This is the website that is hosted at
The code for the older version hosted at the heroku platform is at the http-status-cats-api repo.
This version does not need any server side code. The API behavior is provided by a Nginx server config.
The interface is built with React and pre-rendered with react-snap.
yarn start
Starts the development server.
yarn test
Runs the tests.
yarn build
Creates a build of the project.
Thanks to @girliemac for creating the amazing http status cats images.
Thanks to @pfdborges for creating the logo.
Thanks to @nataly-enne for the status 501 image.
Thanks to @woutfeys for the status 102 image.
Thanks to @epitaciosilva for the 407 image.
Thanks to @luizcieslak for the 203 image and 407 image fix.