SUMO-RL-MobiCharger provides an OpenAI-gym-like environment for the implementation of RL-based mobile charger dispatching methods on the SUMO simulator. The fetures of this environment are four-fold:
- A simple and customizable interface to work with Reinforcement Learning for Dispatching of Mobile Chargers on city-scale transportation network with SUMO
- Compatibility with OpenAI-gym and popular RL libraries such as stable-baselines3 and RL Baselines3 Zoo
- Easy modification of state and reward functions for research focusing on vehicle routing or scheduling problems
- Support parallel training of multiple environments via the use of
in stable-baselines3
Install SUMO as in their doc.
Note that this environment uses Libsumo as default for simulation speedup, but sumo-gui does not work with Libsumo on Windows (more details). If you need to go back to TraCI, uncomment import traci
and modify the code in reset()
of SumoEnv.
Install the necessary packages listed in requirements.txt
Clone the latest version and install it in gym
git clone
cd SUMO-RL-MobiCharger/source
pip install -e .
In case the environment is not compatible with the up-to-date rl-baselines3-zoo, use this old cloned copy for tuning.
The main class is SumoEnv. To train with RL Baselines3 Zoo, you need to register the environment as in their doc and add the following code to
# On most env, SubprocVecEnv does not help and is quite memory hungry
# therefore we use DummyVecEnv by default
if "SumoEnv" not in self.env_name.gym_id:
env = make_vec_env(
def make_env(
}, rank: int = 0, seed: int = 0
def _init():
env = gym.make('SumoEnv-v0', **env_config)
env = Monitor(env, log_dir)
env.seed(seed + rank)
env.action_space.seed(seed + rank)
return env
return _init
if eval_env:
if self.verbose > 0:
print("Creating evaluate environment.")
env = SubprocVecEnv([make_env() for i in range(n_envs)])
env = SubprocVecEnv([make_env(
}, rank=i*2) for i in range(n_envs)])
For training, use the following command line:
python --algo ppo --env SumoEnv-v0 --num-threads 1 --progress --conf-file hyperparams/python/ --save-freq 500000 --log-folder /usr/data2/canaltrain_log/ --tensorboard-log /usr/data2/canaltrain_tensorboard/ --verbose 2 --eval-freq 2000000 --eval-episodes 10 --n-eval-envs 10 --vec-env subproc
For resume training with different EV route files, use the following command line or check the doc of RL Baselines3 Zoo:
python --algo ppo --env SumoEnv-v0 --num-threads 1 --progress --conf-file hyperparams/python/ --save-freq 500000 --log-folder /usr/data2/canaltrain_log/ --tensorboard-log /usr/data2/canaltrain_tensorboard/ --verbose 2 --eval-freq 2000000 --eval-episodes 10 --n-eval-envs 10 --vec-env subproc -i /usr/data2/canaltrain_log/ppo/SumoEnv-v0_16/
Change the model_path
and stats_path
and run:
The default observation for the agent is a vector:
obs = [SOC_state, charger_state, elig_act_state, dir_state, charge_station_state]
indicates the amount of SOC on the road network pending to be refilled by mobile chargerscharger_state
indicates current road segment, staying time, charging_others bit, charge_self bit, SOC, distance to target vehicle and neighbor_vehicle bit of each mobile chargerelig_act_state
indicates the eligible actions that each mobile charger can take at current road segmentdir_state
indicates the best action of each mobile charger given its current road segmentcharge_station_state
indicates the remaining SOCs that the mobile chargers will have if they go to the charging stations for a recharge
The action space is discrete. Each edge in SUMO network is partitioned into several road segments:
Thus, the possible actions of the agent at each road segment can be illustrated as:
Througout the road network, a mobile charger can only take maximally 6 actions: stay (0), charge vehicles (1), go downstream road segments (2-5).
The default reward function is defined as:
+ 2
if a mobile charger charges an EV withstep_charged_SOC
+ 3 * charger.step_charged_SOC + 0.5 * (1 - before_SOC)
if a mobile charger charges itself withstep_charged_SOC
+ 8e-2
if a mobile charger takes the best action- 8e-2
if a mobile charger takes an action different from the best one- 8e-1
if a mobile charger takes an ineligible action given its current road segment- 300
if a mobile charger exhausts its SOC+ 250
if the agent succeeds in charging all the EVs and support the completion of their trips
If you use this repository, please cite:
title={MobiCharger: Optimal Scheduling for Cooperative EV-to-EV Dynamic Wireless Charging},
author={Yan, Li and Shen, Haiying and Kang, Liuwang and Zhao, Juanjuan and Zhang, Zhe and Xu, Chengzhong},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing},
volume={Early Access},