- OS: Arch Linux
- WM: awesome
- Terminal: wezterm
- Shell: zsh
- Editor: neovim / vscode
- Compositor: picom
- Application Launcher: rofi
- Music Player ncmpcpp
AwesomeWM Modules:
- bling
- Adds new layouts, modules, and widgets that try to focus on window management primarily
- color
- Clean and efficient api for color conversion in lua
- layout-machi
- Manual layout for Awesome with an interactive editor
- UPower
- A UPowerGlib based battery widget for the Awesome WM
This repo has a wiki! You can check it by clicking
Assuming your AUR Helper is paru.
First of all you should install the git version of AwesomeWM.
paru -S awesome-git
Install necessary dependencies
paru -Sy picom-git wezterm rofi acpi acpid acpi_call upower lxappearance-gtk3 \
jq inotify-tools polkit-gnome xdotool xclip gpick ffmpeg blueman redshift \
pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-pulse alsa-utils brightnessctl feh maim \
mpv mpd mpc mpdris2 python-mutagen ncmpcpp playerctl --needed
Enable Services
systemctl --user enable mpd.service
systemctl --user start mpd.service
Clone this repository
git clone --depth 1 --recurse-submodules https://github.com/rxyhn/yoru.git
cd yoru && git submodule update --remote --merge
Copy config files
cp -r config/* ~/.config/
Install a few fonts (mainly icon fonts) in order for text and icons to be rendered properly.
Necessary fonts:
Optional fonts:
Once you download them and unpack them, place them into ~/.fonts
or ~/.local/share/fonts
Or you can find the required fonts inside the misc/fonts
folder of this repository.
cp -r misc/fonts/* ~/.fonts/
# or to ~/.local/share/fonts
cp -r misc/fonts/* ~/.local/share/fonts/
And run this command for your system to detect the newly installed fonts.
fc-cache -fv
Finally, now you can login with AwesomeWM
Font Preview:
- Clone or Download this repository
- Change the current directory to
yoru/misc/fonts/Aesthetic Iosevka
- Choose the variant you want, or choose both
"editor.fontFamily": "Aesthetic Iosevka Original", "editor.fontLigatures": true,
Nerd Font:
"editor.fontFamily": "AestheticIosevka Nerd Font", "editor.fontLigatures": true,