Arrakis is a proof-of-concept project to develop a microservice application.
Project | Technology | Description |
Arrakis | Shell | The container project with info and configuration. |
Wallach IX - Collection API | Python | API for collections data manipulation. |
IX - Item API | PHP | API for items data manipulation. |
Balut - User API | Python | API for user data manipulation. |
Service Discovery | Java | API for register services (and discovery existing services). |
Kaitain - QA App | PHP | Frontend Test App for services manipulation. |
All the project is glued with Docker Compose.
The project is supported by the technologies and tools listed below:
- Shell Script
- Git
- Docker and Docker Compose
- Apache Maven
❗ Make sure you have at least one JDK installed in you system because Maven needs it to build a Java application.
git clone
sh arrakis/
mvn --file arrakis/api/registrator/pom.xml clean package
docker-compose --file arrakis/docker-compose.yml build
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose stop
With all images running, you can just access any service to check if they are working. This is one way to do that:
curl http://localhost:7070/users
curl http://localhost:7575/enterprise
curl http://localhost:8080/assets
Thanks to @teseu, the names in the project (the main repository and its sub-repositories) are inspired in Dune universe.