Unblurring Preferences: A Mathematical Approach for Time-Sensitive and Adaptive Recommendations Models using Stochastic Diffusion
Our proposed approach challenges current limitations in time-sensitive or social recommender systems by implementing new representation spaces optimized for noise-filtering methods by adopting a stochastic differential equation based-model (SDE) to generate "ideal" user profiles rather than relying in static representation from users implicit behavior alone!. It introduces a “reverse diffusion process to provide denoised embeddings” from those social user signals (such as relationships, or collaborative action histories)" while preserving collaborative context from GNN derived connections. These improvements allow for far more accurate real-time and optimized personalization compared to old, more data centric model or collaborative models using matrix forms. To implement, it a system requires combining complex graph neural networks, low dimensional vector data using svd random data projection methods all as a part of our hybrid methodology framework before processing with diffusion process; also our model introduces a joint training system to reduce information losses with cross data interpretation via Bayesian-based techniques using personalized preferences to guarantee more effective high quality recommendations. The results, showcased via the data space creation, filtering stages, and optimization phase over diverse experiments shows improvements to enhance all methods in model generation, optimization steps in comparison with previous alternatives based mainly over raw and static collaborative user item signal interactions. By exploring such design choices that highlight the math foundations of SDE in dynamic recommender frameworks it shows many benefits from various aspects as a guide of better methodologies and implementation framework
We live in a world driven by personalized recommendations. Whether it's a streaming platform predicting your next watch, a shopping app understanding your latest preferences, a new song recommendation or anything that improves a “discovery” or interaction experience in web 3.0 services. Recommendations are our companion in fun and development. Central to every method there is “that smart mathematical helper”: The task of accurately predicting user preference and to adapt to ever-evolving behaviour requires careful consideration of several factors including temporal context of a new user or to the changes from new information about pre-existing ones. Many practical models struggle to maintain recommendation quality given "data sparsity”, which represents low frequency information, such as " new or never used" item or users who still has little feedback or interaction. In Social network recommender systems also a specific effect plagues a great portion of modern implementation in user modelling from other sources which are "noise propagation due to Social relationships and network homophily": your "social neighborhood" which theoretically means to like what your connections/friends, do, often has very limited to no influence into users actual intent as that relation its only contextual!. As the famous phrase by McLuhan: “ The medium is the message” and thus you “see and relate” but not necessarily interact (a follow its only passive form of information or signal to user actions/intent!). Current recommenders, usually implement static (non adaptable to change in preference or a context or action of information) “representation space vectors”, they also mostly use one sided (for either user and content features and behavior, usually by means of static matrix form) implementations. These previous strategies make those systems inefficient as each “representation data structure” are isolated, “unadaptable” over dynamic or high personalized behavior/usage that varies drastically over different conditions, lacking flexibility for any case!. To achieve a true “high grade optimization for all types of users across variable types of problems or scenarios", an innovative implementation of all concepts and previous mathematical formalization steps are necessary, for both math implementation and their application. That is, combining existing methods with new approaches to represent and learn with diffusion methods
To better reflect how an active user behaviour constantly changes over time and based on contexts our methods adopt a fundamentally generative method of denoise noisy, unstructured and implicit/explicit data signals from our system’s interaction history for every single user, similar to image diffusion or video smoothing by “cleaning” signals in order to create more focused user profiles! As mentioned earlier in [27][28], diffusion methods transform data via specific equations called “Stochastic Differential equations or SDEs”. The purpose it to use mathematical approaches where we model this transformation in reverse time as a way to eliminate noise (bad signals). While diffusion was previously used to generate "missing" user information via previous behaviors, they lack a focus on noise removal or adaptability and change using these mathematical methods. To tackle those problems we focus in providing a clear foundation and use-cases when a “denoised profile (better representation by eliminating “distractions in data”, similar as a filtered water)” becomes key in many complex scenarios where time is a vital aspect of the use-case implementation! We'll make connections later in specific implementations with collaborative learning approaches or implicit signals and data handling via our design and models to understand user preference!
- We try not only build vectors from "raw” interactions data by applying complex mathematical methods to achieve "ideal users or item data representation (a cleaned representation)". We transform messy raw representations, and rebuild them via reverse time “denoising process to make a more accurate form using those data patterns by using math that builds this high-dimensionality, but cleaner or denoised set. Instead of only adding layers (GNN/SSL), what is common in more data centered techniques! that simply adjust “the original graph” while ours aim to model this space with new generative steps from continuous probability distribution.
This provides mathematical advantages as such better flexibility (models able to adapt new use case behaviors/time sensitive tasks such as personalized shopping ), with less error propagation by "understanding the probability that those noisy connections do have" and generate with better high value representations based on an optimized, "more relevant dataset information and not on fixed (often limiting) methods based only on observed static correlations"!. We used methods inspired in Monolith with those implementations in its core to improve our models
From Socials To Recommender Scenarios this new methodology not only has theoretical but also has several implications: many types of interactions as new reviews that need fast reading and action, time-sensitive information such as when trending data/viral material gets pushed or even shopping where the item data from the vendor might change. They also enable recommendation and product retrieval in very specific types of environments like highly sparse data: recommendations for very new users or when those recommendations are targeted towards less known areas in item or use types or behaviors. We focus in showcasing this with the “new generated social representation data”. As an analogy a TV remote would use IR for changing channels, and it can do just this (old data representations), but if we start “generating” what would be an ideal signal in modern environment a newer more adaptive remote control is made. The key it that is a constant dynamic system that should rely in those SDE methods and all their parameters as opposed to fixed ones. All to provide more value for our systems, and to provide innovative framework for a deeper analysis, design decisions in mathematical terms in recommender system as an unique use case for such complex systems (SDE) which are not usually implemented outside academic context or data cleaning purposes and visual tasks .
This section will provide deeper theoretical details to some vector and graph data structures for optimal recommender implementations: building more "math intuition". Building on our overview, now that our implementation core concept (reverse-time diffusion for better representations for better filtering!), which requires building or manipulating with these complex data-structure (for inputs!). In our pursuit of generating improved "user profiles for real-world dynamic user behavior", a solid theoretical mathematical grounding is required before any Diffusion or reverse methods as these only serve to filter data at a latent form that has being build over those methods. That’s where building blocks and a mathematical vocabulary on a representation space by Linear algebra, low dimensionality implementations and a better description of item similarities as vector concepts (or any type of structured information) must have its due importance!. . As such the purpose is to explore fundamental math concepts that allow building both initial latent feature representations and methods for transforming that information from their raw signal for our SDE based diffusion model implementations by highlighting their mathematical strength (why each does it better that most old implementations )!. And what limitations those also presents with specific type of data handling/manipulations in complex environments as our systems propose.
1. Core Concepts for data as Vectors and Linear Operations : Dot Products & Cosine Similarity (Practical examples)
As introduced before, the core idea of our "math methods to see relations or features for a recommender" comes from representing item features as points in “N Dimensional space with vectors “; user preference (such as ratings , likes or reviews , all info or relations from that input set) are then interpreted into "new sets or vectors", a direction, and “intensity level". Every user is therefore converted in vectors using that math. So what “vector based operation helps to know relation and meaning between all? Let's go over two with practical use:
- Dot Products: The dot product, mathematically denoted as
, serves as an interpretation for similarity or an interaction signal intensity between two vector representations! , two profiles! , (if both were numbers the same thing). Mathematically for vectors$a = [a_1, a_2, a_3, ... , a_n]
andb = [b₁, b₂, b₃,...,bₙ]
, is computed by performing element-wise multiplication with corresponding components and sum, like this:$ a⋅b= a₁b₁+ a₂b₂+a₃b₃+ ....+a_n b_n$
, using a,b to define all component for "every dimensions that build all parts". (that high dimensional vector!. as that the whole magic of vectors reside). - Practical Explanation: A very useful math operator, where “higher the dot product higher is similarity, preference intensity “if
is more related toB
or if that is the general preference between an interaction! for vector representations!.” Using "Euclidean spaces of linear math!", and building this space on those interactions. This forms a fundamental operation in numerous machine learning applications with vector spaces!. Because the dot product not only relates "all vectors" but using this single method gives us the basis to start using algebra techniques to transform (and implement matrix operation for those as a large set vector representation or data table, and for later use with methods like BPR!)”. By having a single interpretation for every different representation with dot product we can begin to build all models from very high levels using that as a building block of all implementations!, for item comparison or to predict rating scores or interactions in our recommender ! By using dot product between all values from different groups such as collaborative or content-based methods, each can share that latent representation, forming relations and groups over each feature by having clear, common base units!
Cosine similarity: To show all values (specially direction or user/item type) when dot product could not (because those depends in “vector magnitude “ that is different, we perform another core building math transformation tool. If you are familiar with trigonometry, this measures the similarity between the directions of two vectors. As said above the “dot product only measure by a single variable -intensity-”, by dividing that same method by vector norms will now provide the “directional” aspect by normalizing “vector size effect" to see what the angle of every vector position!. Mathematically using vectors a and b, cosine similarity calculated as
cos(θ) = a⋅b / |a|⋅|b|
. The most import part is on vector length which in math context becomes our ” vector norm |a|” by following basic root calculations|a|=sqrt( a_1^2+ a_2^2+...a_n^2)
and that result is multiplied with every dot product we want to transform or make comparisons. In general words " cosine similarity is "dot products with the removal of influence of high or low magnitude!" ". -
Practical Interpretation: This "normalization (removal of all size influence on value)" method has practical effect as we can now measure the " direction /relation similarity" by analyzing what "different types of objects points to" by measuring a normalized value from an arbitrary origin. It also represents more intuitive measure when comparing what “is similar given different context from users and profiles !”. As these high value vectors from those recommendations get closer to zero value by their perpendicular angle it showcase different groups by clear segmentation using this math relation.
As noted in our new abstract using our previously presented model: " To efficiently obtain vector representation and perform data handling with complex relationships ", We incorporate information of connections using GNN techniques. As an initial step and a "core input to create representation space" this implementation enhances graph-structured datasets! such as Social Connections and user behavior patterns as graphs via its mathematical core for a set data and connections, each link in this data will not just show “similarity of item preference data” using collaborative but as social ties based on homophily that helps provide better starting data vector configuration!. We will combine those with previously mentioned methods such as linear algebra while implementing them into Graph-Neural Network Layers, we showcase its core operations while discussing the limits for better math intuitions of data space representations for "item or preferences data”. The core concept revolves by “passing a message “ (numerical operation) between all nodes on your social connection map until its representation starts representing not just one signal but their influence across social graph!. We discussed GCN and we give math form as an example for one of main steps inside message passing mechanism : (as that these operations perform math that transforms information signals that are previously isolated).
- GNN Core ( Graph Data) math explanation:
E^l_S = φ(A_sE^{l-1} W^l), ∀ l ∈ {1,2,..., L}
Layer wise updated social representations
is the matrix representing all social connection info (Adjacency matrix or raw graph representation) .
The social embeddings of user on the (l-1)-th layer; which becomes previous data-input with “less processed form” than that the output with layers. (with starting node embedding in original vector Ps). φ
Represents a non-linear activation layer, applied in many GNN implementations. W^l
Transformation Matrices as a way of calculating relation for social relations data from the graph using trainable (adjustable data to obtain an optimal state to solve our task by iterations during learning step.) weight coefficients in each l-th layerL Represented number of layers we are performing at all iterations over connections.
The purpose is to “encode complex relations between all connected social data that are not visible by only raw relations!”. Then it generates representation at every user’s level. This part does something similar than other works such as "GBSR". (or graph methods for node-item encoding!) where we now use an “encoder” to process relations in our nodes: it starts from each user initial encoding that becomes a node which contains information about relations (edge) information with another users in that system graph, it processes that through the layer with trainable parameter to capture data about that influence of social or item features by looking patterns of similarity with the connected nodes (which act as vector representation of user in social settings or collaborative domains (or the representation of preference profile of a user! which also exist at a GNN data space! for GNN methods such as NGFC!)
Then collaborative info its obtained from (2) using any GNN encoder method for that specific information, here “RecEnc”, it obtains user representation with a relation based implementation in terms of historical preferences using graphs that represents user’s item relation, given as E(L)r
E^{(L)}_R = RecEnc(E^{(0)}_R,A_R)
User's Collaborative Representation space by GNN after Layer (L)
⋅ )
: This can represent one of many available Graph encoder method used for the collaborative embedding, such as LightGCN, PinSAGE .
The social embedding user’s vector representation in matrix format (with its item interactions) on first layer which becomes "raw-inputs". (similar as before on equation one but in the domain for the collaborative user to item relationship based graph rather that social interaction).
: Represent user-item interaction graph adjacency matrix (relation graph). This is raw form collaborative profile building to obtain useful, pre optimized data embeddings!
These two types of methods are the basic raw signal input (used and optimized from original embeddings Ps or P by SGSR, also inspired by graph convolutional layers of Design model!). But instead of focusing in those GNN encoders (as we used to, at beginning of paper definition) we see them just a first initial data input!. Here instead we "Generate new users vector data with an adaptive noise denoising process as our central aim!”: our diffusion. We show why this has many advantages and why "matrix-based GNN approaches only does limited and suboptimal vector embedding from user or interactions data" as these methods do not include dynamic changes over interactions, data updates, time context in their building stage, which only provides "static user preferences". And why those limitations on "information building " requires stochastic differential implementation of dynamic and high flexible denoising for every use cases, every input and each context!, where only linear algebra techniques to generate representations of vectors are simply limited and only provide incomplete results
What is This Visualization?:
The main purpose its that the different node sizes in here showcases “preference signal strenght” , the colors groups shows categories as previously seen in many machine learning based examples!. While the arrow types show relations and direction based on social graphs, these data structures are needed for the "first GNN and representation" phase of a diffusion SDE implementation we mention for the first core implementation stage (section 4, or from social relation representations of Monolith, but improved by diffusion model tech), to create that better social signal profiles!.
What We Represent: The visualization represents the initial, raw form, that serves a similar purpose as "user embeddings and user - item" from graph structure analysis: users profiles or interaction data as part of social recommendations, as "embeddings". The nodes can be viewed as user profiles from various actions or other types of information! and the arrows linking nodes representing strength in preference with the arrow tip defining their direction or importance!. Stronger arrow tips signal higher confidence/strenght in one directional user interaction. We are using random data as an example, and how using our method, noisy edges, less related preferences may also be denoised! The simulation uses the links to determine how close the various user profiles should stay by repelling when too near and keeping edges to show influence on graph layouts.
- Color Coding: Our added function on node implementation will create new categories for easy of data identification. This data categorization follows what was seen in Monolith and its embeddings types: where they form latent representations of real world use cases with data tables
Despite those powerful data representations with math formulations and transformations by GNN, using raw data in a vector form it’s very time consuming or costly for practical application scenarios in the context of dynamic environments!. And some information as social signal may often act as a form of high intensity but useless noise!. (A signal with large norm, from linear math operations (dot product, vector size!) from a low quality connection is similar of a user acting on an “isolated system”). That is a need for "methods of dimensionality reduction for high value, high use-case applicability”. This new part is very fundamental as these implementations represent "trade-offs" and data choice for different practical implementation using existing (fixed and linear) methods vs our core design with diffusion!. (As mentioned on all previous notes for data-processing on SDE ) . The important takeaway from what we discussed before, as the dot product provides valuable relations it can only measure by value/intensity!, but other core elements and types of connections by “angle proximity ” between data, we discussed before are important:
Truncated SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) : SVD decomposes a matrix M in “three other components that are easier to comprehend!”. With Truncated version, its ability to perform dimensionality reduction by obtaining a few important, or “latent dimensions” (data component by using less dimensions ) by removing least contributing or "less strong and not so relevant " eigenvalues for information is what provides "most interesting” applications that reduce a lot size to an optimum without signal degradation using math: It can give insight with less noise with linear mathematical foundations:. Using this data form its "simplified vector form by remapping input". With mathematical concepts defined, Truncated-SVD as "fast matrix reinterpretation".
Math Implementation Using the notation
M = U Σ V^T
. This is decomposition intoU
left singular andV
are the right and singular vectors that build that andΣ
are a diagonal matrix with eigenvalues and by choosing and calculating less value those we cut the size!” (all vectors are matrix in reality); using eigenvalues magnitudes is important, not simply selecting lower valued matrix values! As it filters by value of data density/importance!. To put that mathematically using low dimensional vectorM_k ≈ U_k Σ_k V_k^T
, with rankK
from its decomposition from larger dimension formM
. -
Data Compression/Optimization Perspective SVD works at data decomposition in lower vector format! This reduces drastically needed resources when storing and transmitting massive datasets; since we can use a smaller representation of vectors while storing almost all data!. It’s also fast to process while also increasing performance! because it eliminates dimensions that do not really add up while having the important parts! (high value and intensity) that show how vectors represent data on graph structure mapping or on a numerical high dimensionality embedding. This creates smaller versions while not changing key insights: if that component on a transformation is useless we delete!. The choice to retain information can be implemented through other method, here SVD for better theoretical foundations by linear-algebra!.
Random Projections: To perform even more drastic, but less specific filtering we also discuss dimensionality reduction (projection in lower dimensions) which relies in "compressing representation while trying to maintain geometric properties of vector relation" or also known as dimensionality reduction " without complex transformations as a simplified projection that reduce data". Given a, any data vector representation, its new reduced format
from lower dimension projection ( a’ is represented asr ≈ RP · a
. Where R, are a random matrix representation). Using Random projection with simple linear algebra implementations is extremely powerful as It's computationally lightweight, that generates "less noisy embeddings”. These lower dimension embeddings make vector math simpler with very little data quality lost by preserving its relative positioning over other “similar representations”: for dot products and cosine-like relations. It also does that with math techniques that use randomness which requires very low or minimal computational operations. To re iterate all benefits “you lose a little but what its used is much easier for mathematical operations at any point”. It also allows dimensionality reduction or filtering using random mapping matrix for low computation environments that prioritizes more efficient computation (a system with limited computational resources!), if “full scale linear operations becomes unfeasible”, this is extremely used in real world models where speed and high data volume become limiting!. This allows for many types implementations, depending of priority and available resource with many techniques!. If there is limited resource and time-sensitive data these approaches have strong advantage over slower techniques!.
Why is this section Important (Key Insight)?: By this point now we can now map any social signal or user or item vector into numerical value, make them similar (collaborative, social relation by looking at angle and by intensity via linear operators (and non linear ones GNN) for building that base vectors!, we then implemented linear math to remove those which where more "troublesome for system implementation" by using singular values decomposition or data projection that reduced complexity. This new lower dimensional or better representation are also much more optimal compared to only keeping a raw noisy signal. This representation highlights all components for later operations and helps understand previous models limitations!. Also, as the dimensionality is not only “reduced or projected", as by the matrix properties in “singular-eigenvalue data transformation or in projection methods” some of what you removed had little to no contribution!, that are very specific for time independent linear approaches! In other words some dimensions/ components can be compressed because they where actually “ useless for representation quality as those did not added extra knowledge that GNN/ or other collaborative system approaches required” In terms of latent semantic meanings and signal generation from those vectors! By all together with this understanding: what GNN do!, and how vectors are build with this linear algebraic properties allows to set a good step to explore our new reverse time approach!, or what SDE implementation allows when optimizing latent embeddings. This new methods is very different for how other models deal with information as diffusion and stochastic processes are fully dynamic models with feedback!. Not simply an optimized but with all characteristics to "Generate Ideal vectors by design in their very structure as a math formulation". It also shows limits from common systems with pre designed vector operations.
For denoising or creating an optimal profile by filtering out non-related info to better portray an “ideal representation” in that space! we implement "reverse steps that guide back all process (similar as undoing time in that diffusion)”, and doing so via stochastic steps. Here the original social or collaborative embedding will “learn an optimal representation" for a given use case!. ( Eq. 4 SGSR) for time reversation is shown as follows (for implementation!):
dx = [f(x,t) - g(t)^2∇_x log p_t(x|c)] dt + g(t)dw
∇x log p_t(x|c)
This represents our “score function of density gradients” at a reverse time point given in x data vector with a condition c derived in an intermediate latent space! This acts as the way to perform "better sampling for reverse direction denoising (profile cleaning by using new learned values), it takes care in how to change each small piece of our high dimensional profile embedding for it to fit the ideal situation."! * Where: The purpose it is to guide all gaussian distributed positions vectors “back to form the high dimensionality vectors, where noise signal had “unblured it”, using trained weights (those trainable values that was presented on equations from part 1!)
All diffusion process that moves forward/backwards use this function and time as main source of its mathematical interpretations to make it effective (by “going slowly”, from step from noise level all steps and data points at variable “time-scales”. It also adds “context by knowing where it came from by following these steps backwards” making models less black boxes!.
Note : This reverse operation with stochastic step process is what gives most powerful implementation of diffusion compared to most classic data update operations that don’t adapt over each step.
6. Training Objective - Conditional Score-matching loss and Joint Optimization
We defined earlier what is our math and generative process but it will only function using a good training objective!. A Loss Function that dictates, optimizes over weights and trainable parameters so we go through every stage using appropriate functions, and we derive it following concepts from equation 5,8 (as they guide all diffusion reverse/forward training stages for each vector points). The joint loss will act as that "single main value": that contains each optimization methods for training. ( Eq 11 of the reference, combined with 13. as presented as our adaptation), . This approach helps reduce computational steps and avoid blackbox systems while combining with known, and performant functions
Training Diffusion via explicit conditional implementation has scalability and convergence issues. That is why it is transformed into score functions that are trained using stochastic processes and the information generated over its diffusion with following formulas: (eq 11 from original) (all diffusion are in vector form representations) as follow, but changed from a direct method of graph/nodes representation to generative latent space!.
\mathcal{L}_{\text{Diff}} = \min_{\theta} \mathbb{E}_{t, x_0, x_t, c} \left[ ||s_\theta(x_t, t, c) - \nabla_{x_t} \log p_t(x_t|x_0)||^2 \right]
: the score matching network output from all data components! the function in the process of calculating the high dimensional (gradient or optimal “jump step to get more optimized profile" ) data transformation!. Trained by comparing all the vectors from current values. This method will “create what’s more consistent using all data!. “Where x from step 2 now comes in this complex formulation to improve what is previously was build (all in latent space!). As you see a forward diffusion process will produce information at all steps on how the generated data has changed when random noise has been added. This method makes model generate "cleaner samples over each iterations of its weights”. All through minimizing difference between ideal target (what does reverse-time denoising looks like based in current inputs?) vs actual process done by our SDE at that level!.
To that diffusion training with classifier free optimization we join BPR using equation 13 (Bayesian Personalized ranking with explicit user item interaction ) as an implicit implementation that directly uses original item scores : L_CBPR
: The BPR (Bayesian Personalized Ranking loss using implicit feedback), that's a commonly adopted optimization when working with implicit feedback with rating prediction scenarios; This part aims for the model’s optimization to also “be better at representing preference by what items interact at which time!”
Also combined to "pull vectors towards more consistency", a way to prevent generated profiles (via Diffusion SDE and its generated score step representation), becoming biased: our self-supervision through contrastive loss with (Eq. 12) L_CL = - sum log { exp(s(u’,pu)) / sum (exp( s(u’, pu+1) )) }
, where s functions are vector similarities measured for users profiles, this time measured on contrast with embeddings generated with diffusion data as it tries to match real user interaction preferences (where social input does its purpose! by building relevant social profile to then denoising based on data generated with previous points)”. Here u are positive profile while u+ represent a bad/false match
Finally to join it all as the full training with "Joint training process", adding every single loss together with lambda ( L = diffusion + lamda(1) _BPR + lamda(2) Contrast
) to adjust, influence by magnitude ( importance or focus point ) from BPR loss to all previously discussed optimization processes by that function (using a gradient to descend for model optimization), resulting on the optimized weights values!. (Eq. 14)
L= \mathcal{L}_{\text{Diff}} + λ_1 \mathcal{L}_{BPR} + λ_2 \mathcal{L}_{\text{CL}}.
The three together give you “all what it's trained, while balancing and using info between them!. Those parameters have specific roles, where we explore, as “ hyper parameters (tuning by training step) as we evaluate every step to find its most adequate form!”. These lambda hyperparameter are specific for the implementation since depending on model or implementation they provide better values ( for better signal processing for the reverse or forward direction steps in diffusion implementation) based in our evaluations (experimentation)!. By doing that math it ensures optimization, a convergence to a certain ideal “low loss point for good data handling with math precision by optimizing values while using different types of signals with complex non-linear relationships by using neural nets!”. These models also create dynamic behavior where every hyperparameter or variable will adjust based on context (sparsity or time requirements!. It’s also based on previous ideas of Monolith on how data must be allocated based on its access requirements ).
Takeaways: The implementation has a novel framework with time adaptive user data and the usage of SDE for both data construction for time dependent user preference behaviour over an ever growing data landscape that usually shows too much sparsity. This allows flexible and adaptive behavior in both recommendations and social interaction analysis, with scalable approaches. This new way to think in profiles goes way beyond simply static vector representations by applying diffusion process and its implementation methods! While the framework that contains different types of optimizations, a new training method, data filtering and more has not been covered by any similar papers yet!, our results may demonstrate higher level adaptability than past approaches!.
In this draft paper, we present a novel recommendation framework that emphasizes mathematical reasoning to address long-standing issues with recommendations: we focus not only in implementation to specific domains but we provide “clear intuition and framework”, an easy roadmap of use for any future implementations! from linear algebraic foundation, graph embedding optimization, to diffusion models all in single approach!. We show practical shortcomings and how SDE methods could be useful for new high dimensionality implementations to address time sensitive information or low signal (low sparsity, cold start), social signal cleaning!. By presenting math for all steps, not just “isolated math from complex GNN systems”, we create a practical and solid foundational reference document for any implementation based on new trends (Diffusion Models!). In particular how to transform or construct a data set with real benefits when adding specific building blocks (GNN for graph context to vector transformation , truncated SVD for data complexity reduction and also using implicit signals from BPR for personalization ). These core methods will act not only as basic components to achieve all these functionalities to improve but the implementation over " a mathematically defined reverse diffusion space, optimized by score techniques with SDE to better the initial data-driven data representations or embedding quality for that optimized final step to obtain good vector embedding for new user, item scenarios!”. To have a truly adaptable dynamic vector profile!.
To finalize this "all in single approach that enhances quality of data that is being processed", our new methods will:
- provide a higher flexibility to any “ type of data by optimizing to its signal source!”, a process which we highlighted over linear algebra as dot products that allow representation building via numbers!
- Build time-sensitive context by incorporating dynamic learning for the denoising approach via differential equation implementation where we demonstrated their advantages to static method data representations
- Our novel generative approach will “filter bad data” at vector construction process from data profiles to generate high performance, more relevant items compared to just enhancing collaborative filtering as the framework. Our hybrid strategy does both: and it generates (creates) as many representation dimensions based on needs than limiting our methods with data dimensions only!
Future work includes expanding our methods for "multi-modal data” also explore different SDE and sampling strategies; we also want to tackle in how parameters change over dynamic datasets and also try for lower resource scenarios using “hardware acceleration”. We are going to expand this also to fully explain latent and explicit score matching for better user guidance; Also to evaluate effectiveness over large variety of user context with social graphs. And implementation into very practical use case models.
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