Hi @satrox28!
My name is Andrea and I work for @immobiliare.
I want to thank you so much for the amazing work done on this plugin.
We really appreciate your work and have also contributed to your plugin with my colleagues
@antoniomuso and @simonecorsi.
We also love backstage and the open source world and we are introducing it in the company in a very central way.
For some time now we have noticed a decrease in maintenance activities on this plugin.
If I may, may I ask why? Perhaps you are doing something else and are no longer interested?
We are currently stuck advancing our backstage version if this plugin also doesn't continue to evolve and keep up with the backstage advancements.
I wanted to ask what projects do you have for this plugin? Do you have a vision?
If you have little time to dedicate to it, can we give you a hand as maintainer of the plugin?
We are currently already maintaining another plugin in our organization:
Let me know and thanks again for all you do!
I await yours!