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An extension to MINPACK-1 library.

Platform Build Status Code Coverage
Ubuntu 22.04 ubuntu workflow Coverage Status
Windows 11 windows workflow

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This software is an extension to the popular double-precision version of MINPACK-1 library [1] - or simply minpack, which provides routines to solve a system of nonlinear equations and nonlinear least squares problems. Without any modification to the source code of minpack, employing the powerful CMake [2] build system to handle platform and compiler intricacies on different operating systems, the goal of minpackex is to extend the original minpack function signatures to an easier-to-use API to the programmer, allowing user data to be shared across function calls.


minpackex has a hard dependency on the minpack library and cannot function without it. In the documentation, we describe in details how to build both libraries on different combinations of platform / compiler toolchains.

What is minpack?

The original minpack [1] is a battle-tested minimization package written in Fortran 77 for solving a system of nonlinear equations and nonlinear least squares problems, discussed in details at [3]. Throughout the years, popular scientific libraries like SciPy [4] and Eigen [5] have been using minpack to perform nonlinear optimization.


Do not confuse the original minpack [1] written in Fortran 77 with Modernized Minpack [6]. The modern minpack [6] version ported the initial code to newer Fortran standards. Here, we extend the original minpack library, not the modernized version.

Why minpackex is needed?

  • In the first place, the most important decision to use this library is the safety to employ the original implementation of minimization code, written in Fortran 77, provided by minpack authors [1], not the code ported to other programming languages by third parties;

  • Second, once you compile the original minpack code to a binary, the usual API (which on Linux resembles minpack.h [7]) does not allow user data to be shared by optimization routines in a straight forward manner. To address this limitation, we apply a trick in the passage of parameters in order to allow user data to be forwarded to such functions. To further explain this point, see how the parameter void *userdata works in the basic usage below to perform a function fit on a pair of points $(1, -1)$ and $(4, 5)$ for a model in the form $f(x) = a \cdot x + b$.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <minpackex.h>

typedef double (* model)(double x, const double *params);

typedef struct fit_data fit_data;

struct fit_data
    double *x;
    double *y;
    model f;

static void lmdif1_callback(
    void *userdata,
    int m,
    int n,
    const double *x,
    double *fvec,
    int *info)
    fit_data *data = (fit_data *)userdata;
    model f = data->f;
    double *px = data->x;
    double *py = data->y;

    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
        fvec[i] = f(px[i], x) - py[i];

static double linear_model(double x, const double *params)
    double a = params[0];
    double b = params[1];
    return a * x + b;

// void minpackex_lmdif1(
//    void *userdata,
//    minpackex_lmdif1_callback callback,
//    int m, int n, double *x, double *fvec, double tol,
//    int *info, int *iwa, double *wa, int lwa);

int main(void)
    double x[2] = { 1,  4 };
    double y[2] = { -1, 5 };

    fit_data data;
    data.x = x;
    data.y = y;
    data.f = linear_model;

    double guess[2] = { 1, 1 };
    /* size of x and y arrays (m = 2) */
    int m = sizeof(x) / sizeof(double);

    ** size of guess (n = 2),
    ** which is also the number of unknown parameters
    ** on the model -> linear_model (a and b)
    int n = sizeof(guess) / sizeof(double);

    double tol = sqrt(minpackex_dpmpar(1));
    int info;
    int lwa = m * n + 5 * n + m;
    double *wa = (double *)malloc(lwa * sizeof(double));
    double *fvec = (double *)malloc(m * sizeof(double));
    int *iwa = (int *)malloc(n * sizeof(int));
        (void *)&data,

    printf("\n\n// input:\n\n");
    printf("// \t (x, y):\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
        printf("// \t\t (%g, %g)\n", x[i], y[i]);

    printf("\n// \t model:\n");
    printf("// \t\t y = a * x + b\n\n");

    if (1 <= info && info <= 4)
        printf("\n// nice fit\n\n");
        printf("// found parameters:\n");
        printf("// \t a = %g\n", guess[0]);
        printf("// \t b = %g\n\n", guess[1]);
        printf("\n// bad fit\n\n");

    free((void *)iwa);
    free((void *)fvec);
    free((void *)wa);

    return 0;

Running the sample above produces the following output:

// input:

// 	 (x, y):
// 		 (1, -1)
// 		 (4, 5)

// 	 model:
// 		 y = a * x + b

// nice fit

// found parameters:
// 	 a = 2
// 	 b = -3


Browse the documentation.

Continuous Integration

At the moment, running a total of 299 different tests on multiple settings, the continuous integration on github is able to build and install minpackex in the following combination of platform / compiler toolchain, asserting that exactly the same output is obtained using either minpackex or minpack.


In the tables below, MSVC-like means the underline linker is MSVC-compatible. Therefore, GCC-like means the underline linker is GCC-compatible.

Windows 11

Fortran Compiler Fortran Compiler Version C Compiler C Compiler Version
GFortran 14.1.0 GCC 14.1.0
LLVM flang-new (GCC-like) 18.1.6 Clang 18.1.6
Intel LLVM ifx (MSVC-like) 2024.1.0 MSVC 19.39.33523.0
Intel LLVM ifx (MSVC-like) 2024.1.0 Clang-cl 16.0.6
Intel LLVM ifx (MSVC-like) 2024.1.0 Intel LLVM icx (MSVC-like) 2024.1.0
LLVM flang-new (MSVC-like) 18.1.7 MSVC 19.39.33523.0
LLVM flang-new (MSVC-like) 18.1.7 Clang-cl 18.1.7
Intel ifort (MSVC-like) 2021.10.0 MSVC 19.39.33523.0
Intel ifort (MSVC-like) 2021.10.0 Clang-cl 16.0.6
Intel ifort (MSVC-like) 2021.10.0 Intel icl (MSVC-like) 2021.10.0

Ubuntu 22.04

Fortran Compiler Fortran Compiler Version C Compiler C Compiler Version
GFortran 11.4.0 GCC 11.4.0
LLVM flang-new (GCC-like) 18.1.6 Clang 18.1.6
Intel LLVM ifx (GCC-like) 2024.1.2 Intel LLVM icx (GCC-like) 2024.1.2
Intel ifort (GCC-like) 2021.10.0 Intel icl (GCC-like) 2021.10.0
Nvidia nvfortran 2023.11 Nvidia nvc 2023.11


Up to date, on different levels of activity, there are many alternatives in a wide number of programming languages:

  • Python: SciPy [4] is probably the most famous and used out there;
  • C++: Eigen [5], based on cminpack below;
  • Fortran: Modernized Minpack [6], which seems to allow parallel execution of the algorithms;
  • C/C++: cminpack [8] by Frédéric Devernay is a mature code base which I contributed a few times and has been around for almost 20 years (it is also available on Debian / Fedora repositories);
  • C++: QuantLib [9] math optimization;
  • C/C++/Fortran 90: [10] by Burkardt;
  • Java: apache [11];
  • R: minpack.lm [12];
  • Julia: MINPACK.jl [13].


  1. minpack. Accessed May 2, 2024.;
  2. CMake. Accessed May 2, 2024.;
  3. Moré, Jorge J., Burton S. Garbow, and Kenneth E. Hillstrom. User guide for MINPACK-1.[In FORTRAN]. No. ANL-80-74. Argonne National Lab.(ANL), Argonne, IL (United States), 1980. DOI: 10.2172/6997568;
  4. SciPy. Accessed May 2, 2024.;
  5. Eigen. Accessed May 2, 2024.;
  6. Modernized Minpack. Accessed May 3, 2024.;
  7. Debian Science Team repository for minpack. Accessed May 28, 2024.;
  8. cminpack by Frédéric Devernay. Accessed May 29, 2024;
  9. QuantLib. Accessed May 29, 2024;
  10. MINPACK by Burkardt. Accessed May 29, 2024;
  11. LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer by Apache. Accessed May 29, 2024;
  12. minpack.lm in R. Accessed May 29, 2024;
  13. MINPACK.jl in Julia. Acessed May 29, 2024


An extension to MINPACK-1 library







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