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This realignment pipeline is a reimplantation of the pipeline found at The original pipeline is tailored to run on the grid infrastructure.

To increase reproducibility, portability and maintainability the code is reimplemented in Snakemake with identical use of commands and versions of programs (BWA,GATK,samtools). To check for discrepancies between the grid version and this version, a line-for-line comparison is made.

for the header:

diff <(samtools view -H <(samtools view -H )

for the reads:

comm -23 <(samtools view -x RG <(samtools view -x RG )

This is done with an Hiseq 2500 sample and a Hiseq X sample. There were no changes found, except for some paths in the header of the file. This doesn't have any consequences for further analysis.


To use the current software version of tools and best practices, an updated workflow is also made. The pipeline is tailored to a system with 8GB of memory per core and has a fast "scratch" space mounted at /tmp.

  • Replaced bwa with bwa-mem2
  • Updated samtools to 1.13 (from 1.9)
  • Using bam format between realignment and BQSR recalibration (saves converting from bam to cram to bam again)
  • Creating an index is done when creating the cram/bam file with samtools --write-index option
  • Schedule 1 core for deduplication instead of 8 (about 700% more efficient)
  • Print reads uses one core instead of 8 cores (7 times more efficient in core hours) (see Recommendations for performance optimizations when using GATK3.8 and GATK4 fig 1 a)
  • Removed sorting a bam file
  • HaplotypeCaller runs now in parallel instead of serial per chromosome (reduces wall time)
  • Bcftools is used for merging the GVCF files

To ensure the same results, the final cram produced uses an old version of samtools which has a minor bug when creating MD tags.

computational costs

To give a ballpark figure, timings for 1 sample is shown in this table.

New pipeline original pipeline
Wall clock hours Core hours Wall clock hours Core hours
Realign 8.5 68.2 21.9 174.9
Recalibrate 14.0 14.0 23.5 187.8
Convert2cram with old samtools 1.1 1.1 NA NA
HaplotypeWGS 4.5 53.0 22.4 44.8
Merge GVCF 0.3 0.3 NA NA
Total 28.4 136.6 67.8 407.5

How to run


  • This pipeline needs access to CVMFS repository called "softdrive" to have access to the reference files.
  • Conda and mamba with Bioconda repository configured.

Step by Step

sampleid1	/here/is/my/sample1.cram
sampleid4	/another/is/here/sample4.cram

The input files should be cram files.

  • Edit config/config.yaml and correct the "list_of_files" line to the created tab separate list with samples and paths. Here is also the option to use the original optimised pipeline: to use the optimised pipeline set the "original" option to False.

  • Run the pipeline with:

snakemake --use-conda --profile slurm -j 1000  --shadow-prefix /tmp