I'm Lyudmyla, a student at 42 Madrid. I'm passionate about programming and constantly improving my skills. Here you can find some of the projects I've worked on and follow my progress in the course.
Project | Description |
Libft | A library of basic functions in C |
get_next_line | Reading a line from a file descriptor |
Born2beroot | System administration project |
ft_printf | Implementation of the printf function |
push_swap | Data sorting algorithm |
so_long | 2D game development project |
pipex | Pipeline project in C |
Minishell | Creating a minimal shell in C |
Philosophers | Multithreading and synchronization project in C |
cub3d | Basic 3D game engine in C |
CPP Modules | Series of modules to learn C++ |
NetPractice | Network configuration project |
Inception | Virtualization and containerization project |
Webserv | Building a web server in C++ |
- ft_transcendence - This project is about creating a website for the mighty Pong contest!
- Programming Languages: C, C++
- Containers: Docker
- Development Tools: Git, Visual Studio Code, GCC, Makefile
- Other: Linux, Bash scripting
I'm always open to new opportunities and collaborations. Feel free to reach out to me via LinkedIn. You can also check out my work and get in touch through GitHub.
Thanks for visiting my profile!