I face the same issue as the last one. I run the cmd provided by your But I got no outputs. Where is the output .flo file supposed to appear? I run the
"./ -n FlowNet2 -vv data/0000000-imgL.png data/0000001-imgL.png /home/v-xiangli/flownet2-docker/flow.flo"
on Ububtu server (not local server, I cannot get root right and only have key-pair to ssh login). I don't have the permission to change files in root folder but I didn't get error when generation.
I just tried to use my local vm server to run. It posts:
Using GPU: 0
Running network: FlowNet2
Working dir: /flownet2/flownet2/scripts
First input: data/0000000-imgL.png
Second input: data/0000001-imgL.png
Output: flow.flo
Network forward pass using /flownet2/flownet2/models/FlowNet2/FlowNet2_weights.caffemodel.h5.
The server which I cannot find outputs posts:
Using GPU: 0
Running network: FlowNet2
Working dir: /flownet2/flownet2/scripts
First input: data/0000000-imgL.png
Second input: data/0000001-imgL.png
Output: flow.flo
Could you please help me with that? Thank you!