Easyobj calculator is an object calculator that supports rule matching and behavior operations, supports chain computing, and supports simple logical calculations (intersection, union, difference) of calculation results
- Target: calculation target, objects used to perform behavioral operations
- Result: calculation result, the result obtained by the calculation engine after calculating the target
- Rule: rules, including decider and action
- Decider: decision maker, used to determine whether a condition meets the current rule
- Action: the component that performs behavioral calculations on the target after passing the decider, generating the calculation result
- Step: calculation steps, including condition and operate
- Condition: conditions used to match applicable rules
- Operate: operation, used for logical operations between calculated results
- CalculateEngine: a computing engine used to manage rules and perform calculations
please refer to the easyobj-calculator-demo for details
easyobj-calculator是一个支持规则匹配和行为运算的对象计算器, 支持链式计算,并且支持对计算结果进行简单的逻辑计算(交集、并集、差集)
- Target: 计算目标,用于执行行为运算的对象
- Result: 计算结果,计算引擎(CalculateEngine)对计算目标(Target)进行计算后得到的结果
- Rule: 规则,包含判决器(Decider)和执行器(Action)
- Decider: 判决器,用于判断条件(Condition)是否符合当前规则(Rule)
- Action: 执行器,判决器通过后,对计算目标(Target)进行行为计算的组件,生成计算结果(Result)
- Step: 计算步骤,包含条件(Condition)和操作(Operate)
- Condition: 条件,用于匹配适用的规则(Rule)
- Operate: 操作,用于计算结果(Result)间的逻辑操作
- CalculateEngine: 计算引擎,用于管理规则(Rule)并执行运算