Rainbow3.0 于近日阶段性替换上线, 适逢大促运维侧进行批量机器扩容, 发现集中扩容时, 偶现 too many pings from client, 同时断开 stream, 由 Rainbow 侧重连机制重新连接.
func (t *http2Server) handlePing(f *http2.PingFrame) {
if f.IsAck() {
if f.Data == goAwayPing.data && t.drainChan != nil {
// Maybe it's a BDP ping.
if t.bdpEst != nil {
pingAck := &ping{ack: true}
copy(pingAck.data[:], f.Data[:])
now := time.Now()
defer func() {
t.lastPingAt = now
// A reset ping strikes means that we don't need to check for policy
// violation for this ping and the pingStrikes counter should be set
// to 0.
if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&t.resetPingStrikes, 1, 0) {
t.pingStrikes = 0
ns := len(t.activeStreams)
if ns < 1 && !t.kep.PermitWithoutStream {
// Keepalive shouldn't be active thus, this new ping should
// have come after at least defaultPingTimeout.
if t.lastPingAt.Add(defaultPingTimeout).After(now) {
} else {
// Check if keepalive policy is respected.
if t.lastPingAt.Add(t.kep.MinTime).After(now) {
if t.pingStrikes > maxPingStrikes {
// Send goaway and close the connection.
if logger.V(logLevel) {
logger.Errorf("transport: Got too many pings from the client, closing the connection.")
t.controlBuf.put(&goAway{code: http2.ErrCodeEnhanceYourCalm, debugData: []byte("too_many_pings"), closeConn: true})
发现客户端在发起 keeplive ping 包超过服务端 EnforcementPolicy MinTime 设置时, 触发该异常
通过 server/client 示例进行调试,
序号 | client: ClientParameters | server: ServerParameters | server: EnforcementPolicy | 现象 |
1 | Time : 12 * time.Second | Time: 20 * time.Second | MinTime : 10 * time.Second | 每12s client wrote PING, stream持续正常 (取客户端较小ping周期) |
2 | Time : 12 * time.Second | Time: 20 * time.Second | MinTime : 15 * time.Second | 每12s client wrote PING (取客户端较小ping周期, server wrote GOAWAY, 断开重连 |
3 | Time : 20 * time.Second | Time: 15 * time.Second | MinTime : 10 * time.Second | 每15s server wrote PING (取服务端较小ping周期), stream持续正常 |
4 | Time : 10 * time.Second | Time: 10 * time.Second | MinTime : 10 * time.Second | 每10s server/clent 交替wrote PING, stream持续正常 |
结合试验, 目前 client/server keeplive 配置均为10s, server 端 enforcementpolicy 也为10s, 会在空闲时交替发送 ping 包, 在服务端受到压力时, 服务端可能存在不发送 ping 包情况, 同时接收处理客户端前后2个 ping 包出现延迟, 判断小于 policy mintime, 即可能出现当前情况, 可以调整 enforcementpolicy, mintime 从 10s 调整为 7s (10-3)