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Jeff: Effects for Java

This library aims to provide a way to work with side-effects in Java in a purely functional way, similar to what cats-effect and zio do in Scala. Currently, it is on a very early stage of development and can be considered an experiment.

Jeff is very much inspired by cats-effect, however, because Java lacks the expressiveness Scala has (in particular, it doesn't have higher-kinded polymorphism), the library can't provide same level of abstraction.

Jeff has two main classes: IO and Stream.


IO provides a way to work with effectful computations as if they were pure values. In fact, IO instances are pure values. It means that you can always substitute a call to a function that returns IO with result of that function.

Consider the following example:

// `Unit` is almost like a `void`, but it has exactly one instance.

IO<Unit> printLine(String line) {
    return IO(() -> System.out.println(line));

IO<Unit> program1 = printLine("hello")

IO<Unit> printHello = printLine("hello");
IO<Unit> program2 = printHello

// both programs will print "hello" twice:
// hello
// hello

As you can see, printHello is a result of calling printLine("hello"), and it is a value. And values do compose, as opposed to side-effectful function calls. You don't have such power with traditional imperative style. If you call, say, System.out.println in your code, it will print the line to console right away, without giving you a chance to somehow intervene. As opposed to that, in functional programming you suspend your side effects til the last moment (usually called "the end of the world") and only then you run them:

You can watch a great talk by Daniel Spiewak (author of cats-effect) to better understand the motivation behind this approach: The Making of an IO.

Constructing IOs

There are several different ways to construct an IO :


IO.delay is a way to describe a syncrhonous task that will be evaluated on current thread.

IO.delay(() -> System.out.println("Hi there"));

There is a shortcut for IO.delay, a static method IO.IO that can be statically imported and used like this:

IO(() -> System.out.println("Hi there"));


IO.pure lets you take a pure value (one that has already been computed) and lift it to IO type.

IO<Integer> pureFive = IO.pure(5);


IO.suspend is a way to defer construcion of an IO.

IO<String> constructEffect() {
    // impl

IO.suspend(() -> constructEffect());

IO.suspend can be useful for trampolining (technique for achieving stackless recursion in stack-oriented languages). This will be described later. creates an IO that fails with a given exception: -> new IOException("File not found."));

IO.async and IO.cancellable

IO.async and IO.cancellable both describe asynchronous tasks. IO.async accepts a function that injects a callback that you must call when the asynchronous task is completed.

// Suppose you have an asynchrnonous method that accepts a callback:
public void httpGetAsync(String path, AsyncCallback callback);

interface AsyncCallback {
    void onSuccess(HttpResponse result);
    void onFailure(HttpResponseException error);

// You can wrap it in `IO.async` like this:
IO<HttpResponse> httpGet = IO.async(onFinish -> 
    httpGetAsync("", new AsyncCallback() {
        void onSuccess(HttpResponse result) {
        void onFailure(HttpResponseException error) {

Or.Right and Or.Left are constructors of Or<L, R> class, a coproduct type that can hold either L or R, but not both. It is similar to Scala's Either.

IO.cancellable is very much the same as IO.async, but allows you to provide cancellation action. As an example, here is an implementation of function sleep (already present in the IO class):

  IO<Unit> sleep(ScheduledExecutorService scheduler, long millis) {
    return IO.cancellable(onFinish -> {
      // scheduling the task:
      final ScheduledFuture<?> task = scheduler
          .schedule(() ->, millis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

      // return cancellation action:
      return IO.delay(() -> task.cancel(false));

IO.cancellable is useful when you use IO.race, that will be described further.


IO.never creates an IO that is never completed.

IO.forked and fork

IO.forked allows to switch the evaluation of all following IOs in the chain to another thread/thread-pool.

ExecutorService tp1 = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
ExecutorService tp2 = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();

IO<Unit> printThreadName = IO(() -> System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()));

IO<Unit> program = printThreadName
// prints:
// main
// pool-1-thread-1
// pool-2-thread-1

For convenience, you can rewrite this example using fork instance method:


Composing IOs

With imperative approach it was easy:

String s1 = func1();
String s2 = func2(s1);

But now that our functions return IO, how can we get a String out of IO<String>?

IO<String> s1 = func1();
IO<String> s2 = func2( ??? );

The answer is: Monads!

Monads in functional programming are a way to describe sequential computations. It is a very simple yet powerful concept. A monad M is somethid that has two functions defined:

<T> M<T> pure(T pure);

<T, U> M<U> flatMap(M<T> m, Function<T, M<U>> f);

The first one is simple, it just lifts a pure value T to a monad. And by the way, we already have that: IO.pure.

The second one is more interesting.


flatMap is an function for sequentially composing two IOs (implemented as an instance method):

class IO<T> {
    // ...
    IO<U> flatMap(Function<T, IO<U>> f) {
        // ...

IO<String> readLine = IO(() -> System.console().readLine());
IO<Unit> printLine(String str) {
    return IO(() -> System.out.println(str));

IO<Unit> program = printLine("What is your name?")
    .flatMap(u -> readLine)
    .flatMap(name -> printLine("Nice to meet you " + name));

Note that flatMap accepts a function from T to IO<U>. In other words, in order to produce IO<U> it needs a value T from previous computation step. It means that there is a guarantee that function f won't be called before value T is computed.

chain and then

Sometimes you don't need a value from previous computation step (usually because that step describes an effect without return value). chain is a version of flatMap that ignores the previous value.

// In the previous example we could rewrite
printLine("What is your name?").flatMap(u -> readLine);

// as this:
printLine("What is your name?").chain(readLine);    

then is quite the opposite of chain: it ignores the value produced by function f and returns value from the previous step.

IO<String> printedName = printLine("What is your name?") // IO<Unit>
    .chain(readLine) // IO<String>
    .then(name -> printLine("Hello " + name));

// Note, that result type of the expression is IO<String>, while if we
// used flatMap instead of then, it would be IO<Unit>, because result
// type of `printLine` function is IO<Unit>.


map is a way to transform an IO with a given function.

IO<String> readLine = IO(() -> System.console().readLine());

IO<Integer> stringLength =;

Note, that map(f) can be expressed in terms of flatMap and pure: flatMap(f.andThen(IO::pure))


IO.race initiates a "race" between two IO tasks and creates an IO that contains a value of the one that completes first. The second one will be cancelled if possible.

ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor scheduler = ...;

IO<Integer> first = IO.sleep(scheduler, 500).map(u -> 42);
IO<String> second = IO.sleep(scheduler, 200).map(u -> "42");

Or<Integer, String> result = IO.race(scheduler, first, second).run();

// Will return Or.Right("42") because second IO completes first.

Cancellation logic works as following:

  • If currently running task is cancellable (i.e. was created using IO.cancellable) it will be cancelled using its cancellation action, and no further tasks that are chained with it will start.
  • If the task is not cancellable, it will continue to run til the next async boundary (async, cancellable or fork).

You can use parameterless fork method to create a synthetic async boundary. Consider an example:

AtomicInteger state = new AtomicInteger();

// Generally speaking, it's not a good idea to use Thread.sleep,
// because it blocks current thread of execution, but we will
// use it as an example of uncancellable task:
IO<Integer> first = IO(() -> Thread.sleep(200))
    .chain(IO(() -> state.updateAndGet(i -> i + 2)));

IO<Integer> second = IO(() -> Thread.sleep(500))
    .chain(IO(() -> state.updateAndGet(i -> i + 1)));

// Now, if we create a race, both tasks will update the state,
// because neither they have a cancel action defined, nor there is an
// async boundary in any of them.
IO.race(threadPool, first, second).run();

// But we could create a synthetic async boundary:
IO<Integer> first = IO(() -> Thread.sleep(200))
    .chain(IO(() -> state.updateAndGet(i -> i + 2)));

IO<Integer> second = IO(() -> Thread.sleep(500))
    .chain(IO(() -> state.updateAndGet(i -> i + 1)));

IO.race(threadPool, first, second).run();

// Now, when the first task completes, it will trigger cancellation
// of the second task. Second task will check cancellation status
// when reaching the async boundary (fork) and won't proceed to 
// updating the state.

Note, that there is a race condition in this program, so there is still no guarantee that both tasks won't update the state. If you need a strong guarantee that the state will be updated only once, you have to ensure it yourself. In this case it will be sufficient to use compareAndSet instead of updateAndGet:

state.compareAndSet(0, 1);


IO.seq can be useful when you need to non-deterministacally place two concurrent IO tasks in a sequence, in the order of their completion.

IO<Integer> first = ...;
IO<String> second = ...;

IO<Or<Pr<Integer, IO<String>>, Pr<String, IO<Integer>>>> whoIsFaster =
    IO.seq(executor, first, second);

Return type of this method is a bit clumsy, but it basically means that the resulting IO will complete either with a value of type Pr<Integer, IO<String>> or a value of type Pr<String, IO<Integer>>>, depending on which of the two IOs completes first. Pr<A, B> is a product type that contains both A and B, also known as pair or tuple. In the example above if first task completes first, then the result will be Pr<Integer, IO<String>>. At the moment when whoIsFaster is completed, first is completed too, so the Integer part of the result is pure (not wrapped in an IO). But second task is still running (might even be forever), that's why its result is wrapped: IO<String>.

IO.pair and IO.both

There are two variations of IO.seq with a bit clearer return types.

If both tasks that are passed into IO.seq have the same type, we can be a little bit more concise.

IO<String> first = ...;
IO<String> second = ...;

IO<Or<Pr<String, IO<String>>, Pr<String, IO<String>>>> whoIsFaster =
    IO.seq(executor, first, second);

Here whoIsFaster can complete with either Pr<String, IO<String>>> or Pr<String, IO<String>>>, which is the same type, so in this case we can use IO.pair:

IO<String> first = ...;
IO<String> second = ...;

IO<Pr<String, IO<String>> whoIsFaster = IO.pair(executor, first, second);

But of course, in this case you lose the information about which task has completed in which order.

If you need both IO tasks to complete, than you can use IO.both.

IO<String> first = ...;
IO<Integer> second = ...;

IO<Pr<String, Integer>> result = IO.both(executor, first, second);

Stackless recursion with IO

Recursion is one of the main tools in functional programmer's arsenal, but unfortunately its usage in languages like Java is very limited for a simple reason: each method call takes a stack frame, and stack is limited.

Consider this naive factorial function, implemented using recursion:

BigInteger factorial(BigIteger n) {
  return n == 0
         ? BigInteger.ONE
         : factorial(n - 1).multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(n));

It works for relatively small n values, but when called for big numbers (try calling it for 1,000,000) it fails with StackOverflowError for obvious reasons.

Some languages can optimize function calls that are in tail position by not adding a frame to the call stack for them. If Java had tail call elimination, we could rewrite factorial function so that the recursive call is the final action of the function:

BigInteger factorial(long n) {
  return countFactorial(n, BigInteger.ONE);

// auxiliary tail-recursive function
BigInteger countFactorial(long n, BigInteger accum) {
  return n == 0
         ? accum
         // recursive call is in tail position:
         : countFactorial(n - 1, accum.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(n)));

But Java doesn't optimize tail calls, so this won't change anything. But we could use a technique called trampolining.

Trampolining is a technique for writing stack-safe recursive functions in languages with limited stack. We could utilize this technique using IO:

BigInteger factorial(long n) {
  return countFactorial(n, BigInteger.ONE).run();

IO<BigInteger> countFactorial(long n, BigInteger accum) {
  return IO.suspend(() ->
    n == 0
    ? IO.pure(accum)
    : countFactorial(n - 1, accum.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(n)))

As you can see, this looks quite similar to the previous example, except that countFactorial does not perform the actual computation when called, but suspends it using IO.suspend and returns an instance of IO<BigInteger> which is just a description of what has to be done. When this IO is evaluated using run method it will sequentually execute all nested suspended computations without taking stack frames. This is also called 'trading stack for heap', because in this case we use heap to store all intermediate IO objects.


        .eval(IO(() -> Files.newBufferedReader(Paths.get("/home/lpld/.vimrc"))))
        .flatMap(reader -> Stream.iterate(() -> Optional.ofNullable(reader.readLine())))
        .foldLeft("", (l1, l2) -> l1 + "\n" + l2)
        .recover(rules(on(NoSuchFileException.class).doReturn("-- No such file --")))

to be continuted...


jeff-examples project contains a sample app, console Tetris game, written using Jeff Streams and vavr library. To run the app:

# install jeff first
cd jeff
mvn clean install

# compile jeff-examples
cd ../jeff-examples
mvn clean package

# and run it
chmod +x