- Ubuntu base vms build with Packer
- Deployed on proxmox with Terraform
- Provisioned by Ansible
- Kubernetes with k3s
- GitOps systems with Portainer and ArgoCD
This software uses the following open source packages:
- Proxmox
- Docker
- Ubuntu Cloud init
- Maas
- Packer
- Terraform
- Ansible
- Crossplane
- k3s
- Helm
- ArgoCD
- ClusterAPI
- Traefik
- Cert-manager
- Nfs file provisioner
- MetalLB
- Portainer GitOps
- Nginx proxy manager
- Keepalived
- HAproxy
- Clodflare tunnel
- Twingate
- SornarQube
- Arrstack with monitoring
- Prometheus
- Grafana
- AlertManager
- Loki
- Alloy
- FluentBit
- GitLab
- GitHub actions
- Linters