre-release

This is the alpha version of htd.

Basic interfaces should be stable now, but minor changes might still be necessary.

A remark for those using the possibility to compute path decompositions and hypertree decompositions via htd: Both functionalities are already implemented but they are currently not fully optimized, so further improvements can be expected for the final release.