Table of Contents
The Generic Testdata Framework is designed to work on top of the Robot Test Automation Framework.
The major goal of this framework is to enable better cooperation between technical team members and functional specialists of a software development team. This means that:
- Technical experts should write keywords and combine them to possible Test Scenarios.
- Functional specialists should have an easy (not too technical) way of specifying new Tests based on those existing scenarios.
Let's take a look at an example from an insurance company where customers have the possibility to enter data on their car using a web application provided by that insurance company. This functionality should be thoroughly tested as mistakes here might easily result in some unhappy customers (and bosses).
One possible Test Scenario could be filling all possible fields with corresponding values (type of car, age of driver, etc.). This needs to be technically enabled by implementing keywords and an order in which those keywords are executed. In addition at least one keyword would be required to check that the calculated result is correct.
The Tests now would fill this Test Scenario with life. Probably an insurance company would have a quite large amount of possible Tests checking that various possible combinations of the provided calculation are working. By using the Generic Testdata Framework functional specialists are enabled to implement Tests using some kind of GUI without the need to know anything about the underlying technical implementation.
Actually the supported GUI is Excel for editing existing and writing new Tests based on existing Test Scenarios. In the long run it is planned to have a web frontend here, but as that one is work in progress it is not yet described here.
This document contains the complete documentation of the Generic Testdata Framework. It is divided into the following main chapters:
- The chapter you are currently reading contains an introduction on the Generic Testdata Framework, the download section and an overview on the different components this framework is composed of.
- The Conceptual Usage Guide describes the ideas and concepts behind this framework.
- The Technical Usage Guide describes how to implement tests using the Generic Testdata Framework together with the Robot Framework.
- The Example-Chapter explains the usage of the Generic Testdata Framework following the provided example.
The most recent version of the Generic Testdata Framework can be downloaded from here:
The corresponding release notes for every version can be found from this page.
The downloaded robot_gtf ZIP-file contains the following components:
- JAR-file implementing the Generic Testdata Framework core functionality.
- An Ant-script that provides functionality to start the Generic Testdata Framework using Ant.
- An Excel-based example that can be used as a template for a new project.
The following figure depicts pretty well the most basic concepts and ideas behind this framework. This is to have a clear division between the (technical) implementation of the tests and the (functional) implementation of individual testcases. Using the differnt input files (input data) the Generic Testdata Framework then generates complete Robot Framework testsuite files. Those can then be further processed as usual by the Robot Framework.
Therefore so-called Test Scenarios are implemented using a template- and metadata-driven approach. Certainly it makes sense to develop these Test Scenarios together with the functional experts or at least get the required input from them. Once the implementation is done different Tests can be easily added by filling in the required parameters into the different Test Scenarios. The following screenshot shows an Excel-file for one Tests-file provided in the example that comes along with the Generic Testdata Framework.
As can be seen from the screenshot in the Excel-sheet it is possible to focus to a great deal on the Tests. Basically it is not at all possible to see how the tests are implemented in the end. It is mandatory to define in each row the Test Scenario that should be used in the first column. Then the name of the test case and a description can be given to have this information available later on in the Robot Framework report file. And it is of course also helpful for structuring the Tests in the Excel-file. It would be also possible to add Robot Framework tags this way. But none of this information is really mandatory beside the name of the Test Scenario and the parameters to the test.
In order to allow the functional specialists to write new tests on their own it would be very beneficial (well, basically mandatory) to define the available Test Scenarios somewhere together with the meaning of the used parameters. On the other hand such a description would be anyway good to have to document the possible tests. It can be seen from the screenshot that some color coding can be used in Excel to make the different purposes of the different columns more clear. It is also possible to define comment lines by using a "##" in the beginning of the first cell or a row or to use empty lines for formatting purposes.
This part of the documentation is split into explaining how to startup the framework using Java or Ant and passing in initial arguments. This is followed by an explanation of how to implement the required Metadata- and Template-files. Those parts can be best checked together with the provided example.
The Generic Testdata Framework is designed to be started from the command line. There are two ways to do so that are supported out-of-the-box:
- Using Java or
- Using Ant
Especially the Ant-Script that is bundled with the download package might be very useful as it does not only support starting the Generic Testdata Framework, but could also be enhanced to start the Robot Framework. No matter which way is used to start the tool, there is only one command line option available, which points to an Argument-file that contains all required options. This way one can easily configure different startup-scenarios and share them among the team (e.g. by checking the Argument-file into some version control system).
The following chapter is explaining the content of the Argument-file. Afterwards the startup using pure Java is explained and then the integration with Ant.
The Argument-file contains mandatory and optional parameters that must (can) be passed to the GTF-Tool. Thus the only command line argument that is accepted is the path to such an Argument-file. It can have any name, but it must have a proper syntax for Java property files (which is not too complicated to achieve ;)). The following list defines the possible arguments:
- ConfigurationDirectory - This is the directory that contains the metadata defintions as well as the template files.
- XlsDirectory - This directory contains the Excel-files that are used as an input to generate the individual Testsuite-Files containing then all the corresponding testcases from such a XSL-File.
- TestsuiteDirectory - The resulting Testsuite-Files are generated into this directory.
- BackupDirectory - If this entry is configured backups of Testsuite Files already existing in the TestsuiteDirectory will be created into this directory. This is especially helpful if during early development sometimes those files might be edited directly to quickly test some changes. .
- InputType - Define the input type, currently supported XLS. This is designed for future use when also database will be supported as an input type.
The following shows an example of an argument file:
ConfigurationDirectory = ./sample/config
XlsDirectory = ./sample/xls
TestsuiteDirectory = ./sample/testsuite
BackupDirectory = ./sample/backup
InputType = XLS
It is recommended to only define relative directories here and no absolute paths. This makes it much easier to share the same configuration between different users and environments.
It should be noted that for the Configuration Directory this results in the following two sub-directories:
- c:\gtf-sample\config\metadata
- c:\gtf-sample\config\template
The main idea of having all arguments bundled in one file is to be able to share the same Argument-file inside a team and project. Furthermore this makes it easily possible to have different ready-made files for different environments (local, CI-environment, etc.).
To execute the Generic Testdata Framework just issue the following command from the directory where the robot_gtf.jar is located (or add the corresponding path information).
java -jar robot_gtf.jar sampleArguments.txt
The above example for starting the tool also assumes that the arguments-file is located in the same directory. This is true for the example that is bundled together with the download. But of course you will adept this to the directory structure of your project. Nevertheless there is one recommendation regarding this which applies to the Robot Framework as well: Always try to setup projects in a way that only relative path information - starting from a root-directory - is used. This makes it much easier to share the project in the team and between different environments without too big changes required.
Please download and install Ant before continuing here.
Ant and the provided build-file allow you to easily start the Generic Testdata Framework on different environments using the same commands. Furthermore it is possible to extend the script to start the Robot Framework (and additional tools like selenium) all from one script. It is assumed that the Ant-script is executed from the directory that contains the Argument-file and the required directory structure below. (Otherwise the script must be adepted.)
For each new project using the Generic Testdata Framework you will probably anyway create a customized copy of the provided Ant-script. At least the name (or path to) the Argument-file must be changed in this one:
<!-- Configuration of the Generic Testdata Framework -->
<property name="robot.gtf.options" value="sampleArguments.txt"/>
Basically then it is possible to start the framework by just issuing:
ant -f robot_gtf_ant.xml
As we have seen in the Conceptual Usage Guide the main implementation task for the Test Scenarios is done in metadata-definitions and templates.
The very basic concept is that every Test is based on one Test Scenario. Basically there must be one set of metadata- and template-files for each Test Scenario. The Generic Testdata Framework is using the name of a Test Scenario to locate the corresponding Metadata-file. The Metadata-file then in turn contains information on the test-case template to be used. But there are two more kind of templates: header and footer. Those are not determinded by the metadata, but by the directory structure of the Test Scenarios. This will be explained a little bit later. For the time being:
- A header-template that contains required imports of keyword libraries and potentially some setup- and tear-down keywords.
- A footer-template which is most of the time empty if the TXT-format of the Robot Framework is used.
- The testcase-template that defines the test scenario by implementing one (kind of) Robot Test using variables in those places where values from the real tests must be used.
Due to the way header- and footer-templates are determined it will be always so that the same header- and footer-templates are used for a whole set of testcase-templates.
The following figure depicts how the Test Scenarios from the Excel-files are matched to the corresponding Metadata-files and thus to the implementation of the Test Scenario.
As mentioned there must be one Metadata-file provided for each test scenario.
Metadata-files are as well defined as Java property files.
They have two different kind of entries.
- TestcaseTemplateFileName - Name of the Testcase template file to be used.
- TestsuiteFilePostfix - Postfix to be used for generated testsuite files.*
If the entry for the TestsuiteFilePostfix is ommitted "txt" is used as the default.
The second part of the Metadata-file does not consist of fixed parameters, but is is a mapping from variable names used in the Template-files to column positions - for that Test Scenario - in the corresponding Excel-file.
Let's take a look at an example as this is always the easiest way to better understand things:
Testcase_Name = 2
Testcase_Documentation = 3
Param_1 = 4
Param_2 = 5
Param_3 = 6
Expected_Result = 7
This means that in the referenced template file there are expressions used like %Testcase_Name%, %Testcase_Documentation%, %Param_1% and so on. At the same time we recognice those parameters from the screenshot of the Excel-file defining the Tests that have been shown above in the Conceptual Usage Guide. Here it is important to note that the (commented) headings used there can (and to some extend should) re-use the names of the parameters used here, but that has nothing to do with how the Generic Testdata Framework works. The only information used is the column number from which the parameter names and values are being used.
This leads us to the last missing item: The template files.
The templates are basically parts of a Robot Framework testsuite. In principle it does not even matter which format is used here, even though it is strongly recommended to use the TXT-format.
The Template-files are referenced by the corresponing Metadata-files and must thus have the corresponding names.
The templates are simply implementing one kind of test - thus a Test Scenario - using whatever Robot Framework keywords are required to do so. The used libraries are imported in a template header-file. As mentioned before the header- and footer-files are the same for all Template-files in one sub-directory below the XLSDirectory configured in the Argument-file.
Let's take a look to the Template-file that is matching the configuration from the previous chapter:
[Documentation] %Testcase_Documentation%
${RESULT}= Calculate Base Function %Param_1% %Param_2% %Param_3%
Result should be %Expected_Result% ${RESULT}
It can be easily seen that the strucutre of the file is simply one Robot Framework testcase. Some high-level keyword "Calculate Base Functions" is obviously implementing the major parts of the test functionality and it is getting then the corresponding variable parameters which will then be filled from the Excel-file when the Generic Testdata Framework is executed. As the whole section will be repeated for each row (of that Test Scenario) from the Excel-file it makes sense to define the testcase name and description as well as variables to have proper values for those later on in the report generated by the Robot Framework.
The Generic Testdata Framework comes along with an easy example that demonstrates the usage of the framework. It must be noted that it only shows how to generate Robot Framework testsuites using the Generic Testdata Framework approach. There are no working Robot Tests provided in the example.
The provided example is using relative path information for all configuration, thus it should work from any directory where you unpack the downloaded ZIP-file. The root directory of this - let's call it "gtf_root" - should contain at least the following files:
- robot_gtf.jar
- robot_gtf_ant.xml
- sampleArguments.txt
Then there is a directory structure below the "sample"-directory that is following the configuration in the "sampleArguments.txt" Argument-file and the conventions used for directory names. The following figure shows an outline of the directory structure:
The example demonstrates the usage of different input directories for different kind of Test Scenarios. One Excel-file is directly located top-level in the XLS-directory, while two other Excel-files are located in the sub-directory called "CalculatorComponent". It can be nicely seen that the directory structure for the input files is repeating in the directory structure of the Metadata- and Template-files. Furthermore this demonstrates the common use of header and footer Template-files from those directories while the _Template_files for the Tests might differ depending on the Test Scenario.
The resulting Robot Framework testsuite-files are generated to the "testsuite"-directory (as configured in the Arguments-file). This directory should be empty in the first place and after starting the Generic Testdata Framework for the example new testsuite-files will show up there. It should be quite straightforward to match how the resulting files are generated from the Template-files and the content of the Excel-files.
To startup the example using Ant just issue the following command from the "gtf_root" directory of your installation:
ant -f robot_gtf_ant.xml
If you are not using Ant the startup using plain Java looks as follows:
java -jar robot_gtf.jar sampleArguments.txt
The example project is hopefully a good basis for starting own projects based on the Generic Testdata Framework. It is recommended to start with a small example to see how things work out. Of course it is also possible to integrate the framework into already existing Robot Tests "relatively" easy as then the template files are basically already available. Of course it depends heavily on the current test implementation how easily this can really be achieved.