Wraps eredis
and eredis_sub
functionallity for Elixir usage.
- Publishes binary messages to Redis Pub/Sub channels.
- Subscribes to channels and calls a handler function when a message is received.
EredisSub.publish("my_channel", "Hello, world!")
Implement the behaviour to be called when a message is received:
defmodule MyModule do
@behaviour EredisSub.Handler
@impl EredisSub.Handler
def handle_pubsub_message(message, metadata) do
# Do something...
Subscribe to a channel:
metadata_example = %{subscribed_at: DateTime.utc_now()}
EredisSub.subscribe("my_channel", MyModule, metadata_example)
def deps do
{:eredis_sub, "~> 0.1.0"}
Add the following to your supervision tree on application.ex
children = [
Optional configuration can be passed to eredis
and eredis_sub
, check their docs:
children = [
{EredisSub, [database: 2, username: "foo", password: "bar"]}
Because multiple applications in many programming languages can use Redis Pub/Sub,
but they don't serialize their binary messages according to Phoenix
That's also a great option. With EredisSub
Elixir abstraction we intend to hide
Erlang specific knowledge, for example Erlang strings and OTP processes. We changed
the API to let clients subscribe a handler function to a Pub/Sub channel, similar
to how :telemetry
attaches handlers.
We sacrificed flexibility on client process architecture, for a simpler mental model.
If you need to handle message passing or a pool of processes, for example to handle
heavier loads, use eredis
Why not use Redix
Because it doesn't support Redis Cluster. Since our project already depends on
(thus also depends on eredis
), we wanted to stick with it.