S4Eq: Self-Supervised Learning to Prove Equivalence Between Programs via Semantics-Preserving Rewrite Rules
S4Eq provides a model which allows training on equivalent program pairs to create axiomatic proofs of equivalence. Included are scripts which generate test and training data, as well as data mined from GitHub.
- Our paper detailing the use and testing of S4Eq is on ArXiv at: https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.10476
- src/ includes all scripts used to generate training data and search for proofs using our trained model. Note: These scripts use slightly different axiom names than in the paper; in particular, Noop, Double, and Multzero are used in the code which correspond to NeutralOp, DoubleOp, and AbsorbOp in the paper.
- data/ includes our dataset generation configuration files and the data/*/all_test_fullaxiom.txt files showing the (P1,P2,S) tuples for the test sets.
- runs/ includes results for models presented in our paper. For each model we provide training output files, testset input files, OpenNMT interface scripts, and P1,P2 proof results from the models for intermediate beam search 10 (2 and 5 are provided in pe-graph2axiom-big). Our golden results of 9,310 successful equivalence proofs on a 10,000 sample testset are in runs/AxiomStep10/mbest_300_AxiomStep10/search10.txt.
Install OpenNMT-py
from pip
pip install OpenNMT-py
or from the sources:
git clone https://github.com/OpenNMT/OpenNMT-py.git
cd OpenNMT-py
python setup.py install
Note: If you have MemoryError in the install try to use pip
with --no-cache-dir
(Optional) some advanced features (e.g. working audio, image or pretrained models) requires extra packages, you can install it with:
pip install -r requirements.opt.txt
# cd to the parent directory of OpenNMT-py
# git clone https://github.com/SteveKommrusch/PrgEq.git
# cd to top of repository
# Review env.sh script and adjust for your installation.
cat env.sh
# cd to top of repository
source ./env.sh
cd ../data
# geneqv.pl randomly generates program pairs and proofs in human-readable format
../src/geneqv.pl genenv_AxiomStep10.txt > raw_AxiomStep10.txt
# pre1axiom.pl creates N 1-axiom training samples for N-axiom long proofs in the raw file
../src/pre1axiom.pl 99 raw_AxiomStep10 > pre1_AxiomStep10.txt
# pre2graph.pl creates GGNN input formate used by OpenNMT-py
../src/pre2graph.pl < pre1_AxiomStep10.txt > all_AxiomStep10.txt
cd AxiomStep10
# srcvaltest.sh creates training, validation, and test files from full dataset
../../src/srcvaltest.sh ../all_AxiomStep10.txt
# cd to top of repository
source ./env.sh
cd AxiomStep10
# Clean models if desired
rm *.pt *out
# run.sh will use OpenNMT to preprocess datasets and train model. Can take several hours with GPU system
setsid nice -n 19 run.sh > run.nohup.out 2>&1 < /dev/null &
# cd to top of repository
source ./env.sh
cd AxiomStep10
# Doing these 4 beam widths takes under an hour on GPU system
for i in 1 2 5 10; do ../../src/search.pl $i 99 ../../data/AxiomStep10/all_test.txt final-model_step_300000.pt > mbest_300_AxiomStep10/search$i.txt; done
# cd to top of repository
cd runs/AxiomStep10/mbest_300_AxiomStep10
# Note that all search*.txt results have FAIL or FOUND lines for all 10000 samples
grep -c "^F" search*txt
# Report number of correctly FOUND proofs for the various beam searches
grep -c "^FOUND" search*txt
# View the full output for all FOUND proofs
grep "^FOUND" search*txt
The repository contains data, models, and results used for publication, but these can be overwritten with the steps above as desired.
./env.sh: Environment variable setup
src/allPossibleAxioms.pl: Provides subrouting with returns all possible axioms on an input program.
src/checkeq.pl: Used with WorldProof* models to check how many test samples the model proved equivalent.
src/compare.py: Used with WorldProof* models to check how many test sample outputs exactly match expected axiom proof.
src/geneqv.pl: Uses config files in data/geneqv*txt to generate random (P1,P2,S) samples for dataset.
src/genProgUsingAxioms.pl: Generates intemediate program given input program and axiom for use by AxiomStep models.
src/greps.sh: Counts distribution of axiom proof lengths in a file.
src/possibleAxioms.pl: Processes input file and prints all possible axioms for P1 samples.
src/pre1axiom.pl: Turns dataset with (P1,P2,S), where S may be a multi-axiom proof, into a dataset with single-axiom targets for training AxiomStep* models.
src/pre2graph.pl: Turns human-readable (P1,P2,S) samples into OpenNMT GGNN input format including node feature values and edge connections.
src/search.pl: Search for proofs on a test set using trained AxiomStep* model.
src/search_seq.pl: Adjusted version of search.pl to search using a trained sequence-to-sequence model for experimental evaluation.
src/srcvaltest.sh: Processes full OpenNMT dataset file to produce training, validation, and test sets.
data/geneqv_*txt: Files used by src/geneqv.pl to configure dataset generation.
data/KhanPlusManual: Includes test files for KhanAcademy problems and some manually generated problems used in our paper.
data/AxiomStep10: Includes test files for AxiomStep10 dataset described in our paper
data/AxiomStep5: Includes test files for AxiomStep5 dataset described in our paper
data/WholeProof10: Includes test files for WholeProof10 dataset described in our paper
data/WholeProof5: Includes test files for WholeProof5 dataset described in our paper
data/*/all_test.txt: Files providing OpenNMT GGNN input and target and readable P1,P2,S tuples for dataset tests.
data/*/all_test_fullaxioms.txt: Files showing the 10000 samples and whole proof used in their generation.
data/*/all_test_passible.txt: Files showing the 10000 samples and all possible axioms for P1.
runs/*: 4 directories for our 4 primary models discussed in our paper.
runs/*/???-train.txt are source input and target output files used for training our models.
runs/*/???-val.txt are source input and target output files used for validating our models.
runs/*/???-test.txt are source input and target output files used for testing our models.
runs/*/srcvocab.txt: Source vocabulary including tokens for Linear Algebra math.
runs/*/tgtvocab.txt: Target vocabulary including 'left', 'right', and axiom names.
runs/*/OpenNMT_train.out: Output file during model training showing parameter sizes and accuracy results during training.
runs/*/preprocess.sh: Calls OpenNMT preprocess step to prepare data for training.
runs/*/train.sh: Calls OpenNMT training step
runs/*/run.sh: Combines preprocess and training to ease batch mode training.
runs/WorldProof*/translate*sh: Calls OpenNMT translate step to produce proposed whole proofs on dataset.
runs/AxiomStep10/final-model_step_300000.pt is the golden model used to find proofs in our paper.
runs/*/final-model_step_*.pt are the best model resulting from training twice, based on validation score.
runs/AxiomStep10/mbest_300_AxiomStep10/search10.txt: The final beam with 10 proof results used for our golden model in the paper showing 9,310 proofs found out of 10,000 tests.
runs/*/mbest*AxiomStep10: Results for testing the given model using the AxiomStep10 test dataset.
runs/*/mbest*AxiomStep5: Results for testing the given model using the AxiomStep5 test dataset.
runs/*/mbest*WholeProof10: Results for testing the given model using the WholeProof10 test dataset.
runs/*/mbest*WholeProof5: Results for testing the given model using the WholeProof5 test dataset.
runs/AxiomStep*/mbest_*/search*: are the final proof results used for our AxiomStep* models.
runs/WholeProof*/mbest_*/check*: are the results of checking whether generated proofs prove equivalence on test dataset.
runs/WholeProof*/mbest_*/pass*: are the results of checking whether generated proofs prove exactly match the test sample target proof.