- 运行 FreedomServer 的main方法。
- MySQL客户端需要5.7版本。终端中执行 mysql -hlocalhost -P8090 -upay -p123。
- 执行sql。目前不支持建表语句。
-- 查询 SELECT p.title FROM papers p WHERE p.title LIKE 'selectivity'; SELECT a.title, d.name FROM papers a, authors b, paperauths c, venues d WHERE b.name = 'E. F. Codd' AND c.authorid = b.id AND c.paperid = a.id AND a.venueid = d.id; SELECT a2.name, count(p.id) FROM papers p, authors a1, authors a2, paperauths pa1, paperauths pa2 WHERE a1.name = 'Michael Stonebraker' AND pa1.authorid = a1.id AND pa1.paperid = p.id AND pa2.authorid = a2.id AND pa1.paperid = pa2.paperid GROUP BY a2.name ORDER BY a2.name; -- 删除和新增 delete FROM authors where id = 141801; select * from authors where id = 141801; insert into authors (id,name) values (141801, 'lty'); select * from authors where id = 141801; -- 事务 delete FROM authors where id = 141801; set transaction READ WRITE; insert into authors (id,name) values (141801, 'lty'); select * from authors where id = 141801; ROLLBACK; select * from authors where id = 141801;
- 完成数据库作业cs186,也就实现了数据存储层和sql解析优化层,实现细节doc/cs186.org。代码在engine包中。
- 加上mysql网络协议层,协议分析doc/protocol.md,协议层借鉴了Freedom。代码在server包中。