Start by briefly describing the assignment in a sentence or two. Keep it short and to the point.
This weeks project was to do an To-Do App. In the app you can add tasks to a list, I've set a maximum of 10 tasks at a time. Once completed you check the box and the task will be overlined, you can also choose to remove a task.
How did you plan? It was fun to have free hands on this weeks project. Although, that made it quite difficult to decide on what to do. Decided to go simple and went for a To-Do list design/approach that I personally could use as a weekly planner.
If you had more time, what would be next? With more time I would have added date/time to the To-Do tasks. I would have added a component for notes were the user can write down information more freely. Also would have liked to add a "complete all-button" to the To-Do list that targets all tasks.
What technologies did you use? State hooks such as useState were used to manage data within each component, such as to-do tasks, reminder text, workout days, etc. Event handling functions were implemented to handle user interactions like adding/removing tasks, toggling task completion, setting reminders, etc.
Setting the date in ListName.jsx and ReminderBlock.jsx might not be showing as it should on phone views.