The benchmark is described in: There are three tables ssibench-{1,2,3} with two non-null integer and ten variable sized character columns b_value-{1,2,...,10}; one of integer column is a primary key b_int_key. Each table has 100K items.
There is a read-only transaction and a read-update transaction. Read-only transactions consists of a single select-from-where query:
SELECT sum(b int value) FROM ssibench-i
WHERE b int key > :id and b int key <= :id+100
Read-update transactions reads 100 rows from ssibench-i and updates 20 rows from ssibench-((i%3)+1):
SELECT sum(b int value) FROM ssibench-i
WHERE b int key > :id and b int key <= :id+100
UPDATE ssibench-((i+1)%3)
SET b value-k = :rand str
WHERE b int key = :id1
OR b int key = :id2
OR ...
OR b int key = :id20
Abort rate of ssibench is very high (25% in my machine). So a transaction is easier to be aborted before its conflict list grows too long.
I tranformed ssibench into a simpler one. There are a read-only transaction and a update-only transaction. Only one table is used so there are more conflicts.
SELECT sum(b int value) FROM ssibench-1
WHERE b int key > :id and b int key <= :id+100
UPDATE ssibench-1
SET b value-k = :rand str
WHERE b int key = :id1
OR b int key = :id2
OR ...
OR b int key = :id20
It is the standard tpc benchmark.
You have to install golang (>=1.6) first. Then run
go run main.go --help
Tips: default means simple ssibench.
It relies on the package pq ( If you have some problems when running the code, you can reinstall this package.