A collection of awesome Blazor resources.
Blazor is a .NET web framework using C#/Razor and HTML that runs in the browser with WebAssembly.
Contributions are always welcome! Please take a look at the contribution guidelines pages first. Thanks to all contributors, you're awesome and wouldn't be possible without you!
- Introduction
- General
- Sample Projects
- Tutorials
- Libraries & Extensions
- Videos
- Articles
- Podcasts
- Presentations slides
- Tooling
- Books
- E-Books
- Courses
- Community
- Other Languages
Blazor is a .NET web framework to build client web apps with C#. Blazor lets you build interactive web UIs using C# instead of JavaScript. Blazor apps are composed of reusable web UI components implemented using C#, HTML, and CSS. Both client and server code is written in C#, allowing you to share code and libraries. More information on the official website.
Please note that if you want to open Blazor projects in Visual Studio, you must have Visual Studio 15.7 Preview 1 or later and the .NET Core 2.1 Preview 1 SDK. Recommanded: Visual Studio 2019 Preview and the latest .NET Core Framework.
- ASP.NET Blog's archives - Archives of the ASP.NET blog about Blazor.
- Blazor - Official website of Blazor, from Microsoft.
- Blazor bites - Blazor bites series by chris Sainty.
- Blazor-Dev gallery on .NET Foundation - Daily builds of the 'dev' branch of Blazor.
- Blazor Extensions - Curated extensions for Microsoft ASP.Net Core Blazor.
- Blazor University - Unofficial documentation website.
- Demo - Official demo website.
- FAQ - FAQ.
- GitHub repository - The official Blazor repository.
- 'Hello World' sample - 'Hello World' sample.
- Introduction to ASP.NET Core - Introduction to ASP.NET Core.
- Study Blazor - Blazor tutorial for beginners, in simple and easy steps starting from basics to advanced concepts with more code snippets.
- Workshop - Blazor workshop.
- WordDaze - Blogging application written using Blazor with a WebAPI backend.
- BlogCore - Modern CMS on Domain-driven Design and Clean Architecture patterns.
- AsteroidsWasm - A mixed bag of C# projects to see if a single .NET Standard base can run across all common platforms include WebAssembly. Demo.
- BlazorChess - Chess engine implemented with Blazor. Demo.
- BlazorGameSnake - 2D game snake with customizations, path finding algorithm, and sound effects using SVG. Demo.
- BlazorDestinationGame - Quizz about places in the world. Demo.
- Blagario - Experimental lab to test blazor server side as multiplayer game engine with no canvas (just blazor, html and css). Collaborations are welcome. Scaffolding status.
- Blazor20Questions - Client/Server game using Websockets (SignalR) & MongoDB API, with Docker (docker-compose).
- BlazorDice - Roll the dice.
- BlazorQuiz - Simple quiz using Blazor.NET and Webassembly.
- Tzaar - Implementation of the board game Tzaar with Blazor and SignalR. Demo.
- BlazorAdvancedTodo - A Blazor to-do app with state and undo function.
- BlazorTasks - To-Do App.
- Bolero.TodoMVC - A TodoMVC clone using Bolero.
- BlazeDown - BlazeDown, online Markdown editor. Demo.
- Client-side RealWorld - RealWorld implementation of Blazor Client-Side. Demo.
- Server-side RealWorld - RealWorld implementation of Blazor Server-Side. Demo.
- BlazorClockCanvas - Complex clock based on Canvas. Demo.
- BlazorClockSVG - Complex clock based on SVG. Demo.
- BlazorFileReader - Read-only File streams in Blazor. Demo.
- Blazor Spreadsheet - Spreadsheet app developed in Blazor. Demo.
- BlazorPasswordPattern - Password pattern based on SVG. Demo.
- BlazorRawHtmlRenderer - Raw HTML rendering with Blazor. Demo.
- BlazePort - A futuristic ride share app for space travel written in full stack .NET with Blazor.
- BlazingPizza (server side) - A server side Blazor version of the Blazing Pizza project from the Blazor - app building workshop.
- BlazorBeerCalculator - Offline beer alc. vol. calculator built on Blazor. Demo.
- BlazorBinding - Sample Blazor App demonstrating various data binding scenarios.
- BlazorBoilerplate - Admin Dashboard / Starter Template with IdentityServer4, MatBlazer for Material Design.
- BlazorCalculator - Simple calculator with history and ability to use previous results in new calculations. Demo.
- Blazor calculator with expressions - A sample numerical expression evaluator in Blazor utilizing an F# library that uses FsLex and FsYacc to parse expressions. Demo.
- Blazor Charts - Chart components for Blazor.
- Beam - A social network demo application. This is the source code of the LinkedIn course "Blazor First Look".
- BlazorChatSample - Blazor chat demo using SignalR JS client with interop.
- Blazor Converters - Blazor Converters is simple converter app written using Blazor, influenced by Windows 10 Calculator.
- BlazorCRUD - Sample line of business application that illustrates key features of Blazor. Demo.
- BlazorDynamicList - Dynamic component binding for a generic list. Demo.
- BlazorElectronExperiment - Exploring how a Blazor could be used to build a cross-platform desktop application using Electron.
- BlazorFormsValidation - Blazor form validation sample.
- BlazorGraphExample - Example application for connecting to Graph API from Blazor.
- Blazor.JWTTest - JWT authentication for a blazor hosted (Client/Serverside) app with API and Authentication.
- BlazorMobile - Launch a Blazor application as a standalone application.
- BlazorPaint - A paint sample with Blazor (demo).
- BlazorPages - A sample client-side Blazor app showcasing automatic deployment to GitHub Pages via Azure Pipelines.
- BlazorServerTree - A simple Server-Side Blazor sample app to deal with hierarchical data.
- BlazorServiceWorker - A client-side Blazor template with service worker caching.
- Blazor Summernote - Wrapper for the new MS Blazor framework, allowing the use of the Summernote Wysiwyg editor in a form.
- Blazor Survey - A hybrid F#/C# blazor sample app to kick the tyres of blazor.
- Blazor.Toaster - A Blazor port of Toastr.js.
- Blazor Tree CRUD - CRUD operations with hierarchical data. Blazor Server + GraphQL + EF.
- Blazor.Universal - Example of using Blazor to build Xamarin based UWP application without WebAssembly.
- BlazorUnmarshalledCanvas - Unmarshalled invoking of Canvas 2d context from Blazor.
- BlazorValidationControls - Blazor validation controls.
- BlazorWithIdentity - A sample project showcasing a Blazor app using EF Core with Identity authentication.
- Blazor.Xamarin - A Xamarin template for launch and interop a Blazor app on mobile.
- Blazor + Electron sample - Explore how a Blazor app can be used to build a cross-platform desktop app.
- Blazor + Sitecore - Example of dynamic pages and routes with SiteCore and Helix.
- C# Minifer A client-side Blazor application demonstrating live minification of C# code using the C# Minifier library. Demo
- CssBuilder – A clean code approach to conditional CSS classes for Razor components in Blazor.
- Data Driven Layout - Two ways of driving the layout based on data in the page.
- Flight Finder - Flight Finder.
- Gitter - A Blazor Gitter client.
- Money - A money manager implemented using CQRS+ES. Demo.
- NethereumBlazor - Ethereum blockchain explorer and simple wallet.
- Oqtane Framework - Modular Application Framework for Blazor.
- Runny - Prototype of running roslyn in the browser via Blazor. Demo.
- Rudder Example - Sample application using Rudder state container for Blazor.
- StarshipTraveler - A starship traveler demo app built with Blazor for the DevOne 2019 conference.
- TaxiFareBlazorServer - ML.NET TaxiFare Prediction Model with Blazor Server-Side front end.
- Tour of Heroes - Blazor implementation of Angular Tour of Heroes.
- Toss.Blazor - Twitter-like web application using Blazor.
- Try F# on WebAssembly - The F# compiler running in WebAssembly with Bolero.
- Tulsa .NET User Group website - Tulsa .NET User Group website.
- WebSocketPage - Web Socket in Blazor. demo.
- ZoraGen Blazor - PWA capable Blazor UI for the ZoraSharp library.
- Planning Poker – An app to play Planning Poker for distributed teams. The app is implemented using Blazor and shows how to switch between client-side and server-side mode with a configuration change. Demo.
- Gjallarhorn - Compare packages on different NuGet-sources. Demonstating Client-Side Blazor MVVM-style.
- C# Regex Tester online - Online tool for verify .Net regex syntax. (Demo).
- EncFS over Google Drive - Online tool written in Blazor for encrypt/decrypt files in Google Drive.
- Blazor client-side app with CRUD operations against a Web API endpoint - May 31, 2019 - Blazor client-side app with CRUD operations against a Web API endpoint. Source code. Video.
- Get .NET Core 3 and Blazor running on a Raspberry PI - April 24, 2019 - Instructions on how to get the latest .NET Core 3 (as of 24th April 2019) and Blazor running on a Raspberry PI.
- Blazor TODO list - April 22, 2019 - Blazor TODO list.
- Blazor workshop - Blazor app building workshop by .NET Foundation, Blazzing Pizza.
- Archives of 2018
Reusable components like buttons, inputs, grids and more.
- Canvas - HTML5 Canvas API implementation for Microsoft Blazor.
- BlazorMaterial - Blazor components implementing Google's Material components for web.
- BlazorStrap - Bootstrap 4 components for Blazor (Demo).
- BlazorStyled - CSS in Blazor Components (Demo).
- BlazorContextMenu - A context menu component for Blazor (Demo).
- Blazorise - Components for Blazor with support for Bootstrap, Bulma and Material CSS. (Demo)
- BlazorBits - Components including Monaco editor.
- BlazorVirtualGrid - Reusable, fully configurable component with rows and columns fast virtualization (Demo).
- BlazorVirtualScrolling - Virtual Scrolling Component for Blazor (Demo).
- BlazorScrollbar - Reusable, fully configurable component with vertical and horizontal scrollbars (Demo).
- BlazorSplitter - Reusable, fully configurable component with vertical and horizontal splitters and diagonal resizer (Demo).
- Sotsera.Blazor.Toaster - A Blazor port of Toastr.js. Demo.
- NodaTimePicker - A Date/Time picker component library for Blazor using NodaTime. Demo.
- BlazorConfirm - A Blazor Wrapper for JS's
as .Net Blazor Component (Demo). - Blazor LoadingBar - Loading bar UI for Client-Side Blazor application.
- Blazor-Charts - SVG charts for Blazor.
- BlazorComponents - Reusable components for Blazor. Starting with ChartJS interop.
- ChartJs.Blazor - Blazor Component that wraps ChartJS.
- Blazored.Menu - A JavaScript free menu library for Blazor and Razor Components applications.
- Blazored.Modal - A JavaScript free modal library for Blazor and Razor Components applications.
- Blazored.Toast - A JavaScript free toast library for Blazor and Razor Component applications.
- Blazored.Typeahead - Auto-complete textbox with local and remote data source, for both Client-side and Server-Side Blazor.
- BlazorGrid - This is a reusable grid component for Blazor which also supports client side pagination.
- DevExpress Blazor UI Components - UI components including Data Grid, Pivot Grid, and several data editors.
- Blazor.FlexGrid - GridView component for Blazor.
- MatBlazor - Material Design components for Blazor. (Demo).
- Syncfusion Blazor UI Components - Robust UI components including Data Grid, Charts, Scheduler, Inputs and several Editor components.
- Telerik UI for Blazor - A native set of UI components for Blazor, including grid, charting, and calendar components.
- TwitterShareButton - A Tweet Button component for Blazor.
- Flexor - Highly configurable components which let you take full advantage of Flexbox CSS.(Demo).
- Grid.Blazor - Grid component for Blazor and Mvc, supporting filtering, sorting and paging.
- Blazor.Validation.DataAnnotation - Library for validating form on a Blazor application using Data Annotation.
- Radzen.Blazor - Native UI components for Blazor. DataGrid, DataList, Tabs, Dialog and more. (Demo).
Libraries and extensions for state management, cookies, local storage and other specific tools.
- Logging - Microsoft Extension Logging implementation for Blazor.
- Notifications - HTML5 Notifications API implementation for Microsoft Blazor.
- SignalR - SignalR Core implementation for Blazor. It uses the JavaScript client.
- Storage - HTML5 Storage API implementation for Microsoft Blazor.
- Blazored.LocalStorage - Local storage for Blazor applications.
- Blazored.Localisation - A library to provide localisation in client-side Blazor applications.
- BlazorPrettyCode - Blazor Code Component for documentation sites. Demo.
- Blazor Analytics - Blazor extensions for Analytics.
- Blazor BarCode – A barcode library for Blazor using barcode fonts.
- Blazor Svg Helper - Create SVG elements with children (circle, rectangle, image, text, and others) and render with RenderTreeBuilder.
- Blazor I18n/Localization Text - Localizing contents text in Blazor (Demo).
- BlazorDB - In-memory, persisted to local storage, database for Blazor.
- Blazor Time Zone Kit - A library to provide system time zones and local time zone initialization in Blazor apps.
- BlazorStorage - Local and session storage support for Blazor.
- EmbeddedBlazorContent - Library to load embedded content files (js and css) from Blazor libraries in server-side Blazor mode.
- Blazor.EventAggregator - Lightweight Event Aggregator for Blazor (Razor Components).
- Blazor-Fluxor - A low-boilerplate Flux/Redux state library for Blazor.
- Blazor-Redux - Connecting a Redux state store with Blazor.
- Blazor-State - Manage client side state in Blazor using MediatR pipeline.
- Blazor.Auth0 - Library for Blazor authentication with OIDC Authorization Code-Grant and Implicit-Grant flows, using Auth0's Universal Login and Silent Login.
- Blazor Gamepad - Provides gamepad API access for Blazor.
- Blazor Hotkeys - A library to provide configuration-centric keyboard shortcuts for Blazor.
- CssBuilder - CssBuilder is a Builder pattern for CSS classes to be used with Razor Components.
- Blazor.Geolocation - Blazor interop for browers Geolocation apis.
- BlazorRealm - Redux state management for Blazor.
- Blazor.LocalFiles - Open files in your browser and load into Blazor.
- Blazor.Payments - Blazor Web Agent port of the Web Payment API standard developed by W3C .
- Blazor.Polyfill - Polyfills for Blazor (for Internet Explorer 11 support and some other browsers).
- Blazor.Sensors - Blazor interop for browers sensor apis.
- BlazorSignalR - SignalR Core .NET client library for Blazor. It uses the C# client.
- Rudder - Efficient state container for Blazor with concepts similar to the ones in redux, including reducers and sagas.
- BlazorIntersectionObserver - A Blazor wrapper for the Intersection Observer API.
- Blazor.SpeechSynthesis - A library to provide Speech Synthesis API access for Blazor.
- Blazor Extensions Home - Home for Blazor Extensions.
- Bionic - An Ionic CLI clone for Blazor projects.
- Blazor-Dashboard - Admin Dashboard Template Theme for Blazor.
- Blazor.Xamarin - A Xamarin template for launch and interop a Blazor app on mobile.
- BlazorEmbedLibrary - Provides Blazor-style embedded static content files for Razor Components projects.
- BlazorFabric - Blazor port of Microsoft UI Fabric with fluent design. (Demo).
- BlazorFileSaver - Blazor Component wrapper for FileSaver.js.
- BlazorOfficeUIFabric - Microsoft Office Fabric UI port for Blazor.
- Bolero - Blazor for F# with hot reloaded templates, type-safe endpoints and routing, remoting, and much more.
- NObservable - MobX-like observables and component instrumentation.
- WebSocketHelper - Helper for Web Socket in Blazor.
- The Freeze Team - A Blazor Console - July 3, 2019 - - The Freeze Team - A Blazor Console.
- The Freeze Team - A Blazor CLI - June 26, 2019 - The Freeze Team - A Blazor CLI.
- Blazor StateHasChanged: BlazePort part 5 - June 24, 2019 - Blazor StateHasChanged: BlazePort part 5, about creating BlazePort, a futuristic ride share app for space travel written in full stack .NET with Blazor. Source Code.
- Blazor StateHasChanged: BlazePort part 4 - June 22, 2019 - Blazor StateHasChanged: BlazePort part 4, about creating BlazePort, a futuristic ride share app for space travel written in full stack .NET with Blazor. Source Code.
- Working Through the Blazor Workshop From Scratch - June 21, 2019 - Working Through the Blazor Workshop From Scratch, by Ardalis.
- .NET Core 3.0 with Scott Hunter - June 20, 2019 - In this episode, Richard Lander and Scott Hunter get together to discuss some of the highlights that developers can look forward to in this new release of .NET Core.
- Server-side Blazor in .NET Core 3.0 - June 18, 2019 - Server-side Blazor in .NET Core 3.0.
- ASP.NET Community Standup - .NET Core 3.0 Preview 6 - June 18, 2019 - ASP.NET Community Standup - .NET Core 3.0 Preview 6.
- Blazor StateHasChanged: BlazePort part 3 - June 17, 2019 - Blazor StateHasChanged: BlazePort part 3. Video about creating BlazePort, a futuristic ride share app for space travel written in full stack .NET with Blazor. Source Code.
- Blazor with Material Design Framework, part 1 - June 16, 2019 - Blazor with Material Design Framework - MatBlazor (Part - 1).
- Blazor StateHasChanged: BlazePort part 2 - June 14, 2019 - Blazor StateHasChanged: BlazePort part 2. Second video about creating BlazePort, a futuristic ride share app for space travel written in full stack .NET with Blazor. Source Code.
- Blazing Pizza Deep Dive with Daniel Roth - June 11, 2019 - ASP.NET Community Standup - June 11th, 2019 - Blazing Pizza Deep Dive with Daniel Roth.
- Blazor - You Want To Run .NET Where?! - June 11, 2019 - Blazor - You Want To Run .NET Where?!.
- Blazor SPA Framework C# with MongoDB - Part 1 - June 9, 2019 - Blazor SPA Framework C# with MongoDB - Part 1.
- Blazor in the cloud: Hosting a C# SPA app as a static website in Azure Storage - June 7, 2019 - Blazor in the cloud: Hosting a C# SPA app as a static website in Azure Storage.
- Building a C# Interactive shell in a browser with Blazor (WebAssembly) and Roslyn - June 7, 2019 - Building a C# Interactive shell in a browser with Blazor (WebAssembly) and Roslyn.
- Blazor - Getting Started with Daniel and Mehul - June 6, 2019 - Blazor - Getting Started with Daniel Roth and Mehul Harry, published by DevExpress.
- Blazor client-side app with CRUD operations against a Web API endpoint - June 1, 2019 - Blazor client-side app with CRUD operations against a Web API endpoint.
- Blazor StateHasChanged: BlazePort part 1 - May 27, 2019 - First video about creating BlazePort, a futuristic ride share app for space travel written in full stack .NET with Blazor. Source Code.
- Blazor CRUD app tutorial - SPA Framework for .NET developers (Part - 2) - May 22, 2019 - Blazor CRUD app tutorial - SPA Framework for .NET developers (Part - 2).
- Blazor application state management basics - May 14, 2019 - Blazor application state management basics.
- Blazor Q/A Live with Daniel Roth from Microsoft Build 2019 - May 14, 2019 - Blazor Q/A Live with Daniel Roth from Microsoft Build 2019.
- Upgrading to Blazor Preview 4 and Hacking SEO in Client-side Blazor - May 14, 2019 - Upgrading to Blazor Preview 4 and Hacking SEO in Client-side Blazor.
- Continuation of the Tulsa .NET User Group website - May 10, 2019 - Continuation of the Tulsa .NET User Group website. Source code here.
- Scott Hunter Demos Telerik UI for Blazor - May 10, 2019 - Scott Hunter Demos Telerik UI for Blazor.
- Blazor: C# running in the browser via WebAssembly - May 8, 2019 - "Blazor: C# running in the browser via WebAssembly" by Scott Sauber at the NDC Conference Minnesota. Slides and source code here.
- WebAssembly: Into the WASM'verse - May 8, 2019 - WebAssembly: Into the WASM'verse.
- Full stack web development with ASP.NET Core 3.0 and Blazor - May 7, 2019 - Microsoft Build 2019: Full stack web development with ASP.NET Core 3.0 and Blazor.
- Serverless web apps with Blazor, Azure Functions, and Azure Storage - May 6, 2019 - Microsoft Build 2019: Serverless web apps with Blazor, Azure Functions, and Azure Storage.
- SPA revolution with WebAssembly and ASP.NET Blazor - April 23, 2019 - DevOneConf 2019 - Rainer Stropek - SPA revolution with WebAssembly and ASP.NET Blazor.
- ASP.NET Community Standup - April 16, 2019 - ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor Updates with Dan Roth and Steve Sanderson.
- ASP NET Core + Blazor - April 12, 2019 - ASP NET Core + Blazor at the philly.NET Code Camp.
- Continuation of the Tulsa .NET User Group website - April 12, 2019 - Continuation of the Tulsa .NET User Group website. Source code here.
- Continuation of the Tulsa .NET User Group website - April 10, 2019 - Continuation of the Tulsa .NET User Group website. Source code here.
- Blazor tutorial - SPA framework for .NET developers (Part - 1) - April 10, 2019 - Blazor tutorial - SPA framework for .NET developers (Part - 1).
- Blazor StateHasChanged: Blazor radio buttons and NuGet packages - April 9, 2019 - Blazor radio buttons and NuGet packages.
- What’s Coming with .NET Core 3.0 - April 2, 2019 - What’s Coming with .NET Core 3.0.
- Blazor StateHasChanged: Blazor Shell apps - March 30, 2019 - Blazor Shell apps.
- Build amazing web apps with .NET Core - March 26, 2019 - Build amazing web apps with .NET Core.
- ASP.NET Community Standup - February 5, 2019 - ASP.NET Community Standup.
- A New Framework for Browser-based .NET Apps (DevReach 2018) - January 14, 2019 - A New Framework for Browser-based .NET Apps (DevReach 2018).
- Blazor StateHasChanged - January 7, 2019 - Blazor StateHasChanged using Fluent Validation.
- Archives of 2018
- Archives of 2017
- Introduction to Authentication with Blazor - July 3, 2019 - Introduction to Authentication with Blazor.
- Configuring a Server-side Blazor app with Azure App Configuration - July 1, 2019 - Configuring a Server-side Blazor app with Azure App Configuration.
- Creating a step-by-step end-to-end database Server-Side Blazor application - June 28, 2019 - Creating a step-by-step end-to-end database Server-Side Blazor application.
- Using Blazor Components In An Existing MVC Application - June 25, 2019 - Using Blazor Components In An Existing MVC Application.
- What Is Blazor - June 23, 2019 - What Is Blazor.
- Working with local storage in Blazor - June 19, 2019 - Working with local storage in Blazor.
- Authentication in server-side Blazor applications - June 17, 2019 - Authentication in server-side Blazor applications.
- Facebook Authentication And Authorization In Server-Side Blazor App - June 17, 2019 - Authentication And Authorization With Facebook In Server-Side Blazor.
- Google Authentication And Authorization In Server-Side Blazor App - June 15, 2019 - Authentication And Authorization With Google In Server-Side Blazor.
- Blazor Gets Authentication and Authorization in ASP.NET Core 3 Preview 6 - June 13, 2019 - Blazor Gets Authentication and Authorization in ASP.NET Core 3 Preview 6.
- ASP.NET Core and Blazor updates in .NET Core 3.0 Preview 6 - June 12, 2019 - ASP.NET Core and Blazor updates in .NET Core 3.0 Preview 6.
- Prerendering a Client-side Blazor Application - June 12, 2019 - Prerendering a Client-side Blazor Application.
- Web assembly and Blazor: state of art - June 11, 2019 - Web assembly and Blazor: state of art.
- Progress Telerik .NET Dev Tools Add Native Blazor UI Components - June 7, 2019 - Progress Telerik .NET Dev Tools Add Native Blazor UI Components.
- Getting Started With Blazored Typeahead - June 5, 2019 - Getting Started With Blazored Typeahead.
- 10 Top Blazor Tools Just a NuGet Away - June 4, 2019 - 10 Top Blazor Tools Just a NuGet Away.
- Integrating Blazor into Existing ASP.NET Core Applications - June 4, 2019 - Integrating Blazor into Existing ASP.NET Core Applications.
- What’s new in Azure SignalR 1.1.0 Preview 1 - June 3, 2019 - What’s new in Azure SignalR 1.1.0 Preview 1.
- Forwarding Refs in Blazor - June 3, 2019 - Technique for automatically passing a ElementRef through a component to one of its children or back from children to parent or among independent components.
- Building Cross-Platform Desktop Apps using Blazor and Electron.NET - June 1, 2019 - Building Cross-Platform Desktop Apps using Blazor and Electron.NET.
- WebAssembly and Blazor: A Decades Old Problem Solved - May 30, 2019 - WebAssembly and Blazor: A Decades Old Problem Solved.
- How does Blazor works ? Part 1 : building class from .razor - May 29, 2019 - How does Blazor works ? Part 1 : building class from .razor.
- Calling gRPC Services With Server-side Blazor - May 29, 2019 - Calling gRPC Services With Server-side Blazor.
- Architecting Blazor applications: an Angular approach - May 29, 2019 - Architecting Blazor applications: an Angular approach.
- Using MediatR with Blazor - May 29, 2019 - Using MediatR with Blazor.
- Using reference objects in Blazor server-side - May 26, 2019 - Using reference objects in Blazor server-side.
- Why WebAssembly Matters? - May 18, 2019 - Why WebAssembly Matters?
- Dynamic components in Blazor - May 16, 2019 - Dynamic components in Blazor.
- Custom routing in Blazor - May 16, 2019 - Custom routing in Blazor.
- A detailed look at data binding in Blazor - May 15, 2019 - A detailed look at data binding in Blazor.
- Simple Blazor Game Development Using .NET Core 3.0 Preview, Web API, And Visual Studio 2019 - May 14, 2019 - Simple Blazor Game Development Using .NET Core 3.0 Preview, Web API, And Visual Studio 2019.
- WebAssembly-ifying .NET with Blazor - May 14, 2019 - WebAssembly-ifying .NET with Blazor.
- Exploring Blazor by Making An HTML Table Sortable in .NET Core - May 13, 2019 - Exploring Blazor by Making An HTML Table Sortable in .NET Core.
- Data binding in blazor - May 13, 2019 - Data binding in blazor.
- Progressive Web Apps and Blazor is combination you should not miss! - May 12, 2019 - Progressive Web Apps and Blazor is combination you should not miss.
- Separating code and presentation of Blazor pages - May 10, 2019 - Separating code and presentation of Blazor pages.
- Implementing a List/Details Page in Blazor - May 9, 2019 - Implementing a List/Details Page in Blazor.
- Blazor Bites Updated and Build 2019 Blazor Roundup - May 8, 2019 - Blazor Bites Updated and Build 2019 Blazor Roundup.
- Creating a Database Driven Module For Blazor Oqtane - May 8, 2019 - Creating a Database Driven Module For Blazor Oqtane.
- Creating a Hello World Module For Blazor Oqtane - May 7, 2019 - Creating a Hello World Module For Blazor Oqtane.
- .NET Core is the Future of .NET - May 6, 2019 - .NET Core is the Future of .NET.
- Unified .NET 5 Unveiled: 'Just One .NET Going Forward' - May 6, 2019 - Unified .NET 5 Unveiled: 'Just One .NET Going Forward'.
- Comparing Native Blazor Components to Wrapped JavaScript Components - May 6, 2019 - Comparing Native Blazor Components to Wrapped JavaScript Components.
- Building a Wizard in Blazor with components and MVVM - May 5, 2019 - Building a Wizard in Blazor with components and MVVM.
- Announcing Oqtane a modular application framework for Blazor - May 5, 2019 - Announcing Oqtane a modular application framework for Blazor.
- Unable to find debuggable browser tab in Blazor - May 4, 2019 - Unable to find debuggable browser tab in Blazor.
- Introducing Telerik UI for Blazor 1.0.0 - May 2, 2019 - Introducing Telerik UI for Blazor 1.0.0.
- Get Some Sass Into Your Blazor App - May 1, 2019 - Get Some Sass Into Your Blazor App.
- Blazor on the Server: The Good and the Unfortunate - April 30, 2019 - Blazor on the Server: The Good and the Unfortunate.
- Using Blazor to Build a Client-Side Single-Page App with .NET Core - April 22, 2019 - Using Blazor to Build a Client-Side Single-Page App with .NET Core.
- Working with the View in Blazor MVVM - April 20, 2019 - Working with the View in Blazor MVVM : functions{} vs code behind vs ViewModel.
- Blazor now in official preview! - April 18, 2019 - Blazor now in official preview!
- ASP.NET Core updates in .NET Core 3.0 Preview 4 - April 18, 2019 - ASP.NET Core updates in .NET Core 3.0 Preview 4.
- Updated Razor support in Visual Studio Code, now with Blazor support - April 18, 2019 - Updated Razor support in Visual Studio Code, now with Blazor support.
- Why Blazor Grid Templates will make you question everything - April 18, 2019 - Why Blazor Grid Templates will make you question everything.
- Blazor Update: 'The End of the Experiment Is in Sight' - April 18, 2019 - Blazor Update: 'The End of the Experiment Is in Sight'.
- 3 Ways to Communicate Between Components in Blazor - April 17, 2019 - 3 Ways to Communicate Between Components in Blazor.
- Adding features to a simple Blazor MVVM client with composition - April 12, 2019 - Adding features to a simple Blazor MVVM client with composition.
- Introducing Syncfusion’s ASP.NET Core Blazor / Razor Components - April 10, 2019 - Introducing Syncfusion’s ASP.NET Core Blazor / Razor Components.
- Getting Started with TypeScript for JSInterop in Blazor - April 9, 2019 - Getting Started with TypeScript for JSInterop in Blazor.
- Using The Blazor Form Validation - April 9, 2019 - Using The Blazor Form Validation.
- Pure HTML Validation in Blazor - April 5, 2019 - Pure HTML Validation in Blazor.
- Building Components Manually via RenderTreeBuilder - April 3, 2019 - Building Components Manually via RenderTreeBuilder.
- How to localize texts in your Blazor App? - April 2, 2019 - Localizing contents text in Blazor.
- Client-side or Server-side - March 31, 2019 - Client-side or Server-side.
- Managing Page Layouts in Blazor - March 29, 2019 - Managing Page Layouts in Blazor.
- Using FluentValidation for Forms Validation in Razor Components - March 26, 2019 - Using FluentValidation for Forms Validation in Razor Components.
- Implementing Client Side Search As You Type Using bind-value-oninput - March 25, 2019 - Blazor: Implementing Client Side Search As You Type Using bind-value-oninput.
- What is Blazor and what is Razor Components? - March 19, 2019 - What is Blazor and what is Razor Components?
- Using JavaScript Interop in Razor Components and Blazor - March 19, 2019 - Using JavaScript Interop in Razor Components and Blazor.
- Deploying Blazor Apps Using Azure Pipelines - March 12, 2019 - Deploying Blazor Apps Using Azure Pipelines.
- Blazor 0.9.0 experimental release now available - March 7, 2019 - Blazor 0.9.0 experimental release now available.
- Full Stack C# with Blazor - March 7, 2019, Full Stack C# with Blazor.
- Understanding cascading values & cascading parameters - February 26, 2019 - Understanding cascading values & cascading parameters.
- What’s the Difference Between Razor and Blazor? - February 21, 2019 - What’s the Difference Between Razor and Blazor?
- No need to duel! Use Blazor Components Dynamic Dual Mode! - February 20, 2019 - No need to duel! Use Blazor Components Dynamic Dual Mode!
- Configuring a Blazor app - February 18, 2019 - Configuring a Blazor app.
- Microsoft updates Blazor, now built on Razor Components - February 13, 2019 - Microsoft updates Blazor, now built on Razor Components.
- Dealing with Forms in Blazor - February 8, 2019 - Dealing with Forms in Blazor.
- Blazor 0.8.0 experimental release now available - February 5, 2019 - Blazor 0.8.0 experimental release now available.
- Blazored modal released - February 5, 2019 - Blazored modal released.
- Event Aggregator for ASP.NET Core 3 Razor Components / Blazor - February 4, 2019 - Blazor.EventAggregator - Event Aggregator for ASP.NET Core 3 Razor Components / Blazor.
- ASP.NET Core updates in .NET Core 3.0 Preview 2 - January 29, 2019 - ASP.NET Core updates in .NET Core 3.0 Preview 2.
- Blazor Notes from NDC London - January 29, 2019 - Blazor Notes from NDC London.
- Creating a Reusable, JavaScript-Free Blazor Modal - January 28, 2019 - Creating a Reusable, JavaScript-Free Blazor Modal.
- Google authentication in Server-Side Blazor - January 21, 2019 - Google authentication in Server-Side Blazor (Razor components).
- Announcing Blazored and Blazored Toast - January 21, 2019 - Announcing Blazored and Blazored Toast.
- Blazor Full-Stack Web Dev in ASP .NET Core - January 16, 2019 - Blazor Full-Stack Web Dev in ASP .NET Core.
- Introducing the Telerik UI for Blazor Early Preview - January 16, 2019 - Introducing the Telerik UI for Blazor Early Preview.
- Creating a top menu search bar in Blazor - January 12, 2019 - Creating a top menu search bar in Blazor.
- Exception Handling In Blazor - January 10, 2019 - Exception Handling In Blazor.
- Zero to Azure Hero with ASP.NET Core, Blazor, Azure DevOps, Cognitive Services, SonarCloud and App Services - January 5, 2019 - Zero to Azure Hero with ASP.NET Core, Blazor, Azure DevOps, Cognitive Services, SonarCloud and App Services.
- From Angular to Blazor: The Health App - January 3, 2019 - From Angular to Blazor: The Health App.
- An Introduction to Templated Components in Blazor - January 3, 2019 - An Introduction to Templated Components in Blazor.
- Archives of 2018
- Archives of 2017
- MS Dev Show - Blazor with Ed Charbeneau - June 24, 2019 - MS Dev Show - Blazor with Ed Charbeneau.
- .NET Core Show Podcast, Episode 27 - Blazored with Chris Sainty - June 14, 2019 - .NET Core Show Podcast, Episode 27 - Blazored with Chris Sainty.
- Blazor with Ed Charbeneau - June 10, 2018 - The 6 Figure Developer Podcast, Episode 095 – Blazor with Ed Charbeneau.
- Blazor - You Want To Run .NET Where?! - May 17, 2019 - .NET Core Show - Episode 25 - Blazor - You Want To Run .NET Where?!
- The Cynical Developer - Blazor - February 18, 2019 - Episode 108 of The Cynical Developer - Blazor.
- Blazor in 2019 with Steve Sanderson and Dan Roth - February 14, 2019 - .NET Rocks, Blazor in 2019 with Steve Sanderson and Dan Roth.
- Archives of 2018
- Archives of 2017
- Blazor, a new framework for browser-based .NET apps - June 20, 2019 - Blazor, a new framework for browser-based .NET apps, by Steve Sanderson at the NDC Oslo.
- Hidden gems in ASP.Core and .NET Core 3.0 - June 19, 2019 - Hidden gems in ASP.Core and .NET Core 3.0, by David Fowler and Damian Edwards at the NDC Oslo.
- Meet the production-ready Blazor aka Razor Components - May 25, 2019 - Slides: PPTX.
- Iowa .NET User Group – Blazor: C# Running in the Browser via WebAssembly - May 2, 2019 - Slides: PDF or PPTX. Code: Blazor ToDoMVC and Blazor on Electron.
- WebAssembly, C#, and Blazor at CodeStock 2019 - April 16, 2019 - Slides: PDF. Demo's source code: GitHub.
- Archives of 2018
- ASP.NET Core Blazor Language Services - Provides Visual Studio support for ASP.NET Core Blazor.
- BlazorFiddle - Blazor .Net Developer Playground and Code Editor in the Browser.
- Blazor Minimum Project Templates - A project templates package of Blazor apps without JavaScript and CSS libraries.
- Blazor Snippets Visual Studio Code extension - A Visual Studio Code extension that offers Blazor and Razor snippets.
- BlazorSourceMangler - A console app to mangle blazor dlls. Check this YouTube video for more details. You can also check this Blazor TODO app to see result of this app (downloaded blazortodos.dll is mangled and decompilation shows uglyfied code).
- .NET Core - .NET Core.
- Razor+ Visual Studio Code extension - A Visual Studio Code extension that offers improved Razor support.
- Visual Studio - Latest preview of Visual Studio.
- Visual Studio Code - Visual Studio Code, free, open source and cross-platform code editor.
- Blazor Revealed - Blazor Revealed, Building Web Applications in .NET(Published February, 2019).
- Blazor Quick Start Guide: Build web applications using Blazor, EF Core, and SQL Server - Blazor Quick Start Guide: Build web applications using Blazor, EF Core, and SQL Server (Published October 31, 2018).
- Dockerizing ASP.NET Core and Blazor Applications on Mac - Dockerizing ASP.NET Core and Blazor Applications on Mac (Published October 30, 2018).
- Blazor First Look on LinkedIn Learning - Blazor First Look on LinkedIn Learning. Source code.
- Free Blazor Training Course - DevExpress Blazor free training course Source code.
- Awesome Blazor on Twitter - This repository's Twitter feed.
- Gitter - Blazor discussion on Gitter.
- Learn Blazor - Community documentation on Blazor.
- LightSwitch Help Website - Blogs and code samples primarily covering server-side Blazor (Razor Components).
- Practical samples of Blazor - Practical samples of Blazor.
- Practical samples of Blazor Server-Side - Practical samples of Blazor Server-Side.
- Stack Overflow - Blazor questions feed on Stack Overflow.
- Twitter - Hashtag on Twitter.
- WebAssemblyMan - Man page for Blazor and WebAssembly.
- Blaze of Code - [Portuguese] Blog about Blazor.
- Blazor.ru - [Russian] Old official documentation website translated in russian.
- DevApps.be's podcast #47 - [French] DevApps.be's podcast #47: "Actualités : TypeScript, Uno, Angular, DocFX, Database".
- Modern web apps with Blazor - [Italian] Video about Blazor.
To the extent possible under law, Adrien Torris has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.