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POWHEG event generator for QCD and EW corrections.

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POWHEG event generator for QCD and EW corrections. A detailed description of the algorithms and methods implemented in this code, as well as, results obtained by using this code can be found in DOI: 10.18154/RWTH-2017-04899. The results are also published in DOI: 10.1007/JHEP05(2017)090.


The program requires an MPI implementation. It is only tested with openmpi. LHAPDF 6 is used for pdf evaluation. There is also an interface to LHAPDF 5 available but it is not tested extensively. lhapdf-config is used to find your LHAPDF installation. Another requirement is the boost C++ library.

requirement list:

  • MPI (openmpi)
  • Collier (downloaded during compilation)
  • boost

Code structure

The source code consists of five parts:

  • mypowheg contains a FKS and POWHEG implemenation. The code is in the src directory.
  • vegas contains a VEGAS implementation written in C. It uses MPI to parallelize the integration.
  • powheggen is a POWHEG event generator. It uses vegas and mypowheg.
  • external contains external code for matrix elements etc.
  • processes contains POWHEG event generators for processes. Each individual process uses powheggen.

Currently three processes are implemented:

  • w: charged current Drell-Yan: p p -> W+ -> mu+ nu
  • z: neutral current Drell-Yan: p p -> Z/a -> mu+ mu-
  • wj: p p -> W+ j -> mu+ nu j (under development, do not use!)

Earlier versions of w and z were used to make the plots in arXiv:1612.04292.

All files with a name ending with "_test" contain unit tests implemented with googletest.


CMake is used to generate build files. To create build files, you have to create a separate build directory. Run

mkdir build
cd build

By default the code is compiled optimized and with debugging symbols. If you use the release mode in cmake (-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release), the most aggressive optimizations are used and the program is tuned to the CPU architecture. This mode is not tested. The debug mode in cmake (-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug) disables all optimizations.

After calling cmake the build directory contains all required build files. We assume that Makefiles are used. Other options can be chosen with the -G option of cmake. You can now use

make Collier

to compile the code. If you run make test all tests are called. The different

Running the code

POWHEG generator executables are located in the processes directory. You can run them with

cd processes/w
mpirun -np 2 ./w

An example config file config.txt is copied to each process directory.

Each process generates the files vegas_grid.dat and run.dat. These files contain the vegas state after the Btilde integration. If the program is called with the -load flag, vegas_grid.dat and run.dat is loaded and the program can generate events. Furthermore, the file norm.txt, maxima.txt, and vegas_max.txt are created. norm.txt contains cumulative histograms for the upperbounding function norms. They can be plotted with gnuplot, e.g.

gnuplot> set terminal pdfcairo
gnuplot> set output 'norm.pdf'
gnuplot> load 'norm.txt'

maxima.txt contains a histogram for the Maximum found during the B~ integration. It can be used to modify the maximum in run.dat in order to make the event generation more efficient. vegas_max.txt contains the maxima found during the vegas integration all VEGAS bins. The idea is to use those maxima for event generation to make it more efficient. This feature is not fully implemented so far. One would determine the current VEGAS bin in every dimension and the maximum. The maximum of all maxima could then be used as unweighting maximum.

Config files

Every process expects a configuration file config.txt in its working directory. The configuration files contains global options for the event generator and can also contain process specific options (e.g. cuts, scales etc.). The config format is inspired by the ini-format. The global flags are listed below:

  dR = 0.00000001 # recombination parameter for NLO calculations. Should be set
                  # tiny values for event generation.

  SqrtS = 13000.0   # center of mass energy in GeV
  Verbose = 0       # either 0 or 1 (optional, default: 0)
  CalculateXSec = 0 # calculate the cross section separately for born, virtual,
                    # real etc. This calculation is only needed for a precise
                    # cross section determination. (optional, default: 0)

# grid setup for Btilde integration
  iterations = 5    # number of VEGAS iterations for the grid setup
  nevents = 1000000 # number of points in each VEGAS iteration
  IgnoreVirtual = 0 # Ignore virtual corrections during grid setup
                    # (optional, default:0)

# Btilde integration
  iterations = 5    # number of VEGAS iterations
  nevents = 1000000 # number of points in each VEGAS iteration

# grid setup for cross section calculation. Only used if config.CalculateXSec = 1.
  iterations = 5    # number of VEGAS iterations
  nevents = 1000000 # number of points in each VEGAS iteration

# cross section calculation. Only used if config.CalculateXSec = 1.
  iterations = 5    # number of VEGAS iterations
  nevents = 1000000 # number of points in each VEGAS iteration

# random seeds for the VEGAS integrations
  seed1 = 1 # random seed for grid setups (0 = random seed)
  seed2 = 2 # random seed for the integration (0 = random seed)

# folding of real part in Btilde (reduces number of negative events, increases
# the run time).
  RealXi = 1    # folding of xi
  RealY = 1     # folding of y
  RealPhi = 1   # folding of phi
  RemnantXi = 1 # folding of pdf remnant xi

  QCD = 1              # enable/disable QCD corrections
  EW = 1               # enable/disable EW corrections
  RadiationQCD = 1     # generate QCD radiation (optional, default: 1)
  RadiationEW = 1      # generate EW radiation (optional, default: 1)
  SplitME = 0          # NC Drell-Yan (z specific): split matrix element in ISR/FSR
  ModS = 0             # use modified FKS S functions. (0: default,
                       # 1: Breit-Wigner improved, 2: Charge & Breit-Wigner improved)
  NoInterference = 0   # NC Drell-Yan (z specific): disable interference terms
  QCDPDFScheme = MSbar # PDF renormalization scheme
  EWPDFScheme = DIS    # PDF renormalization scheme
  # Approximations = NoPhotonRadiation # different approximations. deprecated!

  GenerateEvents = 1    # enable POWHEG event generation (optional, default: 1)
  nevents = 100000      # total number of events
  nperiteration = 10000 # number of events per iteration
  seed = 0              # random seed (0 = random seed)
  NegativeEvents = 0    # use negative events or discard them. (optional, default: 0)
  BornUnweighting = 0   # born unweighting. Do not use! (optional, default: 0)
  BornOnly = 0          # use born instead of B~ (optional, default: 0)

  LHAID = 244600 # select pdfs

  CutReal = 0 # cut on real phase space. Enables real NLO calculation.
              # Do not use for event generation. (optional, default:0)

  GuessVirtual = 1 # guess virtual in unweighting, only calculate if necessary
  MaxMultiple = 3  # write events with Btilde > Max multiple times to event file

  kT2min = 0.8 # minimal radiation kT2

NLO Distributions

It is possible to generate fixed-order NLO distribution with the code. You have to enable the option CutReal (see above) and you have to implement a process-specific histogramming class. The histogramming class has to inherit from the Histograms class in src/process/histograms.h. The only method that has to be reimplemented is the Fill() function. A simple example is

class MyHistograms : public Histograms {
    explicit MyHistograms(int n) : Histograms(n) {}
    virtual ~MyHistograms() {}

    virtual bool Fill(Phasespace::Phasespace const *const ps,
                      double wgt) override {
        const auto &momenta = ps->Momenta;

        // add to histograms
        GetHist(0)->AddValue(momenta[4].PT(), wgt);

        return true;

An instance of MyHistograms has to be used as hists variable in UserProcess::Data, i.e.

// use one histogram
hists = new MyHistograms(1);
hists->Init1D(0, 1000, 0.0, 1000.0);
hists->SetName(0, "some description");

The histograms are written to histogram_%d.hist files, where %d is the number of the histogram.

If CutReal is not set, only a cut on the underlying born phase space is performed.

Code Documentation

Doxygen can be used to generate code documentation. Go to the doc directory and run


to generate html/index.html.