Combine the schema of google protocol buffer and the flexible of json format. It helps you parse any message which is serialized by Google protobuf without compiled protobuf java class
Features :
- Deserialize protobuf message without Protobuf Java Class。
- All its need is .desc file,which is generated by .proto file .
- Campatibale with Google protobuf 2.0 & 3.0 format.
Example :
// Step 1: init ProtobufUtil
ProtobufUtil util = new ProtobufUtil();
try(InputStream inputStream = Test.class.getResourceAsStream("/message.desc"))
Notice :
// You can generate proto desc file from proto file like this:
protoc --proto_path=./ --java_out=./ a.proto --descriptor_set_out=message.desc
// Step2 : deserialize protobuf message without Protobuf Java Class
you can refer to the examples in src/main/test/Test