Some simple code to read values from a raspberry pi board with two mcp3424 ADCs on them.
To run it you can get away with just
You can be also be a little more specific like
$ ./ --port=1 --samples=3 --gain=2 --delay=1
port: 1, ch:1 raw value= 85653, adcV= 0.66916406, volt= 4.6841484, trueV= 4.7371972 (RollAvgTrueV= 4.7371972, mV= 4684.148438, tries=355, bits=18, gain=2, Rl= 1513696, trueI= 0.03390028 mA)
port: 1, ch:1 raw value= 85738, adcV= 0.66982812, volt= 4.6887969, trueV= 4.7418983 (RollAvgTrueV= 4.7395477, mV= 4688.796875, tries= 1, bits=18, gain=2, Rl= 1513696, trueI= 0.03393392 mA)
port: 1, ch:1 raw value= 85754, adcV= 0.66995313, volt= 4.6896719, trueV= 4.7427832 (RollAvgTrueV= 4.7406262, mV= 4689.671875, tries= 1, bits=18, gain=2, Rl= 1513696, trueI= 0.03394025 mA)
For more info pass "--help"
$ ./ --help
usage: [-h] [-a ADDRESSES] [-p PORT] [-b {12,14,16,18}]
[-g {1,2,4,8}] [-s SAMPLES] [-d DELAY] [--R1 R1]
[--R2 R2]
Read mcp3424 values using smbus = no need for kernel module
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
hex addresses of the chip on ech board, like
"68,69,6a,6b" for two boards with default config
-p PORT, --port PORT ports to show, like "3-4"
-b {12,14,16,18}, --bits {12,14,16,18}
-g {1,2,4,8}, --gain {1,2,4,8}
-s SAMPLES, --samples SAMPLES
samples to show
-d DELAY, --delay DELAY
delay between each sample in seconds, fractions
--R1 R1 ohms of upper resistor in voltage divider
--R2 R2 ohms of lower resistor in voltage divider