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A LevelDB-backed graph database for Node.js and the browser supporting SPARQL queries and the RDF/JS interface.


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Quadstore is a LevelDB-backed RDF graph database for JS runtimes (browsers, Node.js, Deno, ...) with native support for quads and querying across named graphs, RDF/JS interfaces and SPARQL queries.

Table of contents

Example of basic usage

import memdown from 'memdown';
import {DataFactory} from 'rdf-data-factory';
import {Quadstore} from 'quadstore';
import {Engine} from 'quadstore-comunica';

// Any implementation of AbstractLevelDOWN can be used.
// For server-side persistence, use `leveldown` or `rocksdb`.
const backend = memdown();

// Implementation of the RDF/JS DataFactory interface
const df = new DataFactory();           

// Store and query engine are separate modules
const store = new Quadstore({backend, dataFactory: df});
const engine = new Engine(store);

// Put a single quad into the store using Quadstore's API

// Retrieves all quads using Quadstore's API  
const { items } = await store.get({});

// Retrieves all quads using RDF/JS Stream interfaces
const quadsStream = store.match(undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined);

// Queries the store via RDF/JS Query interfaces
const query = await engine.query('SELECT * {?s ?p ?o}');
const bindingsStream = await query.execute();


In the context of knowledge representation, a statement can often be represented as a 3-dimensional (subject, predicate, object) tuple, normally referred to as a triple.

subject             predicate           object
BOB                 KNOWS               ALICE
BOB                 KNOWS               PAUL

A set of statements / triples can also be thought of as a graph:

              KNOWS (predicate)         │ ALICE  │
     │                                  └────────┘
│   BOB   │                                       
└─────────┘                             ┌────────┐
     │                                  │  PAUL  │
              KNOWS (predicate)         └────────┘

A quad is a triple with an additional term, usually called graph or context.

(subject, predicate, object, graph)

On a semantic level, the graph term identifies the graph to which a triple belongs. Each identifier can then be used as the subject or object of additional triples, facilitating the representation of metadata such as provenance and temporal validity.

subject             predicate           object          graph
BOB                 KNOWS               ALICE           GRAPH-1
BOB                 KNOWS               PAUL            GRAPH-2
GRAPH-1             SOURCE              FACEBOOK
GRAPH-2             SOURCE              LINKEDIN

Quadstore heavily borrows from LevelGraph's approach to storing tuples, maintaining multiple indexes each of which deals with a different permutation of quad terms. In that sense, Quadstore is an alternative to LevelGraph that strikes a different compromise between expressiveness and performance, opting to natively supporting quads while working towards minimizing the performance penalty that comes with the fourth term.

Quadstore's development is supported by Belay Engineering.
Belay Engineerin's logo, the letter B made out of a continuous line


Active, under development.




We're currently working on the following features:

  • optimizing SPARQL performance by pushing filters down from the engine to the persistence layer

We're also evaluating the following features for future developments:


  • uses Semantic Versioning, pre-releases are tagged accordingly;
  • the production branch mirrors what is available under the latest tag on NPM;
  • the master branch is the active, development branch;
  • requires Node.js >= 14.0.0.


Storage backends

quadstore can work with any storage backend that implements the AbstractLevel interface. An incomplete list of available backends is available at level/awesome#stores.

Our test suite focuses on the following backends:

Data model and return values

Except for those related to the RDF/JS stream interfaces, quadstore's API is promise-based and all methods return objects that include both the actual query results and the relevant metadata.

Objects returned by quadstore's APIs have the type property set to one of the following values:

  • "VOID" - when there's no data returned by the database, such as with the put method;
  • "QUADS" - when a query returns a collection of quads;
  • "APPROXIMATE_SIZE" - when a query returns an approximate count of how many matching items are present.

For those methods that return objects with the type property set to "QUADS", quadstore provides query results either in streaming mode or in non-streaming mode.

Streaming methods such as getStream return objects with the iterator property set to an instance of AsyncIterator, an implementation of a subset of the stream.Readable interface.

Non-streaming methods such as get return objects with the items property set to an array of quads.

Quads are returned as and expected to be instances of the RDF/JS Quad interface as produced by the implementation of the RDF/JS DataFactory interface passed to the Quadstore constructor.

Matching patterns, such as those used in the get and getStream methods, are expected to be maps of term names to instances of the RDF/JS Term interface.

Access to the backend

The backend of a quadstore can be accessed with the db property, to perform additional storage operations independently of quads.

In order to perform write operations atomically with quad storage, the put, multiPut, del, multiDel, patch and multiPatch methods accept a preWrite option which defines a procedure to augment the batch, as in the following example:

await store.put(dataFactory.quad(/* ... */), {
  preWrite: batch => batch.put('my.key', Buffer.from('my.value'))

Quadstore class

const Quadstore = require('quadstore').Quadstore;
const store = new Quadstore(opts);

Instantiates a new store. Supported properties for the opts argument are:


The opts.backend option must be an instance of a leveldb backend. See storage backends.


The dataFactory option must be an implementation of the RDF/JS DataFactory interface. Some of the available implementations:


The opts.indexes option allows users to configure which indexes will be used by the store. If not set, the store will default to the following indexes:

  ['subject', 'predicate', 'object', 'graph'],
  ['object', 'graph', 'subject', 'predicate'],
  ['graph', 'subject', 'predicate', 'object'],
  ['object', 'subject', 'predicate', 'graph'],
  ['predicate', 'object', 'graph', 'subject'],
  ['graph', 'predicate', 'object', 'subject'],

This option, if present, must be set to an array of term arrays, each of which must represent one of the 24 possible permutations of the four terms subject, predicate, object and graph. Partial indexes are not supported.

The store will automatically select which index(es) to use for a given query based on the available indexes and the query itself. If no suitable index is found for a given query, the store will throw an error.


Also, Quadstore can be configured with a prefixes object that defines a reversible mapping of IRIs to abbreviated forms, with the intention of reducing the storage cost where common HTTP prefixes are known in advance.

The prefixes object defines a bijection using two functions expandTerm and compactIri, both of which take a string parameter and return a string, as in the following example:

opts.prefixes = {
  expandTerm: term => term.replace(/^ex:/, ''),
  compactIri: iri => iri.replace(/^http:\/\/example\.com\//, 'ex:'),

This will replace the IRI with ex:a in storage.

This method opens the store and throws if the open operation fails for any reason.


This method closes the store and throws if the open operation fails for any reason.


const pattern = {graph: dataFactory.namedNode('ex://g')};
const { items } = await store.get(pattern);

Returns an array of all quads within the store matching the specified terms.

This method also accepts an optional opts parameter with the following optional properties:

  • opts.order: array of term names (e.g. ['object']) that represents the desired ordering criteria of returned quads. Equivalent to the ORDER BY clause in SQL.
  • opts.reverse: boolean value that indicates whether to return quads in ascending or descending order. Equivalent to ASC / DESC modifiers in SQL.
  • opts.limit: limit the number of returned quads to the specified value. Equivalent to LIMIT clause in SQL.

Range matching

quadstore supports range-based matching in addition to value-based matching. Ranges can be defined using the gt, gte, lt, lte properties:

const pattern = {
  object: {
    termType: 'Range',
    gt: dataFactory.literal('7', '')
const { items } = await store.get(matchTerms);

Values for literal terms with the following numeric datatypes are matched against their numerical values rather than their literal representations:

This is also the case for terms with the following date/time datatypes:


await store.put(dataFactory.quad(/* ... */));

Stores a new quad. Does not throw or return an error if the quad already exists.

This method also accepts an optional opts parameter with the following properties:


await store.multiPut([
  dataFactory.quad(/* ... */),
  dataFactory.quad(/* ... */),

Stores new quads. Does not throw or return an error if quads already exists.

This method also accepts an optional opts parameter with the following properties:


This method deletes a single quad. It Does not throw or return an error if the specified quad is not present in the store.

await store.del(dataFactory.quad(/* ... */));

This method also accepts an optional opts parameter with the following properties:

  • opts.preWrite: this can be set to a function which accepts a chainedBatch and performs additional backend operations atomically with the put operation. See Access to the backend for more information.


This method deletes multiple quads. It Does not throw or return an error if the specified quads are not present in the store.

await store.multiDel([
  dataFactory.quad(/* ... */),
  dataFactory.quad(/* ... */),

This method also accepts an optional opts parameter with the following properties:

  • opts.preWrite: this can be set to a function which accepts a chainedBatch and performs additional backend operations atomically with the put operation. See Access to the backend for more information.


This method deletes one quad and inserts another quad in a single operation. It Does not throw or return an error if the specified quads are not present in the store (delete) or already present in the store (update).

await store.patch(
  dataFactory.quad(/* ... */),  // will be deleted
  dataFactory.quad(/* ... */),  // will be inserted

This method also accepts an optional opts parameter with the following properties:

  • opts.preWrite: this can be set to a function which accepts a chainedBatch and performs additional backend operations atomically with the put operation. See Access to the backend for more information.


This method deletes and inserts quads in a single operation. It Does not throw or return an error if the specified quads are not present in the store (delete) or already present in the store (update).

// will be deleted
const oldQuads = [ 
    dataFactory.quad(/* ... */),
    dataFactory.quad(/* ... */),

// will be inserted
const newQuads = [ // will be inserted
    dataFactory.quad(/* ... */),
    dataFactory.quad(/* ... */),
    dataFactory.quad(/* ... */),        

await store.multiPatch(oldQuads, newQuads);

This method also accepts an optional opts parameter with the following properties:

  • opts.preWrite: this can be set to a function which accepts a chainedBatch and performs additional backend operations atomically with the put operation. See Access to the backend for more information.


const pattern = {graph: dataFactory.namedNode('ex://g')};
const { iterator } = await store.getStream(pattern);

Just as QuadStore.prototype.get(), this method supports range matching and the order, reverse and limit options.


await store.putStream(readableStream);

Imports all quads coming through the specified stream.Readable into the store.

This method also accepts an optional opts parameter with the following properties:


await store.delStream(readableStream);

Deletes all quads coming through the specified stream.Readable from the store.


const subject = dataFactory.namedNode('');
const graph = dataFactory.namedNode('');
store.match(subject, null, null, graph)
  .on('error', (err) => {})
  .on('data', (quad) => {
    // Quad is produced using dataFactory.quad()
  .on('end', () => {});

Implementation of the RDF/JS Source#match method. Supports range-based matching.


const readableStream; // A stream.Readable of Quad() instances
  .on('error', (err) => {})
  .on('end', () => {});

Implementation of the RDF/JS Sink#import method.


const readableStream; // A stream.Readable of Quad() instances
  .on('error', (err) => {})
  .on('end', () => {});

Implementation of the RDF/JS Store#remove method.


const subject = dataFactory.namedNode('');
const graph = dataFactory.namedNode('');
store.removeMatches(subject, null, null, graph)
  .on('error', (err) => {})
  .on('end', () => {});

Implementation of the RDF/JS Sink#removeMatches method.

Blank nodes and quad scoping

Blank nodes are defined as existential variables in that they merely indicate the existence of an entity rather than act as references to the entity itself.

While the semantics of blank nodes can be rather confusing, one of the most practical consequences of their definition is that two blank nodes having the same label may not refer to the same entity unless both nodes come from the same logical set of quads.

As an example, here's two JSON-LD documents converted to N-Quads using the
JSON-LD playground:

  "@id": "",
  "foaf:knows": {
    "foaf:name": "Alice"
<> <foaf:knows> _:b0 .
_:b0 <foaf:name> "Alice" .
  "@id": "",
  "foaf:knows": {
    "foaf:name": "Bob"
<> <foaf:knows> _:b0 .
_:b0 <foaf:name> "Bob" .

The N-Quads equivalent for both of these documents contains a blank node with the b0 label. However, although the label is the same, these blank nodes indicate the existence of two different entities. Intuitively, we can say that a blank node is scoped to the logical grouping of quads that contains it, be it a single quad, a document or a stream.

As quadstore treats all write operations as if they were happening within the same scope, importing these two sets of quads would result in a collision of two unrelated blank nodes, leading to a corrupted dataset.

A good way to address these issues is to skolemize skolemize all blank nodes into IRIs / named nodes. However, this is not always possible and / or practical.

The initScope() method returns a Scope instance which can be passed to the put, multiPut and putStream methods. When doing so, quadstore will replace each occurrence of a given blank node with a different blank node having a randomly-generated label, preventing blank node collisions.

Each Scope instance keeps an internal cache of mappings between previously encountered blank nodes and their replacements, so that it is able to always return the same replacement blank node for a given label. Each new mapping is atomically persisted to the store together with its originating quad, leading each scope to be incrementally persisted to the store consistently with each successful put and multiPut operation. This allows scopes to be re-used even across process restarts via the loadScope() method.


Initializes a new, empty scope.

const scope = await store.initScope();
await store.put(quad, { scope });
await store.multiPut(quads, { scope });
await store.putStream(stream, { scope });


Each Scope instance has an .id property that acts as its unique identifier. The loadScope() method can be used to re-hydrate a scope through its .id:

const scope = await store.initScope();
/* store somewhere */
/* read the previously-stored */
const scope = await store.loadScope(scopeId);


Deletes all mappings of a given scope from the store.

const scope = await store.initScope();
/* ... */
await store.deleteScope(;


Deletes all mappings of all scopes from the store.

await store.deleteAllScopes();


SPARQL queries can be executed against a Quadstore instance using any query engine capable of querying across RDF/JS data sources.

An example of one such engine is quadstore-comunica, an engine built as a custom distribution and configuration of Comunica that implements the RDF/JS Query spec.:

Comunica is a knowledge graph querying framework. [...] Comunica is a meta query engine using which query engines can be created. It does this by providing a set of modules that can be wired together in a flexible manner. [...] Its primary goal is executing SPARQL queries over one or more interfaces.

In time, quadstore-comunica will be extended with custom query modules that will optimize query performance by pushing some matching and ordering operations down to quadstore itself.

import memdown from 'memdown';
import {DataFactory} from 'rdf-data-factory';
import {Quadstore} from 'quadstore';
import {Engine} from 'quadstore-comunica';

const backend = memdown();
const df = new DataFactory();
const store = new Quadstore({backend, dataFactory: df});
const engine = new Engine(store);

const query = await engine.query('SELECT * {?s ?p ?o}');
const bindingsStream = await query.execute();

More information on quadstore-comunica's repository.

Browser usage

The browser-level backend for levelDB offers support for browser-side persistent storage.

quadstore can be bundled for browser-side usage via Webpack, preferably using version 5.x. The reference quadstore-browser is meant to help in getting to a working Webpack configuration and also hosts a pre-built bundle with everything that is required to use quadstore in browsers.

Deno usage

quadstore can be used with the Deno runtime via the CDN:

import { DataFactory } from '';
import { Quadstore } from '';
import { MemoryLevel } from '';
import { Engine } from '';

const backend = new MemoryLevel();
const dataFactory = new DataFactory();
const store = new Quadstore({ backend, dataFactory });
const engine = new Engine(store);

await store.put(dataFactory.quad(
const stream = await engine.queryBindings('SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }');
stream.on('data', (bindings) => console.log(bindings));

Due to an upstream issue with the SPARQL parser, the following import map must be used. This replaces Skypack's own version of sparqljs@3.5.2 with one that is hosted on and is identical to the former if not for a fix to an unchecked use of require that can't be easily merged upstream.

  "imports": {
    ",mode=imports/optimized/sparqljs.js": ""

Example usage:

deno run --import-map quadstore-import-map.json quadstore-test.ts


Performance is evaluated at tracked at


MIT. See


A LevelDB-backed graph database for Node.js and the browser supporting SPARQL queries and the RDF/JS interface.







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