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recyclerView adapte(kotlin) support loading empty header footer adsorption Multiple

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  • Configuring additional functionality for entity classes

  • support of decapitation adsorption

  • Chain call of the Holder class

  • Support for empty data layout header tail

  • Support for loading more

  • Support for unofficial divder (automatically updated by entity class)

  • Support and ZRefresh linkage

  • Support for subdivision reuse, overall visible and invisible listening

  • Extensibility of Holder classes,please read's files



Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url "" }

Step 2. Add the dependency

implementation 'com.github.luhaoaimama1:ZAdapter3KT:Latest release'

design thought

demo explain:

  • easy use 's , Example -> FastRecyclerActivity
  • Multiple Layout , Example -> RecyclerKTActivity(Much of the writing here is actually not that troublesome, but to verify a lot of functionality, so write...)
  • Similar to add up to 9 published pictures , Example -> NineRecyclerKTActivity
  • ViewStyleOBJ extend class 's divderRect、isHideBeforeDivder , Example -> DivderKTActivity
  • ViewStyleOBJ extend class 's section , Example -> PartitionActivity
  • ViewStyleOBJ extend class 's isSticky , Example -> StickyKTActivity
  • Pull-down linkage on ZRefresh library , Example -> ZRefreshKTActivity

    ps:QuickConfig can change the style of the load layout globally, and there are more ways to load it

  • Using onclick in ViewDelegate , Example -> OnclickRecyclerActivity

    ps:The benefits of doing so can be override and the world doesn't recommend view.setonclick because after that inheritance, it's easy to overwrite in set.

Easy Summary:

1.Easy use

    for (i in 1..30) {
       mDatas.add("" + i)
    //base test
    rv.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this, LinearLayoutManager.VERTICAL, false)
    rv.itemAnimator = DefaultItemAnimator()
    muliAdapter = QuickAdapter<String>(this@FastRecyclerActivity).apply {
    rv.adapter = muliAdapter

2.Multiple Layout involves ViewDelegate,CommonAdapter configuration and ViewStyleOBJ configuration extension classes

class LeftDelegates : ViewDelegate<String>() {
    override val layoutId: Int= R.layout.item_left

    override fun onBindViewHolder(position: Int, item: DataWarp<String>, holder: Holder, payloads: List<*>) {
        holder.setText(,!!) { QuickConfig.e("height" + holder.itemView.height) }
                .setOnClickListener(View.OnClickListener { println("holder click test ") })

class CommonAdapter(context: Context) : QuickAdapter<String>(context) {
    init {
        enableHistory(true) //Add and delete the history of the action that you can see

        registerDelegate(LeftDelegates()) //The default registration is -1
        registerDelegate(0, RightDelegates()) //You may also register for delegate processing

        registerDelegate(1, R.layout.header_simple) //You can register layout resources directly
        registerDelegate(2, R.layout.header_simple2) //You can register layout resources directly

        registerDelegate(3, R.layout.footer_simple)
        registerDelegate(4, R.layout.footer_simple)

        // After registration, define which layout types are the header and bottom
        // HFMode.ADD,HFMode.REPLACE is to continue to add or replace when the layout is found
        defineHeaderOrder(HFMode.ADD, 1,2)
        defineFooterOrder(HFMode.ADD, 3,4)

        // Display of last registered null data

        //Item registration click events are generally not used ~
        onItemClickListener = object : OnItemClickListener {
            override fun onItemClick(parent: ViewGroup, view: View, position: Int) {
                println("onItemClick" + position)

        //Here he modifies his configuration extension class by getting the data
        setStyleExtra(object : ViewStyleDefault<String>() {
            override fun generateViewStyleOBJ(item: String): ViewStyleOBJ? {
                var viewStyle = when (item) {
                    "header1" -> 1
                    "header2" -> 2
                    "footer1" -> 3
                    "footer2" -> 4
                    else -> -1
                //Modifying multiple play types through data
                return ViewStyleOBJ().viewStyle(viewStyle)

            override fun getItemViewType(position: Int, itemConfig: ViewStyleOBJ) {

Configure extension classes

//The data in the actual RV is DataWarp
class DataWarp<T>(var data: T?, var extraConfig: ViewStyleOBJ = ViewStyleOBJ())
// Configure extension classes
class ViewStyleOBJ {
    var viewStyle: Int = -1 //Layout type
    var isFullspan = false //Whether full rows are generally used for grid layouts and waterfall layouts
    //configure tags, Click or browse when the time can be reported through the tags or so. Or find some of the item of a tag in the list in a split second
    val tags: HashSet<String> by lazy { HashSet<String>() }
    //For storing some obj, you can then use the key to use
    val otherMaps:HashMap<String,Any> by lazy { HashMap<String,Any>() }
    // Whether to absorb the top
    var isSticky: Boolean = false
    // Using and quickly updating data in some part of Rv
    var quickUpdateSection: QuickUpdateSection? = null
    //For subdivision multiplexing
    var section: Section? = null
    // Used to distinguish between the head and the bottom or the content
    var part: Part = Part.CONTENT
    // The root of the item FrameLayout is left and right between the top and the left is the divderRect.
    //And when the data is modified, the divder notification of the previous item is changed.
    var divderRect: Rect? = null
    //Control of the previous item divderRect with a bottom force of 0 is generally used for the current item with no up-and-down intervals
    var isHideBeforeDivder = false
    // Internal attribute. Has been generated. If it has been generated, it will not be generated
    internal var isGenerate = false

Update log

Since there are more updates per version, update logs are posted on each version from now on.


  • Configuring additional functionality for entity classes
  • support of decapitation adsorption
  • Chain call of the Holder class
  • Support for empty data layout header tail
  • Support for loading more
  • Support for unofficial divder (automatically updated by entity class)
  • Support and ZRefresh linkage
  • Support for subdivision reuse, overall visible and invisible listening



recyclerView adapte(kotlin) support loading empty header footer adsorption Multiple






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