A RecyclerView.LayoutManager implementation which provides functionality to show a group of stack view.
🎡 ArcSeekBar 一个弧形可拖动进度条控件。弧形大小,弧度,颜色渐变等配置完全可定制化
自定义Seekbar VerticalSeekbar CircleSeekbar 半圆Seekbar
A simple custom view that shows the semi-circle progress bar from an extended View.
Android common lib, include ImageCache, HttpCache, DropDownListView, DownloadManager, Utils and so on
implement android pinterest app like multi column list view.
A library that extends the Android toast framework.
Android ImageView widget with zoom and pan capabilities
Bind Android views and callbacks to fields and methods.
Library project to display DialogFragment with a blur effect.
For resolve the layout conflict when keybord & panel are switching (Android键盘面板冲突 布局闪动处理方案)
Android view (widget) for rendering radial diagrams
A flexible view for providing a limited rect window into a large data set,just like a two-dimensional RecyclerView. It different from RecyclerView is that it's two-dimensional(just like a Panel) an…
A photoView to scale image and finish activity,高仿微信可拖拽返回PhotoView
This is a light Android file picker library.
A simple dialog making it quick and easy to add color picking functionality to any app.
🎨 Android colorpicker for getting colors from any images by tapping on the desired color.