Thi is a MongoDB Data Importer for Solr.
Update:Fixed full import and delta import (backward compatible with Solr3.6)
- import data from MongoDB to solr
- support full import and delta import
- support for transform from MongoDB's ObjectID to Long
- mongo-java-driver
- support config items
- host (default: localhost)
- port (default: 27017)
- database
- username (optional)
- password (optional)
<dataSource name="mongod" type="MongoDBDataSource" host="" port="27017" database="example" />
- support config items
- collection
- command
- deltaCommand (optional, if not set, and request a delta import, we will use command instead)
<entity processor="MongoDBEntityProcessor" dataSource="mongod" name="test" collection="coll" query="{}">
<field column="_id" name="docId"/>
<field column="title" name="title"/>
<!-- other fileds -->
Somethime we need a Long docId, but we have ObjectId in MongoDB, so a transformer may help.
This transfomer just cover the ObjectId to it's hashcode :-)
<entity processor="MongoDBEntityProcessor" dataSource="mongod" name="test" collection="coll" query="{}">
<field column="_id" name="docId" hashObjectId="true"/> <!-- docId has long type-->
<field column="title" name="title"/>
<!-- other fileds -->
Full import & delta import. Delta import may need convert datetime to ISODatetime, which backward compatible with Solr3.6
<dataSource name="mongod" type="MongoDataSource" host="" port="27017" database="example" />
<entity processor="MongoDBEntityProcessor" dataSource="mongod" name="test" collection="coll" processor="MongoDBEntityProcessor" dataSource="mongod" collection="p_movie"
query="{}" deltaImportQuery="{'lastmodified':{'$gt':{'$date':'${dataimporter.last_index_time}'}}}" deltaQuery="{'lastmodified':{'$lt':{'$date':'${dataimporter.last_index_time}'}}}" >
<field column="_id" name="docId" hashObjectId="true"/> <!-- docId has long type-->
<field column="title" name="title"/>
<!-- other fileds -->