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Library hsa been internalized into Metsi. Librarized development will continue later with better defined library responsibilities and interface boundaries between components.

MetSi forest data model

This project is a collection of Python classes for a structured object model of forest stands with contained tree strata and reference trees. We also serve a library implementation for converting forest inventory data into these classes. This project's primary purpose is to serve as the data model and data conversion library for the Metsi forest development simulator.

Original implementation of the data model and data conversion by Arto Haara, Natural Resources Institute Finland.

Backwards compatibility with semantic versioning is guaranteed for users of this library.

Technology and the project

This is a Python library developed under Python 3.10. We offer support for this library via GitHub issues and welcome pull requests for improvement.

This project uses the pyproject.toml for configuration and build. For setting up development environment, run pip install .[tests]. Development can be readily done utilizing the unit test suites in tests. The project is deployed under the namespace

We expect

Library description

The data structures for forest stands and reference trees were originally created from the RSD data format specification of the MELA forest calculation utility. They have been extended for tree strata. The core data model is gradually being changed from RSD categorizations to be a unified representation for Finnish national forest survey (VMI) and Finnish Forest Center (SMK) data formats. This is achieved by mapping out enumerations and utilizing them for conversion between the source data formats, the Metsi data model and the RSD output model.

We provide an input converter from VMI12 and VMI13 forest inventory data[^1] and Finnish Forest Center forest inventory data[^2]. In addition, output data conversion is provided for creating RSD-like files according to the MELA forest calculation utility 2016 specification. The conversion functionality is under consideration to be moved into a separate code project.

Library structure

The code for this project is structured into namespace packages as follows.

path comment
l.m.d.model Main data structures module
l.m.d.conversion Utility package for converting enumerations between data formats
l.m.d.enums Package for category variable enumerations
l.m.d.formats.ForestBuilder Builder pattern style classes for populating a collection of forest stands with reference tree and stratum data
l.m.d.formats.io_utils Utilities for formatting data for various output formats
l.m.d.formats.rsd_const support structures for RSD data indices
l.m.d.formats.smk_util Forest Centre XML data related parsing logic
l.m.d.formats.util general utility functions
l.m.d.formats.vmi_const support structures for VMI data indices
l.m.d.formats.vmi_util support functionality for VMI data parsing and conversion
tests Test suites

Data structures

Main data structure classes for the internal representation are as follows.

class description
ForestStand Forest stand is a measurement area of interest for forest statistics and metadata
ReferenceTree Reference tree is a representation of trees of a certain species and size within a forest stand
TreeStratum Tree stratum is a statistical representation of trees of a certain species within a forest stand

Enumerated properties for above classes are as follows, with equivalent enumerations from source and target data formats prefixed with Vmi*, ForestCentre* and Mela*:

class enumerated property description
ForestStand LandUseCategory Type of land within this area
ForestStand OwnerCategory Ownership of this area
ForestStand SoilPeatlandCategory Soil type of this area
ForestStand SiteType Site richness of this area
ForestStand DrainageCategory Drainage status of this area
ForestStand ... Work in progress
ReferenceTree TreeSpecies Species of these trees
ReferenceTree ... Work in progress
TreeStratum TreeSpecies Species of trees of this stratum


Geopandas dependency resolution in Windows using pip

For using the Forestry Centre (SMK) XML source files, geopandas library is needed for geocoordinate handling. When using pip for dependency management, geopandas depends on the Fiona library, which depends on GDAL. Fiona and GDAL are not properly installable without a C++ build environment.


Use Anaconda[^3] for Python virtual environment and library dependency management.


Obtain WHL prepackaged Fiona and GDAL libraries from where you will find a file such

  • Fiona‑1.8.21‑cp310‑cp310‑win_amd64.whl
  • GDAL‑3.4.2‑cp310‑cp310‑win_amd64.whl

Depending on the python version you are using, download the correct file by replacing the cp310 in the filename above:

  • Python 3.10 -> cp310
  • Python 3.9 -> cp39
  • etc...

Install the package using pip install GDAL‑3.4.2‑cp310‑cp310‑win_amd64.whl and pip install Fiona‑1.8.21‑cp310‑cp310‑win_amd64.whl before proceeding with pip install -r requirements.txt.

[^1] National forest survey

[^2] Finnish Forest Center MV1.9 inventory data

[^3] Anaconda