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A brief explanation of the algorithm used in stepcounter_next() in

The acceleration in the y, i.e. vertical, direction has very the most well
formed waves for walk, run, and hop. It goes up very quickly, reaches the peak
in less than 0.1 seconds, then drop back to below zero.

For convenience, denote acceleration in the y direction as ay. Denote ax as the
acceleration in the x direction and gz as the angular speed about the z axis.

It was observed that:
  a) The difference between the ay values from adjacent records is at least
     5.0 (m/s^2) if and only if the person starts a walking/running/hopping
     cycle. This can be used to determine the start of a walk/run/hop cycle.
  b) After ay reaches a peak value (possibly multiple local positive maximi
  	near the peak), it drops below zero rather smoothly. That is, ay does
  	not oscilate above and below zero at all when it drops. This can be used
  	to determine the 'semi-end' of a cycle.
  c) The width of a wave is usually less than 0.2 seconds, which roughly
     corresponds to 200 records. Starting from the first sharp increase in
     ay, within 200 records after it, ax and gz finished their own waves as
     well. The maximal values (positive maximal and negative maximal are
     different for this purpose) of ax, ay, and az suffice to decide whether
     this cycle is a walk, run, or hop.
  d) The periods, i.e., the time intervals between adjacent peaks, are
     different for walk, run, and hop too. This can be used to further
     confirm the decision made with the observation described in (c).

     NOTE: (d) is not implemented yet. Maybe in the future if needed better

For easy reference and future reference, here is the matrix mentioned in (c)
and (d):
         |  ax   |   ay   | 4.5*gz |     T
    hop  | 30-40 |  20-40 | 20-40  |  >   1s
    run  |  ~ 20 |  25-30 | 10-17  |  < 0.7s
    walk |  < 5  |   5-10 |  < 3   |  >   1s

Figures that illustrates the points:

    shows the ax(red), ay(blue), and gz(green) of hopping, running, and walking
    period from ./data/Andrew_walk_hop_walk_run_stripped.csv.

    This figure is obtained by:

  ./my_run_walk.png, ./my_walk_hop_walk_run.png, and ./my_walk_run.png:
    Red, blue, and green spikes indicate the detection of hop, run, and walk
    step, respectively for the corresponding input csv file.
    Red, blue, and green dots are ax, ay, and gz, respectively.

    These figures are obtained by:
        cd src
        make test
	(NOTE: You have to close the current plot window to see the next plot
	window pop up just yet.)

Results (CSV):

  The results csv files are stored as data/*.csv.2

  The three pictures, my_run_walk.png, my_walk_run.png, and
  my_walk_hop_walk_run.png show how well/badly my current solution does.

  There are false positives, incorrect type, and false negatives. But overall,
  this algorithm, as in this current implementation, works pretty well given
  that it is only using the peak values of ay and gz. At least, ax and T can
  also be used to enhance the detection efficiency.

Source Files in C:

  All source files are in src/

    The driver routine that parses the csv file and output to the csv file.

  stepcounter.c, stepcounter.h:
    C API for detecting steps and step types.
    This API is designed to be very easy to change in the future and easy for
    debugging as well.

Build and test:

  I only tested everything on MacOSX Yosimite with the latest developer tools.

    The clang compiler, or a C99 compliant compiler.
    A working python3 program that can be found by /usr/bin/env.

    cd src
    make test
    (The you will see graphs popping up, and you can find the result files as


  - Utilize ax and T to further enhance the model. Though, I do not want to go
    too much in that direction with only these data because if I try too hard
    with so little data, I risk overfitting the data with too many parameters.

  - Develop more efficient wave detection algorithms. I already thought of
    several. I did not do them because they are significantly more complex than
    the current implementation and the gains might very well not be worth the
    effort for the purpose of this test.

  - Probably use wavelets and FFT, i.e., frequency domain information to detect
    the running mode of the record stream. This is another way of using the
    period mentioned above, but also allows for better detection of

  - Extract the several magic numbers used in the .c files. They should be put
    in a configuration file that the count.exe program reads in when processing
    incoming records streams.

  - Build up a training algorithm that trains the above configuration file using
    customized data. This virtually allows this algorithm to apply to a much
    broader user group and get more data/feedback.

  - Clean up the python scripts and the Makefile's test target. They are so
    messy right now.


Fun walking around






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  • Roff 95.4%
  • C 2.3%
  • Python 1.5%
  • Makefile 0.8%