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MoodleRest examples

Lawrence Lagerlof edited this page Oct 9, 2018 · 1 revision

Below you can find more usage examples.


require_once "MoodleRest.php";

// Set this variables accordingly

$ip = '';
$moodle_folder = 'moodle';
$token = '8f12e614dae30735260a045313caa400';

// Uncomment the example block you want to run. The first block (example A) is already uncommented.

// Example A: Two requests using the same object, returns array

$MoodleRest = new MoodleRest();

$result1 = $MoodleRest->request('core_group_get_groups', array('groupids' => array(1,2))); // groupids[0]=1&groupids[1]=2

echo "result1:\n" . print_r($result1, true);
$params = array('userlist' => array(array('userid' => 5, 'courseid' => 2), array('userid' => 4, 'courseid' => 2))); //userlist[0][userid]=5&userlist[1][userid]=4&userlist[0][courseid]=2&userlist[1][courseid]=2

$result2 = $MoodleRest->request('core_user_get_course_user_profiles', $params);

echo "result2:\n" . print_r($result2, true);

// Example B: Returning and printing a json
$MoodleRest = new MoodleRest();

$json = $MoodleRest->request('core_group_get_groups', array('groupids' => array(1,2)));

$MoodleRest->printRequest(); // this prints the header and the json string
//echo $json; // this prints only the json string

// Example C: Returning a xml using method chaining
$xml =
    (new MoodleRest())->setServerAddress("http://$ip/$moodle_folder/webservice/rest/server.php")->
    setReturnFormat(MoodleRest::RETURN_XML)->request('core_group_get_groups', array('groupids' => array(1,2)));

echo $xml;
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