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Roc Ray Graphics Platform

Roc platform for building graphics applications, like games and simulations, while using the Raylib graphics library.

We aim to provide a nice experience for the hobby developer or a small team who wants to build a game or graphical application in Roc.

Status - Early development, not yet ready for production use. We are looking for contributors to help build out the platform and examples. If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue or start a thread in the roc zulip where you can find us.


  • Write games using Roc, the Fast, Friendly, and Functional programming language
  • Cross-platform support for Linux, macOS, Windows, and Web
  • Simple API for 2D graphics (3D coming soon)
  • Built on the awesome Raylib library
  • Designed for beginners, hobby developers and small teams


Checkout the docs site at


(requires cloning the repository locally)

app [Model, init!, render!] { rr: platform "../platform/main.roc" }

import rr.RocRay
import rr.Draw

width = 800
height = 600

Model : {}

init! : {} => Result Model []
init! = \{} ->

    RocRay.initWindow! { title: "Basic Shapes", width, height }

    Ok {}

render! : Model, RocRay.PlatformState => Result Model []
render! = \_, {} ->

    Draw.draw! White \{} ->
        Draw.text! { pos: { x: 10, y: 10 }, text: "Hello World!", size: 40, color: Navy }
        Draw.rectangle! { rect: { x: 100, y: 150, width: 250, height: 100 }, color: Aqua }
        Draw.rectangleGradientH! { rect: { x: 400, y: 150, width: 250, height: 100 }, left: Lime, right: Navy }
        Draw.rectangleGradientV! { rect: { x: 300, y: 250, width: 250, height: 100 }, top: Maroon, bottom: Green }! { center: { x: 200, y: 400 }, radius: 75, color: Fuchsia }
        Draw.circleGradient! { center: { x: 600, y: 400 }, radius: 75, inner: Yellow, outer: Maroon }
        Draw.line! { start: { x: 100, y: 500 }, end: { x: 500, y: 500 }, color: Red }

    Ok {}

basic shapes example

Getting Started

Clone the repository

In future we should be able to provide prebuilt-binaries that work with the Roc cli and writing apps is as simple as roc run app.roc, but for now to get started you will need to clone the repository.

$ git clone

Linux and MacOS

Required dependencies

  1. Install roc
  2. Install rust
  3. Install dev tools on linux sudo apt install build-essential git or on macOS xcode-select --install
  4. Install just cargo install just
  5. Install watchexec cargo install watchexec-cli

Run an example:

$ just dev examples/pong.roc


Currently broken - Help Wanted

Use the nix package manager to install the dependencies

$ nix develop
$ just dev examples/pong.roc


  1. Ensure you have cargo in your path.
  2. Install just
  3. Run just setup to download a windows build of Roc

Run an example:

PS > just dev .\examples\pong.roc

The unofficial Windows release of roc can be manually downloaded at lukewilliamboswell/roc/releases/tag/windows-20241011

PS > roc version
roc built from commit b5e3c3e441 with additional changes, committed at 2024-10-09 11:34:35 UTC


Required dependencies

  1. As above for native
  2. Install zig
  3. Install emscripten
  4. Install simple-http-server cargo install simple-http-server
$ just web examples/pong.roc


To run the tests locally:

$ ./ci/

We are exploring how we can make a nice API for Roc and experimenting with different ideas, not quite a 1-1 mapping of the raylib API. We hope to find a nice balance between Roc's functional and Raylib's imperative style.

This platform is young, and there is a lot of work to do. You are welcome to contribute ideas or PR's, please let us know if you have any questions or need help.