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gcp_logging_collect recipe error #918




Running the gcp_logging_collect recipe I'm encountering the following error:

$ dftimewolf gcp_logging_collect <target_project> 'resource.type="gce_instance" resource.labels.instance_id="<ID>" log_name="projects/<target_project>/logs/" timestamp>="2023-09-25" timestamp<="2023-10-06"'
[2024-10-08 14:21:04,826] [dftimewolf          ] SUCCESS  dfTimewolf tool initialized with UUID: c4cbf22a-63ea-4971-ac5c-a953c1669675
[2024-10-08 14:21:04,886] [dftimewolf          ] INFO     Loading recipe gcp_logging_collect...
[2024-10-08 14:21:05,603] [dftimewolf          ] INFO     Loaded recipe gcp_logging_collect with 2 modules
[2024-10-08 14:21:05,604] [dftimewolf          ] INFO     Running preflights...
[2024-10-08 14:21:07,402] [dftimewolf          ] INFO     Setting up modules...
[2024-10-08 14:21:07,403] [dftimewolf.state    ] INFO     Setting up module: GCPLogsCollector
[2024-10-08 14:21:07,404] [dftimewolf          ] INFO     Modules successfully set up!
[2024-10-08 14:21:07,404] [dftimewolf          ] INFO     Running modules...
[2024-10-08 14:21:07,404] [dftimewolf.state    ] INFO     Running module: GCPLogsCollector
[2024-10-08 14:21:07,405] [GCPLogsCollector    ] SUCCESS  Downloading logs to /tmp/tmpngop6aoy.jsonl
[2024-10-08 14:21:08,132] [dftimewolf.state    ] CRITICAL An unknown error occurred in module GCPLogsCollector: 'generator' object has no attribute 'pages'
[2024-10-08 14:21:08,134] [dftimewolf.state    ] INFO     Module GCPLogsCollector finished execution
[2024-10-08 14:21:08,135] [dftimewolf.state    ] ERROR    dfTimewolf encountered one or more errors:
[2024-10-08 14:21:08,135] [dftimewolf.state    ] ERROR    1: error from dftimewolf: An unknown error occurred in module GCPLogsCollector: 'generator' object has no attribute 'pages'
[2024-10-08 14:21:08,135] [dftimewolf.state    ] ERROR    Traceback (most recent call last):
[2024-10-08 14:21:08,135] [dftimewolf.state    ] ERROR      File "/home/user/dftimewolf/dftimewolf/lib/", line 483, in _RunModuleThread
[2024-10-08 14:21:08,135] [dftimewolf.state    ] ERROR        self._RunModuleProcess(module)
[2024-10-08 14:21:08,135] [dftimewolf.state    ] ERROR      File "/home/user/dftimewolf/dftimewolf/lib/", line 365, in _RunModuleProcess
[2024-10-08 14:21:08,135] [dftimewolf.state    ] ERROR        module.Process()
[2024-10-08 14:21:08,135] [dftimewolf.state    ] ERROR      File "/home/user/dftimewolf/dftimewolf/lib/collectors/", line 203, in Process
[2024-10-08 14:21:08,135] [dftimewolf.state    ] ERROR        pages = self.ListPages(logging_client)
[2024-10-08 14:21:08,135] [dftimewolf.state    ] ERROR                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[2024-10-08 14:21:08,136] [dftimewolf.state    ] ERROR      File "/home/user/dftimewolf/dftimewolf/lib/collectors/", line 82, in ListPages
[2024-10-08 14:21:08,136] [dftimewolf.state    ] ERROR        return results.pages
[2024-10-08 14:21:08,136] [dftimewolf.state    ] ERROR               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[2024-10-08 14:21:08,136] [dftimewolf.state    ] ERROR    AttributeError: 'generator' object has no attribute 'pages'
[2024-10-08 14:21:08,136] [dftimewolf.state    ] ERROR
[2024-10-08 14:21:08,136] [dftimewolf.state    ] CRITICAL One or more unexpected errors occurred.
[2024-10-08 14:21:08,136] [dftimewolf.state    ] CRITICAL Please consider opening an issue:
[2024-10-08 14:21:08,136] [dftimewolf          ] CRITICAL Critical error found. Aborting.

Note that the /tmp/tmpngop6aoy.jsonlis empty, but running the query 'resource.type="gce_instance" resource.labels.instance_id="<ID>" log_name="projects/<target_project>/logs/" timestamp>="2023-09-25" timestamp<="2023-10-06"' in the log explore UI it works and returns data.


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