Ultrafast log masking library. It can find the data that needs to be masked from the log and then mask them.
import "github.com/lvan100/go-masking"
// Merges rules. You can customize your own masker function.
err := masking.MergeRules(map[string]*masking.Rule{
"phone": {
Desc: "手机号",
Keys: []string{
"cell", "driver_phone", "spec-cell",
Length: 30,
Masker: masking.SimplePhoneMasker,
// Masks the byte slice in-place. If masking duration exceeds
// 2000 microseconds, the desensitization will be interrupted.
_, intercepted := masking.Mask(src, 2000)
The library constructs a trie tree from the rules. And the trie tree is used to find the longest match. If a match is found, it will be recorded, then the masking function will be applied. Assuming we have a trie tree:
If we have a log like this:
abc:1234567890, tbc:1234567890
First, the trie tree will find the longest match key:
. -
Second, the library checks if the matched key is valid, which has start splitter and end splitter, so
is valid andbc
is not. -
Last, the library will try to mask a fixed length string after the key.