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Deep Slope Estimation with Formal Verification

This project aims to estimate the drivability of the road for autonomous vehicles given a point cloud of the surroundings and verify the robustness of the model with formal verification techniques. We use the estimated point normals to represent the slope or the condition of the road. Since formal verification tools requires the model size to be as small as possible, we have also tried weight pruning and knowledge distilaltion to compress the model.

The project homepage is here.

Data preparation

Generated Data

To generate some random planes and curved surfaces for training and testing, run

python point_num point_cloud_num gaussian_noise_sigma


python point_num point_cloud_num gaussian_noise_sigma

where point_num is the number of points in each point cloud, point_cloud_num is the total number of point clouds, and gaussian_noise_sigma is the sigma of the added gaussian noise. If sigma=0, then there's no noise added. This will give you h5py files which contain points and ground truth normals of size point_cloud_num*point_num*3.

Kitti Dataset

We select the first four classes and some samples from Kitti Dataset for training. The data can be downloaded and processed by running:


This will give you four h5py files which contain the training and testing data.

Train a model

You can train your normal estimation model by running:


Also, you can run

python --input_transform --feature_transform

to add input transform network and feature transform network. In general, adding input transform network will help to improve a little. We've also provided a trained model in model_0.pth with a rms angle error of 32.56.

Weight prune and re-train

Test the weight pruning results on one test sample. The following code will give you the number of pruned parameters and the rms angle error after weight pruning. The threshold controls the number of prameters being pruned. add --input_transform or --feature_transform if you are using transform networks. The provided model is trained with only input transform networks.

python --thres 1.5 --model model.pth --input_transform

We have provided test.h5 which contains one full scene testing sample. you can also test other samples by modifying Re-train your model:

python --model "PATH TO THE TRAINED MODEL" --thres 1.5 --prune --input_transform

Genrally, training several epochs should be enough to give you acceptable reaults. The trained model will be saved in kitti_output folder. You can test and compare the results after retraining. model_90.pth is the retrained model after pruning 90% parameters with rms angle error 34.18.


By runnning the testing code, you will get two .npz files with normal prediction results of the original model and the pruned model. Qulititative results can be demonstrated by running:

python --file 'PATH TO .npz FILE'

We've also provided res_0.npz and res_90.npz which is the prediction results before and after pruning 90% parameters.

ps: For the mentioned rms angle error, we refer to the error on the test.h5 full scene sample instead of the whole test set, beacause the ground truth (geometric method labeled) might not be correct.

Knowledge Distillation

To use knowledge distillation to do model compression, run

python --teacher_model "PATH TO THE TRAINED MODEL"

The trained student network will be stored in the folder you specified in --outf. For comparison, you can also train the student network from scratch by running



[1] The codes are developed based on this repo.

[2] R. Q. Charles, H. Su, M. Kaichun, and L. J.Guibas. Pointnet: Deep learning on point setsfor 3d classification and segmentation.2017IEEE Conference on Computer Vision andPattern Recognition (CVPR), Jul 2017.

[3] C. R. Qi, L. Yi, H. Su, and L. J. Guibas. Point-net++: Deep hierarchical feature learning onpoint sets in a metric space, 2017.

[4] A. Romero, N. Ballas, S. E. Kahou, A. Chas-sang, C. Gatta, and Y. Bengio. Fitnets: Hintsfor thin deep nets, 2014