Releases: loneleeandroo/ngMeteor
ngMeteor v0.1.23
Merged pull request by @leoetlino to support meteor 0.8.3
ngMeteor v0.1.22
Updated ngMeteor.template for Blaze in Meteor 0.8.0+
ngMeteor v0.1.20
Merged a pull request which fixed a bug related to overriden template rendered callbacks when using iron router.
ngMeteor v0.1.19
Fixed a bug where services weren't injected properly causing issues with minifying and obfuscating script.
ngMeteor v0.1.18
Ignore meteor templates with names starting with "_" in the $templateCache.
ngMeteor v 0.1.17
Updated to AngularJS v1.2.14
ngMeteor v0.1.16
Templates will be re-compiled with the $compile service when route changes and the yield is rendered in Iron Router.
ngMeteor v0.1.15
Passes the selector, options and publisher arguments in the $collection service to Meteor.publish on the server.
ngMeteor v0.1.14
Remove _id property when updating collection
ngMeteor v0.1.13
Fixed issue with updating restricted collections