- after clone code from repos, each team should create a new branch from master branch
git checkout -b <team_name> master
- run
rake db:create
- run
rake db:migrate
- run
rails server
- Account creation
- Login
- Todo list creation
- Add tasks
- Invite friend to task
- Challenge statictics
- Bonus points:
- Set privacy to task ( public/private (only invitted can join))
- Ajax
- Nice template/ layout
- Deploy your app to heroku or any servers
- Database postgreSQL (but you can use any other one you like, e.g Mysql, )
- Login: Use gem devise
- Push you code to github before 03/09/2014 12:00 AM
- Generate rails app Rails-composer
- Authenticate
gem devise
devise - Authorization
gem pundit
pundit - Bootstrap 3.0.0
- Form builder
gem simpleform
simpleform - Coffee Script