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Added option spatial to fitModels for asreml (#9)
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BartJanvanRossum committed Jun 11, 2019
1 parent b2bed1c commit d4ceb8d
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Showing 8 changed files with 210 additions and 25 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion .gitlab-ci.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,12 +17,14 @@ before_script:
- apt-get update && apt-get install -y libxml2-dev libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev zlib1g-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libfreetype6-dev > /dev/null
- apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends qpdf ghostscript > /dev/null
## install pandoc - needed for checking readme.
- apt-get update && apt-get install -y pandoc > /dev/null
- apt-get update && apt-get install -y pandoc pandoc-citeproc > /dev/null
## install ImageMagick++ for timelapse.
- apt-get update && apt-get install -y libmagick++-dev > /dev/null
## cache R packages.
- mkdir -p $R_LIBS_USER
- echo 'R_LIBS_USER='$R_LIBS_USER > .Renviron
## Set _R_CHECK_FORCE_SUGGESTS_ to FALSE so R check doesn't crash over asreml.
- echo '_R_CHECK_FORCE_SUGGESTS_="false"' >> .Renviron

stage: build
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,14 +11,15 @@ Description: What the package does (one paragraph).
License: GPL
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 6.1.1
asreml (>= 4.0),
RoxygenNote: 6.1.1
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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Expand Up @@ -19,5 +19,6 @@ import(stats)
183 changes: 172 additions & 11 deletions R/fitModels.R
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#' group the genotypes in the model.
#' @param useCheck Should check genotypes be used as an extra factor in the
#' model?
#' @param engine A character string indicating the engine used to fit the
#' models.
#' @param spatial Should a spatial model be fitted for asreml?
#' @return An object of class fitMod, a list of fitted spatial models.
Expand All @@ -20,7 +23,8 @@ fitModels <- function(TP,
covariates = NULL,
geno.decomp = NULL,
useCheck = FALSE,
engine = c("SpATS", "asreml")) {
engine = c("SpATS", "asreml"),
spatial = FALSE) {
## Checks.
if (!inherits(TP, "TP")) {
stop("TP should be an object of class TP.\n")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,27 +121,184 @@ fitModels <- function(TP,
## fixed in asreml needs response variable on lhs of formula.
fixedForm <- update(fixedForm, paste(trait, "~ ."))
## Construct formula for random part of the model.
randForm <- formula(paste("~ colId + ", if (is.null(geno.decomp)) genoCol else
randForm <- formula(paste("~ ", if (is.null(geno.decomp)) genoCol else
paste0("at(", geno.decomp, "):genotype")))
## Loop on timepoint to run asreml.
fitMods <- lapply(X = TP, function(timePoint) {
## Only keep columns needed for analysis.
modDat <- droplevels(timePoint)
## Run model.
asrFit <- asreml::asreml(fixed = update(fixedForm, paste(trait, "~ .")),
random = randForm, data = modDat, trace = FALSE,
na.action = asreml::na.method(x = "include"),
maxiter = 200)
## evaluate call terms in mr and mfTrait so predict can be run.
asrFit$call$fixed <- eval(asrFit$call$fixed)
asrFit$call$random <- eval(asrFit$call$random)
asrFit$call$data <- substitute(modDat)
if (!spatial) {
asrFit <- asreml::asreml(fixed = update(fixedForm, paste(trait, "~ .")),
random = randForm, data = modDat,
trace = FALSE, maxiter = 200,
na.action = asreml::na.method(x = "include"))
## evaluate call terms in mr and mfTrait so predict can be run.
asrFit$call$fixed <- eval(asrFit$call$fixed)
asrFit$call$random <- eval(asrFit$call$random)
asrFit$call$data <- substitute(modDat)
} else {
asrFitSpat <- bestSpatMod(modDat = modDat, traits = trait,
fixedForm = fixedForm, randomForm = randForm)
asrFit <- asrFitSpat[["fitMods"]][[trait]]
attr(x = asrFit, which = "sumTab") <- asrFitSpat[["sumTab"]]

#' Helper function for calculating best spatial model using asreml.
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
bestSpatMod <- function(modDat,
regular = FALSE,
criterion = "AIC",
...) {
dotArgs <- list(...)
## Increase max number of iterations for asreml.
maxIter <- 200
## Add empty observations.
TPTab <-[["colId"]], modDat[["rowId"]]))
TPTab <- TPTab[TPTab$Freq == 0, , drop = FALSE]
if (nrow(TPTab) > 0) {
extObs <- setNames( = nrow(TPTab),
ncol = ncol(modDat))),
extObs[["timePoint"]] <- modDat[["timePoint"]][1]
extObs[, c("colId", "rowId")] <- TPTab[, c("Var1", "Var2")]
extObs[, c("colNum", "rowNum")] <-
c(as.numeric(levels(TPTab[, "Var1"]))[TPTab[, "Var1"]],
as.numeric(levels(TPTab[, "Var2"]))[TPTab[, "Var2"]])
modDat <- rbind(modDat, extObs)
## TP needs to be sorted by row and column to prevent asreml from crashing.
modDat <- modDat[order(modDat[["rowId"]], modDat[["colId"]]), ]
## Define random terms of models to try.
randTerm <- c("NULL", rep(x = c("NULL", "units"), each = 3))
if (regular) {
## Define spatial terms of models to try.
spatCh <- c("none", rep(x = c("exp(x)id", "id(x)exp",
"isotropic exponential"), times = 2))
spatTerm <- c(NA, paste("~", rep(x = c("exp(rowNum):colNum",
times = 2)))
} else {
spatCh <- c("none", rep(x = c("AR1(x)id", "id(x)AR1", "AR1(x)AR1"),
times = 2))
spatTerm <- c(NA, paste("~",
rep(x = c("ar1(rowId):colId", "rowId:ar1(colId)",
"ar1(rowId):ar1(colId)"), times = 2)))
## Create empty base lists.
fitMods <- spatial <- sumTab <- setNames(vector(mode = "list",
length = length(traits)),
btCols <- c("spatial", "random", "AIC", "BIC", "row", "col", "error",
"correlated error", "converge")
for (trait in traits) {
## Reset criterion to Inf.
criterionBest <- Inf
## Create data.frame for storing summary for current trait.
modSum <- = length(spatCh), ncol = length(btCols),
dimnames = list(NULL, btCols)))
## Fit model with genotype random for all different random/spatial terms.
for (i in seq_along(randTerm)) {
## Add extra random term to random part.
randForm <- update(randomForm, paste("~ . + rowId + colId +", randTerm[i]))
asrArgs <- c(list(fixed = fixedForm, random = randForm, aom = TRUE,
data = modDat, maxiter = maxIter, trace = FALSE,
na.action = asreml::na.method(x = "include")),
if (![i])) {
asrArgs[["residual"]] <- formula(spatTerm[i])
capture.output(fitMod <- tryCatchExt( = asreml::asreml,
args = asrArgs)),
file = tempfile())
if (!is.null(fitMod$warning)) {
fitMod <- chkLastIter(fitMod)
fitMod <- wrnToErr(fitMod)
if (length(fitMod$warning) != 0) {
warning(paste0("Warning in asreml for model ", spatCh[i],
" genotype random, trait ", trait, " in timePoint ",
modDat[["timePoint"]][1], ":\n", fitMod$warning,
"\n"), call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(fitMod$error)) {
fitMod <- fitMod$value
} else {
warning(paste0("Error in asreml for model ", spatCh[i],
" genotype random, trait ", trait, " in timePoint ",
modDat[["timePoint"]][1], ":\n", fitMod$error,
"\n"), call. = FALSE)
fitMod <- NULL
## Fill model summary table.
modSum[i, "spatial"] <- spatCh[i]
modSum[i, "random"] <- randTerm[i]
modSum[i, "converge"] <- isTRUE(!is.null(fitMod) & fitMod$converge)
if (!is.null(fitMod)) {
summ <- summary(fitMod)$varcomp["component"]
modSum[i, "AIC"] <- -2 * fitMod$loglik + 2 * nrow(summ)
modSum[i, "BIC"] <- -2 * fitMod$loglik +
log(length(fitted(fitMod))) * nrow(summ)
## Row and column output differs for regular/non-regular.
## Always max. one of the possibilities is in summary so rowVal and
## colVal are always a single value.
rowVal <- summ[rownames(summ) %in%
c("rowId:colId!rowId!cor", "rowNum:colNum!rowNum!pow",
"iexp(rowNum,colNum)!pow"), ]
modSum[i, "row"] <- ifelse(length(rowVal) == 0, NA, rowVal)
colVal <- summ[rownames(summ) %in%
c("rowId:colId!colId!cor", "rowNum:colNum!colNum!pow",
"iexp(rowNum,colNum)!pow"), ]
modSum[i, "col"] <- ifelse(length(colVal) == 0, NA, colVal)
modSum[i, "error"] <-
ifelse(randTerm[i] == "units", summ[rownames(summ) == "units", ],
summ[rownames(summ) %in% c("units!R", "rowId:colId!R",
"iexp(rowNum,colNum)!R"), ])
if (randTerm[i] == "units") {
modSum[i, "correlated error"] <-
summ[rownames(summ) %in% c("rowId:colId!R", "rowNum:colNum!R",
"iexp(rowNum,colNum)!R"), ]
## If current model is better than best so far based on chosen criterion
## define best model as current model.
if (fitMod$converge) {
if (criterion == "AIC") {
criterionCur <- modSum[i, "AIC"]
} else {
criterionCur <- modSum[i, "BIC"]
if (criterionCur < criterionBest) {
bestModTr <- fitMod
## Evaluate call terms in bestModTr so predict can be run.
## Needs to be called in every iteration to prevent final result
## from always having the values of the last iteration.
bestModTr$call$fixed <- eval(bestModTr$call$fixed)
bestModTr$call$random <- eval(bestModTr$call$random)
bestModTr$call$residual <- eval(bestModTr$call$residual)
bestModTr$call$data <- substitute(modDat)
criterionBest <- criterionCur
bestMod <- i
fitMods[[trait]] <- bestModTr
spatial[[trait]] <- spatCh[bestMod]
attr(x = modSum, which = "chosen") <- bestMod
sumTab[[trait]] <- modSum
} # End for traits.
return(list(fitMods = fitMods, spatial = spatial, sumTab = sumTab))

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/statgenHTP.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
#' @docType package
#' @name statgenHTP
#' @importFrom utils hasName write.csv
#' @importFrom utils hasName write.csv capture.output
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom grDevices topo.colors
#' @import stats
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion
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@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
# statgenHTP

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# statgenHTP

7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion man/fitModels.Rd

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

29 changes: 21 additions & 8 deletions testScript.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,15 +35,23 @@ plot(inTP, plotType = "raw", traits = "pheno",
genotypes = c("col", "ely", "evo1", "ler"))

fitMods <- fitModels(TP = inTP[1:3], trait = "pheno",
covariates = c("repId", "Image_pos"))
covariates = c("repId", "Image_pos"), useCheck = TRUE)
fitMods1b <- fitModels(TP = inTP[1:3], trait = "pheno",
covariates = c("repId", "Image_pos"), engine = "asreml")

fitMods1c <- fitModels(TP = inTP[1:3], trait = "pheno",
covariates = c("repId", "Image_pos"), engine = "asreml",
useCheck = TRUE)

genoPreds <- getGenoPred(fitMods, outFile = "BLUPs_PAM_modRep.csv")
colPreds <- getColPred(fitMods)
genoPreds1b <- getGenoPred(fitMods1b)
genoPreds1c <- getGenoPred(fitMods1c)
colPreds1c <- getColPred(fitMods1c)
spatCorr <- getCorrected(fitMods, outFile = "Corrected_PAM_modRep.csv")
variance <- getVar(fitMods)
h2 <- getHerit(fitMods)
genoBLUPS <- getBLUPsGeno(fitMods)

plot(fitMods, plotType = "corrPred")
plot(fitMods, plotType = "rawPred")
Expand All @@ -69,22 +77,27 @@ pdf("Phenovator_ZA17_raw_data_na.pdf", height = 8, width = 12)
plot(inTP2, plotType = "raw", traits = "LA_Estimated", geno.decomp = "Scenario")

fitMods2 <- fitModels(TP = inTP2[1:1], trait = "LA_Estimated",
fitMods2 <- fitModels(TP = inTP2[10:10], trait = "LA_Estimated",
geno.decomp = c("Scenario", "population"))
fitMods2b <- fitModels(TP = inTP2[1:1], trait = "LA_Estimated",
fitMods2b <- fitModels(TP = inTP2[10:10], trait = "LA_Estimated",
geno.decomp = c("Scenario", "population"),
engine = "asreml")
fitMods2c <- fitModels(TP = inTP2[10:10], trait = "LA_Estimated",
geno.decomp = c("Scenario", "population"),
engine = "asreml", spatial = TRUE)

## This crashes:
fitMods2c <- fitModels(TP = inTP2[1:3], trait = "LA_Estimated",
fitMods2crash <- fitModels(TP = inTP2[1:3], trait = "LA_Estimated",
geno.decomp = "Scenario", covariates = "population")

genoPreds2 <- getGenoPred(fitMods2, outFile = "BLUPs_ZA17_LeafArea.csv")
<<<<<<< HEAD
genoBLUPs2 <- getBLUPsGeno(fitMods2)
genoPreds2b <- getGenoPred(fitMods2b)
>>>>>>> fffa8f8... Added prediction for asreml to predGeno (#6)
genoPreds2c <- getGenoPred(fitMods2c)

genoBLUPs2 <- getBLUPsGeno(fitMods2)
rowPreds2c <- getRowPred(fitMods2c)

spatCorr2 <- getCorrected(fitMods2, outFile = "Corrected_ZA17_LeafArea.csv")
variance2 <- getVar(fitMods2)
h22 <- getHerit(fitMods2)
Expand Down

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