M²aia: a mass spectrometry imaging applications for interactive analysis in MITK
M²aia is open source software, based on the well-known Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK). The software enables interactive visualization, signal-processing, 3D reconstruction and multi-modal image registration of mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) datasets.
Build instructions (windows/Linux)
Cordes J; Enzlein T; Marsching C; Hinze M; Engelhardt S; Hopf C; Wolf I (July, 2021): M²aia - Interactive, fast and memory efficient analysis of 2D and 3D multi-modal mass spectrometry imaging data https://doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/giab049
To use M²aia in a browser run:
docker pull ghcr.io/m2aia/m2aia:latest
docker run --rm -v /local/data/path:/data -p 8888:80 ghcr.io/m2aia/m2aia:latest
with password:
docker run --rm -v /local/data/path:/data -e VNC_PASSWORD=<password> -p 8888:80 ghcr.io/m2aia/m2aia:latest
Start M²aia by accessing http://localhost:8888
The container will shut down if M²aia is closed (File->Exit). The results written to the mapped volume have root user ownership
We provide ImzML Reader and the Signal Processing utilities for Python.
If you have questions about the application or if you would like to give us feedback, don't hesitate to open a new issue or contact me directly.