Color palettes and shading can be customized using light-maps.
A light-map must be 32 pixels wide, but can be any height.
Each 2-pixel-column specifies the shading for one color.
- Each row is a shading level, going from light-to-dark from top-to-bottom.
- The pair of pixels in each row are used to control dithering.
- To have no dithering make both colors the same.
- The order of the columns correspond to the PICO-8 color indices.
The default picoCAD light-map is a good starting point for customization:
See here for examples of custom light-maps.
The model viewer can be freely used in other contexts.
// Example usage //
import PicoCADViewer from "./pico-cad-viewer.esm.js";
const myCanvas = document.getElementByID("my-canvas");
const viewer = new PicoCadViewer({
canvas: myCanvas,
// Load models from file, string or URL.
// Draw the model manually or start a draw loop.
if (oneShot) {
} else {
let spin = 0;
viewer.startDrawLoop((dt) => {
// This callback is called before every frame is drawn.
spin += dt;
viewer.setTurntableCamera(8, spin, 0.1);