Configuring additional functionality for entity classes
support of decapitation adsorption
Chain call of the Holder class
Support for empty data layout header tail
Support for loading more
Support for unofficial divder (automatically updated by entity class)
Support and ZRefresh linkage
Support for subdivision reuse, overall visible and invisible listening
Extensibility of Holder classes,please read zone.com.zadapter3kt.adapterimpl's files
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
Step 2. Add the dependency
implementation 'com.github.luhaoaimama1:ZAdapter3KT:Latest release'
- easy use 's , Example -> FastRecyclerActivity
- Multiple Layout , Example -> RecyclerKTActivity(Much of the writing here is actually not that troublesome, but to verify a lot of functionality, so write...)
- Similar to add up to 9 published pictures , Example -> NineRecyclerKTActivity
- ViewStyleOBJ extend class 's divderRect、isHideBeforeDivder , Example -> DivderKTActivity
- ViewStyleOBJ extend class 's section , Example -> PartitionActivity
- ViewStyleOBJ extend class 's isSticky , Example -> StickyKTActivity
- Pull-down linkage on ZRefresh library , Example -> ZRefreshKTActivity
ps:QuickConfig can change the style of the load layout globally, and there are more ways to load it
- Using onclick in ViewDelegate , Example -> OnclickRecyclerActivity
ps:The benefits of doing so can be override and the world doesn't recommend view.setonclick because after that inheritance, it's easy to overwrite in set.
1.Easy use
for (i in 1..30) {
mDatas.add("" + i)
//base test
rv.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this, LinearLayoutManager.VERTICAL, false)
rv.itemAnimator = DefaultItemAnimator()
muliAdapter = QuickAdapter<String>(this@FastRecyclerActivity).apply {
rv.adapter = muliAdapter
2.Multiple Layout involves ViewDelegate,CommonAdapter configuration and ViewStyleOBJ configuration extension classes
class LeftDelegates : ViewDelegate<String>() {
override val layoutId: Int= R.layout.item_left
override fun onBindViewHolder(position: Int, item: DataWarp<String>, holder: Holder, payloads: List<*>) {
holder.setText(R.id.tv, item.data!!)
holder.itemView.post { QuickConfig.e("height" + holder.itemView.height) }
holder.setText(R.id.tv, item.data!!)
.setOnClickListener(View.OnClickListener { println("holder click test ") })
class CommonAdapter(context: Context) : QuickAdapter<String>(context) {
init {
enableHistory(true) //Add and delete the history of the action that you can see
registerDelegate(LeftDelegates()) //The default registration is -1
registerDelegate(0, RightDelegates()) //You may also register for delegate processing
registerDelegate(1, R.layout.header_simple) //You can register layout resources directly
registerDelegate(2, R.layout.header_simple2) //You can register layout resources directly
registerDelegate(3, R.layout.footer_simple)
registerDelegate(4, R.layout.footer_simple)
// After registration, define which layout types are the header and bottom
// HFMode.ADD,HFMode.REPLACE is to continue to add or replace when the layout is found
defineHeaderOrder(HFMode.ADD, 1,2)
defineFooterOrder(HFMode.ADD, 3,4)
// Display of last registered null data
//Item registration click events are generally not used ~
onItemClickListener = object : OnItemClickListener {
override fun onItemClick(parent: ViewGroup, view: View, position: Int) {
println("onItemClick" + position)
//Here he modifies his configuration extension class by getting the data
setStyleExtra(object : ViewStyleDefault<String>() {
override fun generateViewStyleOBJ(item: String): ViewStyleOBJ? {
var viewStyle = when (item) {
"header1" -> 1
"header2" -> 2
"footer1" -> 3
"footer2" -> 4
else -> -1
//Modifying multiple play types through data
return ViewStyleOBJ().viewStyle(viewStyle)
override fun getItemViewType(position: Int, itemConfig: ViewStyleOBJ) {
Configure extension classes
//The data in the actual RV is DataWarp
class DataWarp<T>(var data: T?, var extraConfig: ViewStyleOBJ = ViewStyleOBJ())
// Configure extension classes
class ViewStyleOBJ {
var viewStyle: Int = -1 //Layout type
var isFullspan = false //Whether full rows are generally used for grid layouts and waterfall layouts
//configure tags, Click or browse when the time can be reported through the tags or so. Or find some of the item of a tag in the list in a split second
val tags: HashSet<String> by lazy { HashSet<String>() }
//For storing some obj, you can then use the key to use
val otherMaps:HashMap<String,Any> by lazy { HashMap<String,Any>() }
// Whether to absorb the top
var isSticky: Boolean = false
// Using and quickly updating data in some part of Rv
var quickUpdateSection: QuickUpdateSection? = null
//For subdivision multiplexing
var section: Section? = null
// Used to distinguish between the head and the bottom or the content
var part: Part = Part.CONTENT
// The root of the item FrameLayout is left and right between the top and the left is the divderRect.
//And when the data is modified, the divder notification of the previous item is changed.
var divderRect: Rect? = null
//Control of the previous item divderRect with a bottom force of 0 is generally used for the current item with no up-and-down intervals
var isHideBeforeDivder = false
// Internal attribute. Has been generated. If it has been generated, it will not be generated
internal var isGenerate = false
Since there are more updates per version, update logs are posted on each version from now on.
- Configuring additional functionality for entity classes
- support of decapitation adsorption
- Chain call of the Holder class
- Support for empty data layout header tail
- Support for loading more
- Support for unofficial divder (automatically updated by entity class)
- Support and ZRefresh linkage
- Support for subdivision reuse, overall visible and invisible listening