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Austen McDonald edited this page Nov 11, 2016 · 1 revision

Events are a way for modules and parts of the core to communicate with each other without having to know exactly what communication should take place. Events are represented by strings. There are a number of uses for events, with these rough naming conventions:

  • e/[vendor]/[module]/[event-name]: Simple announcement events, just saying that something has occurred. Possible Examples: e/lotgd/core/startup.
  • h/[vendor]/[module]/[event-name]: Hooks, or events that are designed to seek input from other parts of the system (like modules). Possible examples: h/lotgd/core/get-attack-value.
  • a/[vendor]/[module]/[event-name]: Analytic events, those only for tracking purposes. Possible examples: a/lotgd/core/startup-perf, a/lotgd/core/motd-new.

Events are handled by a class that implements the EventHandler interface and has been previously subscribed to events by calling $game->getEventManager()->subscribe(). Subscriptions use regular expressions: subscribers provide a regex to match against event names and any published event that matches the regex triggers a call to the class's handleEvent() method. See the Sample Crate and the Hello World Module for an example.

Events are published via $game->getEventManager()->publish() and can pass an array() which represents the context of the event. This array() is a so-called "in-out" variable, so changes made to the array() in handleEvent() calls will be visible to the publisher. This is how hooks will communicate their input to the publisher.

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