Dear authors:
It's my great honor to read your paper and learn your program.
When I run the render, I got a error, as shown below:
I have no name!@c398a3ecda9c:/virtualobjectinsertion$ ../OptixRenderer-master/build/bin/optixRenderer -f scene.xml -o scene.rgbe -m 0 --gpuIds 5 7
Input file name: /virtualobjectinsertion/scene.xml
Output file name: /virtualobjectinsertion/scene.rgbe
Material num: 2
Shape num: 2
Vertex num: 4802
Camera Parameters:
Camera Field of View: 63.4149
Width: 640
Height: 414
FovAxis: x
Target: 0 0 1
Origin: 0 0 0
Up: 0 1 0
Sample Count: 1024
Sampler: adaptive
Sampler Count: 1024
Environmental map:/virtualobjectinsertion/demo3/env.hdr
Environmental scale: 1
No point light source.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'optix::Exception'
what(): Memory allocation failed (Details: Function "RTresult _rtBufferCreate(RTcontext, unsigned int, RTbuffer_api**)" caught exception: Encountered a CUDA error: cudaDriver().CuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain( &context, dev.get() ) returned (2): Out of memory
(0) () +0x711f17
(1) () +0x7102cb
(2) () +0x563a39
(3) () +0x31c7e0
(4) () +0x325273
(5) () +0x1b11e1
(6) rtBufferCreate() +0x2a6
(7) optix::ContextObj::createBuffer(unsigned int, RTformat, unsigned long, unsigned long) +0x55
(8) createContext(optix::Handleoptix::ContextObj&, bool, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) +0x203
(9) main() +0x2549
(10) __libc_start_main() +0xe7
(11) _start() +0x2a
I guess the reason is about hardware, and my gpus are Quadro TRX 6000. I used the command with [--gpuIds 5 7], utlizing 2 gpus.
I want to know your GPU environment, and how much cuda memory is enough?
Also, the error logs says "No point light source.", I don't know whether it is a matter!
Please help me or anyone who knows the reseaons please tell me!
Many thanks!
Best regards!