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Welcome to the 12 factor dojo 🏯 !

Here you will find some exercises for practicing your DevOps-fu 🥋, improve your skills and gain experience.

The twelve-factor app

It's a methodology for building software-as-a-service apps, and it's a must in your DevOps toolbox. Check for more information, it has some background and a detailed explanation each one of the 12 practices.

The exercises

The proposed exercises will help you to understand the practices desribed by 12 factor in a practical way.

Katas or Koans?

The exercices have kind of koan spirit, as for each 12 factor there is a test that is going to pass once the the factor has been understood and applied to the code.

The exercices feels also like a kata, because there is not a single solution and there are some restrictions to take into consideration for solving the exercise.

From here, we are going to call the exercises katakoans ( fancier suggestions welcome :) )

How does this work?

Ok so, on one hand we have a very simple app, an http endpoint that's not 12 factor compliant, on the other hand we have a test harness, with a series of tests that covers each one of the *12 factors, ( one or multiple tests for each factor ).

The objective is to modify the provided application so all the tests are green, meaning that the app becomes 12 factor compliant.

It is important to do the katakoans in order and one by one, the order is important as there are some factors easier to understand/assimilate/apply after you already completed the previous ones first.

Behind the scenes

The 12 factor dojo's flow is managed by a test harness based on docker-compose and RSpec. It will build a docker image with the app and we shall call this image the SUT ( Subject Under Test ). Afterwards, the harness will spin up a docker test environment with all required dependencies and it will run a series of tests against the SUT image that will validate if it's 12 factor compliant or not.

Tests always run in an fresh docker environment using DIND ( Docker In Docker ).

Which DevOps-fu 🥋 level is needed to complete the katakoans?

As in every dojo, all DevOps-fu 🥋 levels are welcome, but there are some exercices that deal with advanced concepts, so don't hesitate to ask for help if you need to.

What do I need to start?

You only need to have Docker 🐳 and some code editor installed on your machine to be able to execute and validate the exercises.

Additionally, it's highly recommended to have read 🤓 the 12 factors first.

Hajime!! ( let's go )

First clone this repository:

git clone

The following command is going to prepare the test environment, it's going to build some docker images with the tools needed to lauch the tests ( docker-compose, RSpec ):

cd 12factor-dojo
make setup

This command if going to start the test environment and prepare some helper tools:

make hajime

Finally, as we are inside a DIND environment, we need to build one last docker image and we will be ready to start.

Execute the following command from the dojo's shell ( /dojo # ):

make prepare

So now you are set to start practicing the katakoans:

Start by executing the first test with the following command:

$ make test3

Remember that the objective is for the tests to pass and become green. Read the test result and think how you can modify the app in such a way that the test passes. In some cases there is more than one solution.

You can explore the test environment ( docker-compose files ) in the test/scenarios folder, and the tests themselves in the test/spec folder


You can use the built in logs <factor number> command to check the docker-compose output, sometimes you will see some errors in the test output that are not very friendly/descriptive and it's necessary to dig a little deeper, so this command will help you with that.

For cleaning the logs, use clean <factor number> command

The katakoans list

This is the actual list of katakoans and the command that triggers each test:

IMPORTANT: The exercises have been designed to be completed in order

IMPORTANT: In some of the katakoans you will need to execute an extra command to add new functionality to the app's code, this may cause some git trouble, but this is also useful to practice your git-fu ;)

  • III. Store config in the environment
    • make test3
  • IV. Backing services
    • make patch4 ( Execute only once )
    • make test4
  • V. Strictly separate build and run stages
    • make test5
  • VI. Processes
    • make patch6 ( Execute only once )
    • make test6
  • XI. Treat logs as event streams
    • make patch11 ( Execute only once )
    • make test11
  • IX. Maximize robustness with fast startup and graceful shutdown
    • make patch9 ( Execute only once )
    • make test9

Once you have completed all the exercises individually you can execute make test-all to run the complete test suite in one run.

Some restrictions

  • The only code you can modify are the files in the app folder, if you modify any other file, you are cheating!
  • Some katakoans have additional restrictions


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