I am an ecologist passionate about data visualization and analysis. I started getting really interested in R programming language and statistics during my master's, and after much trial and error, I have been using R as a tool to communicate data and scientific findings effectively to the wider stakeholders involved. I am an assistant research scientist in the Horn Point Laboratory at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. My research directly addresses how earth-observing satellite data can better inform critical links between the biogeochemical and optical properties of inland waters. This NASA-funded project will help target chlorophyll hotspots to track cyanoHABs across the state of Missouri in the US.
I have a wide background in water quality, biodiversity conservation and monitoring programs. I completed my PhD at Santa Catarina Federal University in Florianópolis, Brazil studying the impact of anthropogenic activities on biodiversity and the functioning of freshwater ecosystems. In my technique, I combine biomonitoring data and small-scale experiments, together with a wide variety and modern techniques for analyzing data, to better understand, predict and manage biodiversity responses to environmental change.
If you are interested in knowing more about my research experience, please visit my website: https://sites.google.com/view/lorenapinheiro-silvaphd