✓ 基于aiohttp的异步web后端,实现了路由层和视图层
✓ 使用设计较友好
pip install asyncweb
“asyncweb”允许您在几个步骤中快速创建一个rest资源。 它自动在集合或单个项上创建资源路由;只需在方法上指定'_collection'或'_item'后缀即可。 使用python字典,结果/请求的序列化/反序列化是透明的。
from aiohttp import web
from asyncweb import RestView, routes
class RestResource(RestView):
# example call: GET to <server>/views?start=10
async def on_get_collection(self, start=0) -> list:
return [
{"id": int(start) + 1, "value": 1},
{"id": int(start) + 2, "value": 2},
# example call: GET <server>/views/80
async def on_get_item(self, id: str) -> dict:
return self.key
# example call: POST to <server>/views
async def on_post_collection(self, body: dict) -> dict:
return body
app = web.Application()
app['key'] = [1, 2, 4, 5]
if __name__ == '__main__':