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QXlsx is excel file(*.xlsx) reader/writer library.
Because QtXlsx is no longer supported(2014), I created a new project that is based on QtXlsx. (2017-)
Development language of QXlsx is C++. (with Qt)
You don't need to use static library or dynamic shared object using QXlsx.
See examples
HelloWorld : Hello world example (The most basic structure)
TestExcel : basic samples based on QtXlsx samples
HelloAndroid : read xlsx on Android using QML
Copycat : load xlsx file and display on widget. print xlsx file. (TODO: save xlsx)
WebServer : load xlsx and display to web (
How to set up (Installation)
1️⃣ Writing excel file(*.xlsx)
QXlsx::Document xlsx;
xlsx.write(" A1" , " Hello Qt!" ); // write "Hello Qt!" to cell(A,1). it's shared string.
xlsx.saveAs(" Test.xlsx" ); // save the document as 'Test.xlsx'
2️⃣ Reading excel file(*.xlsx)
Document xlsx (" Test.xlsx" ); // load excel file
if (!xlsx.isLoadPackage()) {
return ; // failed to load excel
int row = 1 ; int col = 2 ;
Cell* cell = xlsx.cellAt(row, col); // get cell pointer. (row is 1. column is 2.)
if ( cell == NULL )
continue ; // cell vaule is not set
QVariant var = cell->readValue (); // read cell value (number(double), QDateTime, QString ...)
qDebug () << var; // display value
Hi! I'm j2doll (aka Jay Two). My name is Korean and it is difficult for foreigners to pronounce it. Call me j2doll.
Leave me a issue.
If you are interested in participating in the project, please contact us by issue.
My native language is not English and my English is not fluent. Please, use EASY English. :-)
If you would like to translate into your native language, please contact me.
You can either raise an issue or use a pull request. (such as
Qxlnt is a helper project that allows xlnt to be used in Qt.
xlnt is a excellent C++ library for using xlsx Excel files. 👍
I was looking for a way to make it easy to use in Qt. Of course, cmake is compatible with Qt, but it is not convenient to use. So I created Qxlnt.
Qlibxlsxwriter is a helper project that allows libxlsxwriter to be used in Qt.
libxlsxwriter is a C library for creating Excel XLSX files.
Use SimpleXlsxWriter in Qt.
SimpleXlsxWriter is C++ library for creating XLSX files for MS Excel 2007 and above.