This program is powered by lry, written in C++ and Python.
The program: garbage classification can be found in this directory
This program is a free software. You may access all the files in this project
Please read README for more details.
Copyright: ©2020-2021 lry
accuracy:(data init):97%
Everyone is welcome to contribute to this project and modify the codes.
edit time:2021.9.6
This program can run in dos mode
- -help get help from the program
- -train train the model in dos mode
- -test [filename] get the result from the model if you give filename ,recognize the file else recognixe test/1.jpg
- -check check the files and the model
- -release release all the files from this program
- -upgrade update the program
- -version get the program version
we will change almost all the codes to fix bug:1(cannot use mouse in some cases).
we will update from 7.0.1 to 8.0.0
we will change the sourse code from easyx20210730 to qt6.1.3
we will make it faster and use less percentage of cpu.