Handy terraform scripts for running TiDB on AWS
- Download and install terraform(https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html)
- git clone this project,and execute
terraform init
- modify variables.tf, fill with the cluster topology
- execute
terraform plan
, enter the access key and secret key as prompted - Make sure terraform generates right plan, and execute
terraform apply
, enter the access key and secret key as prompted - After Step 5, you can see the public IP of relay-server,ssh to the replay-server, the tidb-ansible directory will be on /home/ec2-user/tidb-ansible
- After Step 5, you also can see the tidb-dns and monitor-dns, and can use these two DNS to access the monitoring and database
- execute
terraform destroy
to destroy all resources when you do not need to use these resources
Deploy region
- us-east-1
Default EC2 instance type
type instanceType counts typeOfSubnet bastion t2.micro 1 public tidb c4.4xlarge 3 priveta tikv i3.2xlarge 3 private pd i3.xlarge 3 private monitor t2.xlarge 1 private -
Network resource
- 1 VPC
- 1 public subnet
- 1 private subnet
- 1 internet gateway
- 1 nat gateway
ELB resrouce
- tidb provides ELB, expose port 4000
- tidb monitor ELB,expose port 3000
ELB is in public subnet
Security group
- All the ports TiDB needs
Storage resource
- monitor node has a 200GB EBS, tikv nodes have 1.7T NVMe SSD, pd nodes have 880 GB NVMe SSD
AWS key pair
Generating Template File for TiDB ansible
- Generate TiDB-Ansible 's inventory.ini
- First refer to this document to install the AWS cli tool.
- Configure the local AWS cli tool, ~/.aws/config is configured as follows:
region=us-east-1 # Fill in the name of region you need to operate.
touch ~/.aws/credentials, fill with your aws_access_key and aws_secret_key as follows:
- Execute the following command after the above steps are completed.
aws ec2 describe-images --filters "Name=name,Values=amzn2-ami-hvm-*" "Name=virtualization-type,Values=hvm"
Select an AMI from the returned AMI list, modify main.tf file and fill in the OwnerId
value in the list of owners fields in the data "aws_ami" "distro"